30 research outputs found

    Evaluation of YBa₂Cu₃O₇₋ₓ Bulk Superconductors for High Field Magnet Applications

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    Processing of YBCO single crystals was carried out by solidification of semi-liquid YBCO composition using a seeding technique. Microstructural characterization of the pinning centers was investigated by transmission electron microscopy. Characterization of single crystals was carried out, relating grain size and shape to the corresponding flux profiles. Current densities were calculated based on measured trapped fields. Once circulating currents were established, flux pumping and quenching experiments were conducted. These large single crystals will be incorporated into electromagnetic forming devices for use in the military and commercial aircraft manufacturing and service industries

    Contamination and Surface Preparation Effects on Composite Bonding

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    Results presented here demonstrate the effect of several prebond surface contaminants (hydrocarbon, machining fluid, latex, silicone, peel ply residue, release film) on bond quality, as measured by fracture toughness and failure modes of carbon fiber reinforced epoxy substrates bonded in secondary and co-bond configurations with paste and film adhesives. Additionally, the capability of various prebond surface property measurement tools to detect contaminants and potentially predict subsequent bond performance of three different adhesives is also shown. Surface measurement methods included water contact angle, Dyne solution wettability, optically stimulated electron emission spectroscopy, surface free energy, inverse gas chromatography, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy with chemometrics analysis. Information will also be provided on the effectiveness of mechanical and energetic surface treatments to recover a bondable surface after contamination. The benefits and drawbacks of the various surface analysis tools to detect contaminants and evaluate prebond surfaces after surface treatment were assessed as well as their ability to correlate to bond performance. Surface analysis tools were also evaluated for their potential use as in-line quality control of adhesive bonding parameters in the manufacturing environment

    Semantic Architecture of Universal Human Emotions Hypothesis

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    The Semantic Architecture of Universal Human Emotions Hypothesis posits two classes of expectation--each measurable on interval scales--that exist as components of an individual's world-concept or schema such that specific points or regions on a quadrant map of those two classes represented as orthogonal axes correlate to five qualitatively distinct universal human emotions: fear, anger, joy, disgust, and sorrow. Stated briefly, one class of expectation pertains to self-efficacy beliefs and the other to expectations regarding the validating recognition of and acting with favorable respect to one's subjective experiences and preferences. This hypothesis was generated and is explained using theoretical assumptions from cybernetics, Locke & Latham's goal theory, Fishbein's expectancy-value theory, Osgood's semantic differential, Ekman's research regarding facial expressions, Bandura's self-efficacy theory, as well as the theoretical frameworks of multiple person-centered psychotherapeutic approaches (e.g., Rogers, Kelly, Miller & Rollnick, etc.) and Csikszentmihalyi's work regarding flow

    Pendulum-Style Electric Generators

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    Gravity, as we know, is more reliable than sunshine. Fortunately, a device may convert a single activating infusion of energy into otherwise gravity-powered momentum that oscillates direction while the force of its movement is converted into electrical energy. Such a device may be known as a pendulum-style electric generator. What we are working to learn is how to optimize this approach to transforming the initial inputs of surplus motor energy into the final outputs of electrical energy. In other words, given a few different ways to make these devices, which combinations of variables work best for which users in which contexts

    International Longitudinal Study of Empathy in Medical School

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    The literature suggests that empathy among medical students may be responsive to interventions designed to cultivate it, while at the same time the literature also suggests that empathy may nevertheless decline during the third and fourth years of medical school due to "hidden" or "informal" curricula. This project exists to establish an evidence base regarding levels of empathy over time as well as to generate and test hypotheses regarding the nature and mechanisms of hidden or informal curricula that function as empathy antagonists


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    "Tent-pole" project for the development of open source physics and user interface engines for simulations with four spatial dimensions

    Metadata Improvement Project

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    The objective of this OSC project is to improve the definition, collection, curation, and use of open scientific metadata. Possible applications include, but are not limited to, semantically enhanced tools for data exploration and meta-analysis

    Comprehensive Optical Strain Sensing Through the Use of Colloidal Quantum Dots

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    The adaptation of colloidal quantum dots loaded within a polymer for use in nondestructive testing can be used as an optical strain gauge due to the nanomaterial’s strain sensing properties. In this paper, we utilized InP/ZnS colloidal quantum dots loaded within a polymer matrix applied onto the surface of a dog-bone foil pre-coated with an epoxy. By employing an empirical formula and a calibration factor, there is a propinquity between both the calculated optical strain and mechanical stress-strain reference data. Fluctuations are observed which may be due to both additional strain responses not seen by the mechanical data and quantum dot blinking. These results and methods show applied use of this novel optical non-destructive testing technique for a variety of structures, especially for structures which operate in harsh environments