14 research outputs found

    Ex-ante evaluation of tightening environmental policy: the case of mineral use in Dutch agriculture

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    Non-point source pollution is notoriously difficult to asses. A relevant example is mineral emissions in the Netherlands. Since the mid 1980s the Dutch government has sought to reduce emissions through a wide variety of measures, the effect of which in turn is monitored using modeling techniques. This paper presents the current generation of mineral emission models from agriculture based on microsimulation of farms in combination with a spatial equilibrium model for the dispersion of manure from excess regions with high livestock intensities within the country to areas with low livestock intensities. The micro-simulation approach retains the richness in the heterogeneity of farm household decision making that are the core cause of the difficulty of assessing non-point source pollution, while using the best available data to track corresponding pollution. Using scenario analysis we are able to assess the possible effects of further tightening of agro-environmental policy.micro-simulation, spatial-equilibrium model, non-point source pollution, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Monitoring grondgebondenheid melkveehouderij: 2015-2017

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    Toen de Algemene Maatregel van Bestuur Grondgebonden melkveehouderij op 1 januari 2016 van kracht werd, verkeerde de Nederlandse melkveehouderij in een expansiefase. Naar aanleiding van de groeiende mestproductie kondigde de overheid in juli 2015 de invoering van fosfaatrechten voor de melkveehouderij aan. Voordat dit stelsel per januari 2018 daadwerkelijk werd ingevoerd, zijn in 2017 via het fosfaatreductieplan ingrijpende maatregelen getroffen om de melkveehouderij onder het nationale sectorplafond van de fosfaatproductie te brengen. De genoemde ontwikkelingen hebben hun weerslag gehad op de grondgebondenheid van de melkveehouderij in de periode 2015-2017

    Verkenning potentie虉le bijdrage pacht natuurgrasland aan natuurinclusieve landbouw : Een modelmatige bedrijfseconomische analyse

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    In the context of the development towards nature-inclusive agriculture, the relationship between the costs and benefits of management of natural areas by Staatsbosbeheer (national forest service) in conjunction with nature-inclusive measures on individual farmland areas was investigated. The analysis was completed for two representative dairy farms and a sample farm for suckler cows. The analysis reveals that, when the proportion of nature-inclusive agriculture increases, it becomes economically attractive for beef farmers to lease a larger area of natural grassland in order to compensate for the decrease of individual roughage production as a result of the nature-inclusive agricultural measures. Additionally, the factors of success or failure in the management of a profitable business were outlined in a qualitative analysis. Interviews support the insights gained from the model analysis in that the lease costs, the agricultural utility value, and the absent need for investment play an important role from a business economy standpoint in the optimum size of leased natural grassland in conjunction with nature-inclusive agriculture

    Monitoring grondgebondenheid melkveehouderij : 2018-2019

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    Toen de Algemene Maatregel van Bestuur Grondgebonden melkveehouderij op 1 januari 2016 van kracht werd, verkeerde de Nederlandse melkveehouderij in een expansiefase. Naar aanleiding van de groeiende mestproductie kondigde de overheid in juli 2015 de invoering van fosfaatrechten voor de melkveehouderij aan. Voordat dit stelsel per januari 2018 daadwerkelijk werd ingevoerd, zijn in 2017 via het fosfaatreductieplan ingrijpende maatregelen getroffen om de melkveehouderij onder het nationale sectorplafond van de fosfaatproductie te brengen. De genoemde ontwikkelingen hebben hun weerslag gehad op de grondgebondenheid van de melkveehouderij in de periode 2015-2019

    Ex-ante evaluation of tightening environmental policy: the case of mineral use in Dutch agriculture

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    Non-point source pollution is notoriously difficult to asses. A relevant example is mineral emissions in the Netherlands. Since the mid 1980s the Dutch government has sought to reduce emissions through a wide variety of measures, the effect of which in turn is monitored using modeling techniques. This paper presents the current generation of mineral emission models from agriculture based on microsimulation of farms in combination with a spatial equilibrium model for the dispersion of manure from excess regions with high livestock intensities within the country to areas with low livestock intensities. The micro-simulation approach retains the richness in the heterogeneity of farm household decision making that are the core cause of the difficulty of assessing non-point source pollution, while using the best available data to track corresponding pollution. Using scenario analysis we are able to assess the possible effects of further tightening of agro-environmental policy

