53 research outputs found
Skolungdoms förvärvsarbete 1987
This survey was made at the request of the Göteborg district of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation. The main purpose of the project was to investigate the occurrence of gainful employment in leisure hours and during holidays among senior high school students. The investigation also cover student´s knowledge of rights and duties on the labour market and how different factors as schoolwork, economy and consumption interplay with the occurence of gainful employment.LO-distriktet i Göteborg tog i juni 1986 kontakt med sociologiska institutionen, Göteborgs universitet. Man var intresserad av att få utrett förekomsten av förvärvsarbete på fritiden och under skolloven bland gymnasieungdomar. I första hand skulle förhållandena i Göteborg studeras. Vid fortsatta kontakter utvidgades frågeställningarna till att även omfatta skolungdomars kunskaper om arbetsmarknadens rättigheter och skyldigheter samt hur olika faktorer som skolarbete, ekonomi och konsumtion samspelar med förekomsten av förvärvsarbete. Frågeformuläret delades ut direkt till eleverna under lektionstid av undersökningsledaren - det tog ungefär en lektionstimma att fylla i dem. I samband med undersökningstillfället presenterades projektet och enkäten både i ett informationsbrev och muntligen. Vid detta tillfälle påpekades det att undersökningen var frivillig och att man svarade helt anonymt. Eleverna hade hela tiden möjlighet att ställa frågor om projektet eller om eventuella tveksamheter och oklarheter i frågeformuläret. Föräldrar till ungdomar som ej var myndiga fick några dagar innan undersökningstillfället ett informationsbrev där undersökningen presenterades
Rapport f\uf6r medel erh\ue5llna fr\ue5n Fonden f\uf6r Industrisamverkan inom Chalmers Tekniska H\uf6gskola
Rapporten \ue4r avsedd f\uf6r Fonden f\uf6r Industrisamverkan inom Chalmers Tekniska H\uf6gskola. Den behandlar samma lokalfr\ue5gor som de vilka har varit i fokus f\uf6r f\uf6rfattarna vad g\ue4ller Skaraborgs Sjukhus. Emellertid i detta fall applicerade p\ue5 S\uf6dra \uc4lvsborgs Sjukhus. Det vill s\ue4ga, det \ue4r fr\ue5gan om att f\uf6rs\uf6ka differentiera lokaler s\ue5 att rum (och d\ue4rmed \ue4ven rumsnummer) kan tillskrivas sjukhusets olika verksamheter (enheter). Idag utg\uf6r kostnaden f\uf6r hyra en enda klumpsumma, vilken debiteras \ue5rligen av fastighets\ue4garen (som d\ue4rtill \ue4r en helt annan f\uf6rvaltning, vilken tyv\ue4rr ej helt f\uf6rst\ue5r verksamheterna i lokalerna).Den lokalinventering som f\uf6rfattarna tidigare har genomf\uf6rt inom Skaraborgs Sjukhus motsvarar de demonteringar av produkter (personvagnar och lastvagnschassin) som var helt n\uf6dv\ue4ndiga att genomf\uf6ra f\uf6r att kunna utveckla de sociotekniskt mest avancerade alternativet till l\uf6pandeband (Volvo Personvagnar AB:s fabrik i Uddevalla och de s k monteringsdockor som fanns i Volvo Lastvagnar AB:s fabrik i Tuve). S\ue5tillvida att s\ue5dana demonteringar gav oss en sorts unika referenser \uf6ver verkliga f\uf6rh\ue5llanden, som i sin tur gav oss m\uf6jligheter att re-konfigurera produktinformation. F\uf6r att vi d\ue4rmed skulle kunna utveckla exempelvis arbetsinstruktioner, informationssystem, materialf\uf6rs\uf6rjningssystem etc. Inom sjukv\ue5rden g\ue4llde det d\ue4remot att erh\ue5lla ett f\uf6r \ue4ndam\ue5len konstruktivt grepp \uf6ver samtliga verksamheter f\uf6r att kunna tillskriva dem lokaler (s\ue5dana grepp saknades olyckligtvis helt). Dessutom blev vi s\ue5lunda i vissa speciella avseenden betydligt mer kunniga \ue4r ber\uf6rda praktiker och vi erh\uf6ll d\ue4rmed \ue4ven en legitimitet som forskare som var och \ue4r r\ue4tt ovanlig (exempelvis, vem vill prata med och hj\ue4lpa n\ue5gon som upplevs ej kunna tillr\ue4ckligt om de lokala verksamheterna?)
