82 research outputs found

    Інноваційні чинники макроекономічної динаміки

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    Проаналізовано взаємозв’язок економічних циклів та інновацій. Запропоновано концептуальну схему впливу інновацій на економічне зростання. Обґрунтовано напрями активізації інноваційного чинника задля виходу національних господарств на траєкторію економічного зростання.Проведен анализ взаимосвязи экономических циклов и инноваций. Предложена концептуальная схема влияния инноваций на экономический рост. Обоснованы направления активизации инновационного фактора с целью выхода национальных хозяйств на траекторию экономического роста.The interconnections between economic cycles and innovation are analyzed. Conceptual framework for the influence of innovation on economic growth is proposed. Areas of enhanced innovation factor and output of national economies on the path of economic growth are grounded

    Релігійні традиції дому князів Острозьких та їхня трансформація в умовах реалій ранньомодерного часу

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    У статті розглянуто релігійні традиції дому князів Острозьких та показано їх трансформацію в умовах реалій ранньомодерного часу. Зроблено висновок, що ці традиції виражалися у фундаційній діяльності на користь Православної Церкви, а також у підтримці православної культури.В статье рассмотрены религиозные традиции дома князей Острожских и показана их трансформация в условиях реалий раннемодерного времени. Сделан вывод о том, что эти традиции выражались в фундаментальной деятельности в пользу Православной Церкви, а также в поддержке православной культуры.In the article religious traditions of Ostrozhskis’ princes house are considered and their transformation is shown in the conditions of realities of early modern time

    From Root Infinitive to Finite Sentence : The acquisition of verbal inflections and auxiliaries

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    Across languages, children in the earliest stages of syntactic development tend to omit overt markings of finiteness, such as verbal inflections and auxiliaries: when children use a verb, they use an infinitival form (e.g. Dutch) or a bare stem (e.g. English). From Root Infinitive to Finite Sentence focuses on the omission and gradual rise of finiteness in early child language. Spontaneous speech data from six Dutch children collected over a longer period of time provide the basis for a close examination of the small steps children take in the acquisition of finiteness. The primary question that this investigation tries to answer is: how do children access abstract grammatical properties of the target language? A second goal is to determine the universal as well as the language-specific aspects of the early non-finite stage in different child languages. Experimental data from Dutch and English two and three-year-olds make it possible to compare early non-finite clauses in a true root-infinitive-language like Dutch with those in a bare-stem-language like English. The acquisition of finiteness in Dutch involves learning of the morphological rule of inflection and its syntactic effect: verb movement. It is shown that these grammatical markings of finiteness are fairly hidden in the input of Dutch children and hence, are difficult to acquire. This results in a relatively long phase of use of nonfinite clauses (root infinitives) and the introduction of lexical markers of finiteness by Dutch children. Meanwhile, children build up the lexical knowledge required to derive grammatical finiteness. The author argues that the stepwise acquisition of finiteness from absent via lexical to grammatical finiteness explains semantic as well as structural changes in root infinitives, more specifically, the modal shift and the increase of dropped subjects. It is furthermore claimed that contrasts in the aspectual type of the verbs found in finite sentences, on the one hand, and root infinitives, on the other, follow from selection restrictions, cognitive immaturity and patterns in the input, but are independent from finiteness. The experimental results presented in this thesis clarify differences and similarities between Dutch and English, i.e. languages in which root infinitives contain true infinitives and bare stems, respectively. In both languages, root infinitives are unspecified default forms that can appear in a wide range of contexts and that characterise a pre-grammatical stage. A comparison between the Dutch and English experimental results reveals a cross-linguistic difference in the meaning of root infinitives: Dutch root infinitives are more often modally used than English root infinitives. This difference is accounted for by the Heterogeneous Set Effect: English root infinitives are a heterogeneous set, because they are indistinguishable from finite sentences with dropped inflection. Consequently, the set of English root infinitives contains 'real' non-finite clauses as well as finite clauses. The Heterogeneous Set Effect does not only explain why English root infinitives differ in meaning from Dutch root infinitives, but also why they contain stative predicates and wh-words (as opposed to Dutch root infinitives

    Поведение водорода при кристаллизации и охлаждении железа

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    С позиций теории направленной химической связи показано, что растворимость водорода в жидком железе и его аллотропических формах α–, γ– и δ–Fe коррелирует с изменением параметра Δе (положительная величина Δе соответствует донорному характеру связи, отрицательная – акцепторному)

    Effects of language impairment and bilingualism across domains: vocabulary, morphology and verbal memory

