791 research outputs found

    Modeling Ultraviolet Wind Line Variability in Massive Hot Stars

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    We model the detailed time-evolution of Discrete Absorption Components (DACs) observed in P Cygni profiles of the Si IV lam1400 resonance doublet lines of the fast-rotating supergiant HD 64760 (B0.5 Ib). We adopt the common assumption that the DACs are caused by Co-rotating Interaction Regions (CIRs) in the stellar wind. We perform 3D radiative transfer calculations with hydrodynamic models of the stellar wind that incorporate these large-scale density- and velocity-structures. We develop the 3D transfer code Wind3D to investigate the physical properties of CIRs with detailed fits to the DAC shape and morphology. The CIRs are caused by irregularities on the stellar surface that change the radiative force in the stellar wind. In our hydrodynamic model we approximate these irregularities by circular symmetric spots on the stellar surface. We use the Zeus3D code to model the stellar wind and the CIRs, limited to the equatorial plane. We constrain the properties of large-scale wind structures with detailed fits to DACs observed in HD 64760. A model with two spots of unequal brightness and size on opposite sides of the equator, with opening angles of 20 +/- 5 degr and 30 +/- 5 degr diameter, and that are 20 +/- 5 % and 8 +/- 5 % brighter than the stellar surface, respectively, provides the best fit to the observed DACs. The recurrence time of the DACs compared to the estimated rotational period corresponds to spot velocities that are 5 times slower than the rotational velocity. The mass-loss rate of the structured wind model for HD 64760 does not exceed the rate of the spherically symmetric smooth wind model by more than 1 %. The fact that DACs are observed in a large number of hot stars constrains the clumping that can be present in their winds, as substantial amounts of clumping would tend to destroy the CIRs.Comment: 58 pages, 16 figures, 1 animation. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, Main Journal. More information and animations are available at http://alobel.freeshell.org/hotstars.htm

    Line formation in solar granulation VI. [C I], C I, CH and C2 lines and the photospheric C abundance

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    The solar photospheric carbon abundance has been determined from [C I], C I, CH vibration-rotation, CH A-X electronic and C2 Swan electronic lines by means of a time-dependent, 3D, hydrodynamical model of the solar atmosphere. Departures from LTE have been considered for the C I lines. These turned out to be of increasing importance for stronger lines and are crucial to remove a trend in LTE abundances with the strengths of the lines. Very gratifying agreement is found among all the atomic and molecular abundance diagnostics in spite of their widely different line formation sensitivities. The mean of the solar carbon abundance based on the four primary abundance indicators ([C I], C I, CH vibration-rotation, C_2 Swan) is log C = 8.39 +/- 0.05, including our best estimate of possible systematic errors. Consistent results also come from the CH electronic lines, which we have relegated to a supporting role due to their sensitivity to the line broadening. The new 3D based solar C abundance is significantly lower than previously estimated in studies using 1D model atmospheres.Comment: Accepted for A&A, 13 page

    Exploiting indigenous knowledge of subsistence farmers’ for the management and conservation of Enset (Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman) (musaceae family) diversity on-farm

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    Enset (Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman) belongs to the order sctaminae, the family musaceae. The Musaceae family is subdivided into the genera Musa and Ensete. Enset is an important staple crop for about 20 million people in the country. Recent publications on enset ethnobotany are insignificant when compared to the diverse ethnolingustic communities in the country. Hence, this paper try to identify and document wealth of indigenous knowledge associated with the distribution, diversity, and management of enset in the country. Methods: The study was conducted in eight ethnic groups in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Regional State. In order to identify and document wealth of indigenous knowledge, the data was collected mainly through individual interviews and direct on-farm participatory monitoring and observation with 320 farm households, key informant interviews. Relevant secondary data, literature and inter-personal data were collected from unpublished progress report from National Enset Research Project, elderly people and senior experts. Results: Enset-based farming system is one of a major agricultural system in Ethiopia that serves as a backbone for at least ¼ of country’s population. Farmers used three morphological characters, two growth attributes, disease resistance and five use values traits in folk classification and characterization of enset. A total of 312 folk landraces have been identified. The number of landraces cultivated on individual farms ranged from one to twenty eight (mean of 8.08 ± 0.93). All ethnic groups in the study area use five use categories in order of importance: kocho yield and quality, bulla quality, amicho use, fiber quality and medicinal/ritual value. Of the 312 landraces 245 landraces having more than two use types. Management and maintenance of on-farm enset diversity is influenced by systematic propagation of the landraces, exchange of planting material and selective pressure. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the existing farmers’ knowledge on naming, classification and diversity should be complemented with maintenance of the creative dynamics of traditional knowledge and transmission of the knowledge are crucial for constructing sustainable management

    Spatial and temporal distribution of insect vectors of Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum and their activity across banana cultivars grown in Rwanda.

