13,834 research outputs found

    Scaling in Complex Systems: Analytical Theory of Charged Pores

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    In this paper we find an analytical solution of the equilibrium ion distribution for a toroidal model of a ionic channel, using the Perfect Screening Theorem (PST). The ions are charged hard spheres, and are treated using a variational Mean Spherical Approximation (VMSA) . Understanding ion channels is still a very open problem, because of the many exquisite tuning details of real life channels. It is clear that the electric field plays a major role in the channel behaviour, and for that reason there has been a lot of work on simple models that are able to provide workable theories. Recently a number of interesting papers have appeared that discuss models in which the effect of the geometry, excluded volume and non-linear behaviour is considered. We present here a 3D model of ionic channels which consists of a charged, deformable torus with a circular or elliptical cross section, which can be flat or vertical (close to a cylinder). Extensive comparisons to MC simulations were performed. The new solution opens new possibilities, such as studying flexible pores, and water phase transformations inside the pores using an approach similar to that used on flat crystal surfaces

    Golden Ratio Prediction for Solar Neutrino Mixing

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    It has recently been speculated that the solar neutrino mixing angle is connected to the golden ratio phi. Two such proposals have been made, cot theta_{12} = phi and cos theta_{12} = phi/2. We compare these Ansatze and discuss a model leading to cos theta_{12} = phi/2 based on the dihedral group D_{10}. This symmetry is a natural candidate because the angle in the expression cos theta_{12} = phi/2 is simply pi/5, or 36 degrees. This is the exterior angle of a decagon and D_{10} is its rotational symmetry group. We also estimate radiative corrections to the golden ratio predictions.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure. Matches published versio

    Coherent properties of nano-electromechanical systems

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    We study the properties of a nano-electromechanical system in the coherent regime, where the electronic and vibrational time scales are of the same order. Employing a master equation approach, we obtain the stationary reduced density matrix retaining the coherences between vibrational states. Depending on the system parameters, two regimes are identified, characterized by either (ii) an {\em effective} thermal state with a temperature {\em lower} than that of the environment or (iiii) strong coherent effects. A marked cooling of the vibrational degree of freedom is observed with a suppression of the vibron Fano factor down to sub-Poissonian values and a reduction of the position and momentum quadratures.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Thermophysical properties of near-Earth asteroid (341843) 2008 EV5 from WISE data

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    Aims. To derive the thermal inertia of 2008 EV5_5, the baseline target for the Marco Polo-R mission proposal, and infer information about the size of the particles on its surface. Methods. Values of thermal inertia are obtained by fitting an asteroid thermophysical model to NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) infrared data. From the constrained thermal inertia and a model of heat conductivity that accounts for different values of the packing fraction (a measure of the degree of compaction of the regolith particles), grain size is derived. Results. We obtain an effective diameter D=370±6mD = 370 \pm 6\,\mathrm{m}, geometric visible albedo pV=0.13±0.05p_V = 0.13 \pm 0.05 (assuming H=20.0±0.4H=20.0 \pm 0.4), and thermal inertia Γ=450±60\Gamma = 450 \pm 60 J/m2/s(1/2)/K at the 1-σ\sigma level of significance for its retrograde spin pole solution. The regolith particles radius is r=6.61.3+1.3r = 6.6^{+1.3}_{-1.3} mm for low degrees of compaction, and r=12.52.6+2.7r = 12.5^{+2.7}_{-2.6} mm for the highest packing densities.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The Nt=6N_t=6 equation of state for two flavor QCD

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    We improve the calculation of the equation of state for two flavor QCD by simulating on Nt=6N_t=6 lattices at appropriate values of the couplings for the deconfinement/chiral symmetry restoration crossover. For amq=0.0125am_q=0.0125 the energy density rises rapidly to approximately 1 GeV/fm3{\rm GeV/fm^3} just after the crossover(mπ/mρ0.4m_\pi/m_\rho\approx 0.4 at this point). Comparing with our previous result for Nt=4N_t=4~\cite{eos}, we find large finite NtN_t corrections as expected from free field theory on finite lattices. We also provide formulae for extracting the speed of sound from the measured quantities.Comment: Contribution to Lattice 95 proceedings (combines talks presented by T. Blum and L. Karkkainen). LaTeX, 8 pages, uses espcrc2.sty, postscript figures include

    Electron Spin Dynamics in Impure Quantum Wells for Arbitrary Spin-Orbit Coupling

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    Strong interest has arisen recently on low-dimensional systems with strong spin-orbit interaction due to their peculiar properties of interest for some spintronic applications. Here, the time evolution of the electron spin polarization of a disordered two-dimensional electron gas is calculated exactly within the Boltzmann formalism for arbitrary couplings to a Rashba spin-orbit field. The classical Dyakonov-Perel mechanism of spin relaxation is shown to fail for sufficiently strong Rashba fields, in which case new regimes of spin decay are identified. These results suggest that spin manipulation can be greatly improved in strong spin-orbit interaction materials.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures -revised versio

    Scaling and Universality of the Complexity of Analog Computation

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    We apply a probabilistic approach to study the computational complexity of analog computers which solve linear programming problems. We analyze numerically various ensembles of linear programming problems and obtain, for each of these ensembles, the probability distribution functions of certain quantities which measure the computational complexity, known as the convergence rate, the barrier and the computation time. We find that in the limit of very large problems these probability distributions are universal scaling functions. In other words, the probability distribution function for each of these three quantities becomes, in the limit of large problem size, a function of a single scaling variable, which is a certain composition of the quantity in question and the size of the system. Moreover, various ensembles studied seem to lead essentially to the same scaling functions, which depend only on the variance of the ensemble. These results extend analytical and numerical results obtained recently for the Gaussian ensemble, and support the conjecture that these scaling functions are universal.Comment: 22 pages, latex, 12 eps fig