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    Purpose: This study examined the effects of language impairment (LI) and bilingualism across vocabulary, morphology and verbal memory in a sample of children learning Dutch. Methods: Children (MAGE = 71 months) were assigned to a monolingual group with typical development (TD) (n = 30), bilingual TD (n = 30), monolingual LI (n = 30) or bilingual LI group (n = 30). Vocabulary was measured with the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, morphology with the Taaltoets Alle Kinderen, verbal short-term (VSTM) and working memory (VWM) with forward and backward digit span tasks. Results: Language knowledge (vocabulary, morphology) was affected by LI and bilingualism. Language processing (VSTM, VWM) was influenced by LI only. When language knowledge was controlled, the bilinguals outperformed the monolinguals on VSTM and VWM when TD and LI were collapsed. Bilingualism aggravated the effects of LI for vocabulary. Conclusions: Bilingualism may create a risk for the vocabulary knowledge of children with LI, but might be beneficial for their verbal memory

    The pragmatics of articles in Dutch children with specific language impairment

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    Previous studies have found that the morpho-syntactic aspects of grammatical morphemes, including articles, pose problems for Dutch-speaking children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI). In the present study it is demonstrated that article errors in Dutch children with SLI appear to be modulated by the pragmatic context to some extent. This study examines the pragmatic aspects of articles in 19 6- to 8-year-old children with SLI, comparing the results with those of 26 monolingual typically developing age-matched (TD-AM) and 17 language-matched (TD-LM) children. An elicitation task was used to test the specific discourse-new context (definite articles) and non-specific context (indefinite articles). In both contexts, the SLI group omitted articles more often than the TD-AM group, thus behaving similarly to the younger TD-LM group. The SLI group substituted articles more often than children in both control groups. Many children in the SLI group displayed variable behaviour and relatively many children with SLI used definite articles in non-specific contexts. We conclude that processing limitations in SLI may lead to less stable lexical knowledge of articles and hinder the successful integration of lexical, syntactic and pragmatic information that is required for target-like use of articles

    Towards More Multilingual Practices in the Mathematics Assessment of Young Refugee Students: Effects of Testing Language and Validity of Parental Assessment

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    The study focuses on the assessment of young refugee students, and the role of language and parents therein. Low achievement at tests can stem from lack of knowledge of the content being tested. However, it can also be due to low proficiency in the language of testing. Additionally, poor communication between refugee parents and schools caused by language or cultural differences may lead to underestimation of children’s potential. We investigated, first, to what extent the language factor affects the performance of young Syrian refugee students in the Netherlands in mathematics and, second, the validity of parents’ judgements of their children’s mathematics ability. A linear mixed-effects model with random intercepts per participant was used to analyze the data. Results showed that the students performed significantly better in their mother tongue than in the school language. Additionally, parents’ ratings of their children’s mathematics ability correlated significantly with the mathematics scores on both versions of the tests. The study confirms the value of linguistically appropriate assessments and parental assessment when accommodating refugee students

    Селекція in vitro м'якої пшениці на стійкість до Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici

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    Методом прямої клітинної селекції отримано стійкі до культурального фільтрату Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici калюсні лінії пшениці сорту Зимоярка та індуковано рослини-регенеранти. Вирощено насіннєве покоління R1, лабораторним способом оцінено його стійкість до метаболітів патогену. Виділено форми з підвищеною толерантністю.Методом прямой клеточной селекции получены резистентные к культуральному фильтрату G. graminis var. tritici каллюсные линии пшеницы сорта Зимоярка и индуцированы растениярегенеранты. Получено семенное поколение R1 и проведена его лабораторная оценка на устойчивость к метаболитам патогена. Выделены формы с повышенной толерантностью.By method of direct cellular selection resistant to culture filtrate of G. graminis var. tritici calli lines of bread wheat cultivar Zimoyarka were received, and plants-regenerants were induced. Seed generation R1 was received and its laboratory estimation for resistance to metabolites of pathogen was provided. Forms with the raised tolerance were allocated

    Effects of input on the early grammatical development of bilingual children

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    This study investigates the language development of 2- to 3-year-old Turkish–Dutch bilingual children with different amounts of input quan-tity. Developmental patterns in spontaneous speech data of the bilingual children are compared to those of monolingual children of the same age. It is found that low input quantity leads to slower grammatical development, but only if input is clearly reduced. The observation that not only mean length of utterance but also the development of finiteness can show pronounced delays in bilingual language acquisition contradicts maturational views of grammatical development. However, such overall delays are expected given input-based theories of grammatical acquisition. All four bilingual children show difficulties in establishing the relation between finiteness and expression of grammatical subjects in Dutch. It is argued that cross-linguistic influence, driven by surface overlap between Turkish and Dutch, may account for this observation