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    Insect vectors of Xanthomonas campestris pv musacearum (Xcm) have played a major role in long distance and plant to plant transmission of Xanthomonas wilt of banana (XW). The prevalence of insects has been reported to vary in space and time. Some banana cultivars have also been reported to attract more insect vectors of Xcm than others. The present study was conducted to determine the spatial and temporal distribution of insect vectors of Xcm and assess their activity across banana cultivars grown in Rwanda. The study was carried out in four banana growing areas of Rwanda selected on the basis of their altitude (i.e.Low, Medium and High). The Kivu Lake Border region was selected as a fourth site due to the high prevalence of XW. Insects were sampled in the four annual seasons (short dry, short rainy, long dry and long rainy) and at different times of the day. During sampling of insects, the incidence of XW-male bud infection was also recorded. Collected insects were immediately sorted into taxonomic groups and conserved in vials containing 70% ethanol for further identification to genus and species level. Five insect specimens in each taxon were put aside for the isolation of Xcm on their external body parts. There was a high prevalence of fruit flies, honey bees and other flies (in other families than Drosophilidae and Tephritidae) compared with wasps, ants and beetles. More insects were recorded in the low altitude area and during the long rainy season. These findings correlated with the observed high incidence of XW in the wet seasons. Incidence of floral infections was higher in the low altitudes declining with the increase in altitude, correlating with the decline in insect activity as altitude increased. The activity of insects on banana male buds varied among banana cultivars, with more activity on beer (AAA-East African Highland (EAH) and ABB types) and dessert banana cultivars compared with cooking or mixed use cultivars. Among the cooking types only ‘Injagi’ and its clone sets ‘Barabeshya’ and ‘Incakara’ attracted large insect populations. Banana cultivars ‘Nkazikamwe’ (cooking AAA-EAH), ‘Impura’ (beer AAAEAH) and ‘Ikinyangurube’ (dessert AAA) possessed persistent male bracts and neuter flowers and were less attractive to flower visitors. These cultivars could be promoted in areas prone to insect vector infections. Timely and proper de-budding should be emphasized with special attention during the rainy seasons and for banana cultivars with non-persistent male buds

    Variation in nectar volume and sugar content in male flowers of Musa cultivars grown in Rwanda and their non-effect on the numbers of visiting key diurnal insect vectors of banana Xanthomonas wilt

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    Insects are a major mode of banana Xanthomonas wilt (XW) spread. High insect activity has been blamed for the high XW incidence in ‘Kayinja’ (ABB-genome) dominated banana landscapes across east and central Africa. ‘Kayinja’ male bud nectar composition reportedly contributes to high insect activity. The variation in nectar composition with agro-ecological zones and banana cultivars and its influence on the number of visiting insects in Rwanda were assessed. Three male buds were collected per cultivar for nectar extraction and analysis using a high performance liquid chromatography. Nectar volume and sugar concentrations varied (P<0.001) across 27 banana cultivars, annual seasons and agro-ecological zone. The highest nectar volume was recorded among the East African highland cooking cultivars (AAA-genome) in the high altitude site and the short-heavy rainy season. Nectar contained three sugars: glucose, fructose and sucrose, though hexose (glucose and fructose) was dominant. The three sugars varied significantly (P<0.001) within each cultivar. The total nectar-sugar concentration ranged from 2.3–32%, with the highest among dessert cultivars ‘Kamaramasenge’ (AAB-genome) and ‘Gisukari’ (AAA-genome). No strong correlation occurred between insect population and total nectar sugar concentration or nectar volume. Insect populations were rather influenced by the weather conditions, the long rainy season characterized by moderate well distributed rainfall recording the highest insect populations as compared to the short rainy season (with heavy rainfall) and the dry seasons
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