    Verkenning potentie虉le bijdrage pacht natuurgrasland aan natuurinclusieve landbouw : Een modelmatige bedrijfseconomische analyse

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    In the context of the development towards nature-inclusive agriculture, the relationship between the costs and benefits of management of natural areas by Staatsbosbeheer (national forest service) in conjunction with nature-inclusive measures on individual farmland areas was investigated. The analysis was completed for two representative dairy farms and a sample farm for suckler cows. The analysis reveals that, when the proportion of nature-inclusive agriculture increases, it becomes economically attractive for beef farmers to lease a larger area of natural grassland in order to compensate for the decrease of individual roughage production as a result of the nature-inclusive agricultural measures. Additionally, the factors of success or failure in the management of a profitable business were outlined in a qualitative analysis. Interviews support the insights gained from the model analysis in that the lease costs, the agricultural utility value, and the absent need for investment play an important role from a business economy standpoint in the optimum size of leased natural grassland in conjunction with nature-inclusive agriculture

    Conditionaliteit in het GLB : Onderzoeksvarianten voor een verkenning van de deelnamebereidheid bij ondernemers in de primaire landbouw

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    In the current implementation period of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), farmers must meet various legal requirements to be able to apply for direct area based payments from the first and second pillars. In the European Commission鈥檚 proposals for the CAP鈥檚 new implementation period, the Member States must offer proposals to add weight to these requirements; this is referred to as enhanced conditionality. This study analyses the impact of various research variants of enhanced conditionality on the operating costs of a number of representative business types in the Dutch agricultural sector. The aim is to explore the minimum level of the basic payment at which, on average, a business type can still meet the requirements of conditionality. This offers a picture of the range and effectiveness of the conditionality requirements

    Duurzaamheidsindicator begroting 2017 : investeringsniveau duurzame productiesystemen (DP01)

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    Op verzoek van de Tweede Kamer worden de prestaties van het ministerie van Economische Zaken(EZ) jaarlijks gemeten op basis van indicatoren voor landbouw, tuinbouw en visserij die in deRijksbegroting van 2017 tot uitdrukking moeten komen. De indicatoren zijn opgedeeld in vierdomeinen, te weten: Duurzaam Produceren, Kennis en Innovatie, Voedsel en Dier en Natuur,Landschap en Platteland. In dit rapport worden de resultaten van de duurzaamheidsindicator DP01gepresenteerd inzake het investeringsniveau van duurzame productiesystemen in de landbouw envisserij.De totale investeringen in agrarische productiemiddelen zijn in 2014 met 31% gestegen tot3,6 miljard euro, terwijl de totale duurzame investeringen met 5% zijn gedaald tot 925 miljoen euro.Vooral in de landbouw werd meer ge茂nvesteerd in bedrijfsgebouwen. In de glastuinbouw herstelden deinvesteringen in glasopstanden tot het niveau van 2010. De landbouwsector is in 2014verantwoordelijk voor circa 70% van de totale duurzame investeringen. Daarbinnen zijn deinvesteringen in duurzame stallen van groot belang. De verwachting is dat het percentage duurzameinvesteringen in 2016 ongeveer op hetzelfde niveau zal uitkomen als in 2014 (28%)

    Op weg naar grondgebonden rundveehouderij : Verkenning van de beleidsopgave en de effecten van mogelijk toekomstig mestbeleid op areaalbehoefte en -beschikbaarheid, inkomens en continui虉teitsperspectieven in de Nederlandse veehouderij

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    The Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Safety (LNV) asked Wageningen Economic Research to explore the policy challenges and economic effects of various scenarios regarding the implementation of track 1 'land-dependent cattle farming' and track 2 'manure processing on farms without land-dependent requirements' of the future manure policy as specified in the LNV letter to the Lower House of Parliament dated 13 April 2021. The study shows that the distribution of livestock farms in terms of economic continuity perspective remains virtually the same for almost all livestock sectors in the scenarios calculated and given the assumptions used. This does not apply to pig farming. Here the income effects are larger and the share of farms in the class 'sufficient economic continuity perspective' clearly decreases. Depending on the scenario, this decrease varies from less than 1 to over 5 percentage points. The extent of the policy challenge has been explored in particular with regard to the availability of sufficient land for the realisation of land-based dairy and cattle farming