19,087 research outputs found

    The development and neural basis of referential gaze perception

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    Infants are sensitive to the referential information conveyed by others’ eye gaze, which could be one of the developmental foundations of theory of mind. To investigate the neural correlates of gaze–object relations, we recorded ERPs from adults and 9-month-old infants while they watched scenes containing gaze shifts either towards or away from the location of a preceding object. In adults, object-incongruent gaze shifts elicited enhanced ERP amplitudes over the occipito-temporal area (N330). In infants, a similar posterior ERP component (N290) was greater for object-incongruent gaze shifts, which suggests that by the age of 9 months infants encode referential information of gaze in a similar way to adults. In addition, in infants we observed an early frontal ERP component (anterior N200), which showed higher amplitude in response to the perception of object-congruent gaze shifts. This component may reflect fast-track processing of socially relevant information, such as the detection of communicative or informative situations, and could form a developmental foundation for attention sharing, social learning and theory of mind

    Probing electron acceleration and X-ray emission in laser-plasma accelerator

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    While laser-plasma accelerators have demonstrated a strong potential in the acceleration of electrons up to giga-electronvolt energies, few experimental tools for studying the acceleration physics have been developed. In this paper, we demonstrate a method for probing the acceleration process. A second laser beam, propagating perpendicular to the main beam is focused in the gas jet few nanosecond before the main beam creates the accelerating plasma wave. This second beam is intense enough to ionize the gas and form a density depletion which will locally inhibit the acceleration. The position of the density depletion is scanned along the interaction length to probe the electron injection and acceleration, and the betatron X-ray emission. To illustrate the potential of the method, the variation of the injection position with the plasma density is studied

    Tuning the electron energy by controlling the density perturbation position in laser plasma accelerators

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    A density perturbation produced in an underdense plasma was used to improve the quality of electron bunches produced in the laser-plasma wakefield acceleration scheme. Quasi-monoenergetic electrons were generated by controlled injection in the longitudinal density gradients of the density perturbation. By tuning the position of the density perturbation along the laser propagation axis, a fine control of the electron energy from a mean value of 60 MeV to 120 MeV has been demonstrated with a relative energy-spread of 15 +/- 3.6%, divergence of 4 +/- 0.8 mrad and charge of 6 +/- 1.8 pC.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Influence of the first wave of COVID-19 on asthma inhaler prescriptions

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    In the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic there were major concerns regarding the huge demand for asthma inhalers. Using primary care medical records for 614,700 asthma patients between January and June 2020, we found that there was a substantial increase in inhalers solely in March 2020. Patients significantly associated with receiving higher inhaled corticosteroid prescriptions were younger, of higher socioeconomic status and had milder asthma

    Simulations of Weighted Tree Automata

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    Simulations of weighted tree automata (wta) are considered. It is shown how such simulations can be decomposed into simpler functional and dual functional simulations also called forward and backward simulations. In addition, it is shown in several cases (fields, commutative rings, Noetherian semirings, semiring of natural numbers) that all equivalent wta M and N can be joined by a finite chain of simulations. More precisely, in all mentioned cases there exists a single wta that simulates both M and N. Those results immediately yield decidability of equivalence provided that the semiring is finitely (and effectively) presented.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Sensitivity of double resonance alignment magnetometers

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    We present an experimental study of the intrinsic magnetometric sensitivity of an optical/rf-frequency double resonance magnetometer in which linearly polarized laser light is used in the optical pumping and detection processes. We show that a semi-empirical model of the magnetometer can be used to describe the magnetic resonance spectra. Then, we present an efficient method to predict the optimum operating point of the magnetometer, i.e., the light power and rf Rabi frequency providing maximum magnetometric sensitivity. Finally, we apply the method to investigate the evolution of the optimum operating point with temperature. The method is very efficient to determine relaxation rates and thus allowed us to determine the three collisional disalignment cross sections for the components of the alignment tensor. Both first and second harmonic signals from the magnetometer are considered and compared

    The Discovery and Broad-band Follow-up of the Transient Afterglow of GRB 980703

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    We report on the discovery of the radio, infrared and optical transient coincident with an X-ray transient proposed to be the afterglow of GRB 980703. At later times when the transient has faded below detection, we see an underlying galaxy with R=22.6; this galaxy is the brightest host galaxy (by nearly 2 magnitudes) of any cosmological GRB thus far. In keeping with an established trend, the GRB is not significantly offset from the host galaxy. Interpreting the multi-wavelength data in the framework of the popular fireball model requires that the synchrotron cooling break was between the optical and X-ray bands on July 8.5 UT and that the intrinsic extinction of the transient is Av=0.9. This is somewhat higher than the extinction for the galaxy as a whole, as estimated from spectroscopy.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, and 2 tables. Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal Letters on 27 August 199

    Probing the ISM Near Star Forming Regions with GRB Afterglow Spectroscopy: Gas, Metals, and Dust

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    We study the chemical abundances of the interstellar medium surrounding high z gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) through analysis of the damped Lya systems (DLAs) identified in afterglow spectra. These GRB-DLAs are characterized by large HI column densities N(HI) and metallicities [M/H] spanning 1/100 to nearly solar, with median [M/H]>-1. The majority of GRB-DLAs have [M/H] values exceeding the cosmic mean metallicity of atomic gas at z>2, i.e. if anything, the GRB-DLAs are biased to larger metallicity. We also observe (i) large [Zn/Fe] values (>+0.6) and sub-solar Ti/Fe ratios which imply substantial differential depletion, (ii) large a/Fe ratios suggesting nucleosynthetic enrichment by massive stars, and (iii) low C^0/C^+ ratios (<10^{-4}). Quantitatively, the observed depletion levels and C^0/C^+ ratios of the gas are not characteristic of cold, dense HI clouds in the Galactic ISM. We argue that the GRB-DLAs represent the ISM near the GRB but not gas directly local to the GRB (e.g. its molecular cloud or circumstellar material). We compare these observations with DLAs intervening background quasars (QSO-DLAs). The GRB-DLAs exhibit larger N(HI) values, higher a/Fe and Zn/Fe ratios, and have higher metallicity than the QSO-DLAs. We argue that the differences primarily result from galactocentric radius-dependent differences in the ISM: GRB-DLAs preferentially probe denser, more depleted, higher metallicity gaslocated in the inner few kpc whereas QSO-DLAs are more likely to intersect the less dense, less enriched, outer regions of the galaxy. Finally, we investigate whether dust obscuration may exclude GRB-DLA sightlines from QSO-DLA samples; we find that the majority of GRB-DLAs would be recovered which implies little observational bias against large N(HI) systems.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to Ap

    Distribution of compact object mergers around galaxies

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    Compact object mergers are one of the currently favored models for the origin of GRBs. The discovery of optical afterglows and identification of the nearest, presumably host, galaxies allows the analysis of the distribution of burst sites with respect to these galaxies. Using a model of stellar binary evolution we synthesize a population of compact binary systems which merge within the Hubble time. We include the kicks in the supernovae explosions and calculate orbits of these binaries in galactic gravitational potentials. We present the resulting distribution of merger sites and discuss the results in the framework of the observed GRB afterglows.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to MNRA