Attitudes of Blue-Collar Employes Towards Work with Regard to Work and Work Conditions Coupled to Production System Designs
The two authors have in this article manuscript (preprint not yet completed due to the retirement of one of the authors), which has not yet been published, gathered some experiences and insights dealing with a special sort of questionnaires surveys concerning among other things work and work environment matters.It covers a number of questionnaire surveys (nine) conducted within the automotive and manufactory industry during more than a decade. They are in many respects unique since they are all so-called total surveys (embracing all blue-collar employees, but two of the latest ones also includes all of the white-collar employees, i.e. at the Volvo Buss Company located in Bor\ue5s and at the Atlet Company for truck manufacturing located in M\uf6lnlycke (see the other so-called workplace reports, i.e. “arbetsplatsrapporter” in Swedish, registered in Chalmers Public Library CPL).They are unique due to at least two facts. At first, as has already been stated, (1) they are all embracing so-called total surveys (making statistical treatments much easier). Secondly, (2) they are all including complementary data-collections, which in turn has allowed the authors to design particular questions suited for each questionnaire form regarding were and with what the respondent is working (each sole questionnaire form have to suit each single production system design (as well as, rather naturally, these forms must also be understandable, i.e. each and every questionnaire form has been carefully prototyped by the authors).I the latter case, the authors have tried to grasp the function of each and every production system. This have been based on our own constructions of so-called schematic layouts (i.e. explaining who the production system in question functions in practice by means illustrating e.g. buffer, product flows, operators and workgroups position etc.) (these layouts are something else than more geographical-orientated layouts with building walls, ports, positions of aisles and machines, etc.). These schematic layouts are partly based on, as well as substantiated by, our own data collection of company information, interviews, study visits etc.In conclusion, the authors’ method to carry out questionnaire surveys, even though being more labour intensive for the researchers, have some merits. Like the provides far better possibilities to prospect the questionnaire data, especially so in comparison to the common ways to conduct the yearly so-called co-worker questionnaire surveys in Sweden (in fact, such initiatives are in many respect a waste of resources).This particular way (or specific scientific method) open up potentials to construct new so-called analytical categories, which in turns allows others (as well as us) to carry out longitudinal studied for the same case (please remember, the yearly co-worker questionnaire surveys just mentioned). Or to conduct meta-analyses of several different cases, each with its own distinctive characteristics) (like the e.g. unique production system design, workgroup features etc.,). All these matters are treated more in-depth in this manuscript (as well as also in some of the authors’ other publications registered in Chalmers Public Library CPL).A comment (in order to be explicit): Note that by means of this specific method to organize questionnaire surveys (including complementary data collection) it is feasible to couple (softer) questionnaire data to (harder) technical data like operators perception of work and work conditions to parameters like product flow patterns and buffer functions and positions (see the authours\u27 other publications)
Linking Two Automotive Companies Organisational Structures to their Materials Flow Systems
This almost completed article\ua0(preprint not yet published\ua0due to one of the two\ua0authors retirement) is a sort of summarization carried out until\ua0this specific point of time, of the author\u27s combined methods. That is, to analyse production systems using collections of company data, interviews, questionnaire surveys, video-registration, etc. For example, this has been accomplished by means of constructions so-called schematic layouts. Such layouts illuminate the general\ua0function of the production system in question. Especially so, in comparison with e.g. the actual drawings of the building facilities
Utv\ue4rdering av kundanpassad arbetstid vid Volvo Last- och Personvagnar i G\uf6teborg: Tre enk\ue4tstudier ber\uf6rande arbetstider och arbete
This manuscript (preprint not yet published\ua0due to one of the two authors retirement) summaries\ua0some of our questionnaire surveys conducted\ua0som far within the automotive industry (see other\ua0publications registered in CPL). It is a consumer report\ua0for\ua0the Metal Workers\ua0Union\ua0(Metal in Swedish) at some\ua0Volvo plants. with who we have managed to create a long-term cooperation for further initiatives, like these\ua0touched upon in e.g. this publication and elsewhere.The manuscript\ua0underlines an emerges of a sort of preliminary summarization of selected parts of our combined methods to analyse production systems\ua0(of combined data, collections of company data, interviews, questionnaire surveys, video-registration, etc.). For example, this has been\ua0carried out by means of constructions so-called schematised layouts (a more\ua0general\ua0function if the production system in question)
Arbetsplatsrapport enk\ue4tunders\uf6kning vid Volvo Penta Produktion (VPP) februari 2007
Consumer report (“avn\ue4marrapport” in Swedish) for the company in question which was financed by a research foundation. It is a questionnaire survey, in this case, a so-called total survey of all blue-collar employees
Utv\ue4rdering av kundanpassad arbetstid vid Volvo Lastvagnar i Tuve
Consumer report (“avn\ue4marrapport” in Swedish) for the company in question which is financed by a research foundation. It is a questionnaire survey, in this case, a so-called total survey of all blue-collar employees.\ua0This was beginning of a long-term cooperation with the Swedish Metal Workers Union (Metal in Swedish) concerning among other things questionnaire surveys
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