15,733 research outputs found

    Building health research systems to achieve better health

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    Health research systems can link knowledge generation with practical concerns to improve health and health equity. Interest in health research, and in how health research systems should best be organised, is moving up the agenda of bodies such as the World Health Organisation. Pioneering health research systems, for example those in Canada and the UK, show that progress is possible. However, radical steps are required to achieve this. Such steps should be based on evidence not anecdotes. Health Research Policy and Systems (HARPS) provides a vehicle for the publication of research, and informed opinion, on a range of topics related to the organisation of health research systems and the enormous benefits that can be achieved. Following the Mexico ministerial summit on health research, WHO has been identifying ways in which it could itself improve the use of research evidence. The results from this activity are soon to be published as a series of articles in HARPS. This editorial provides an account of some of these recent key developments in health research systems but places them in the context of a distinguished tradition of debate about the role of science in society. It also identifies some of the main issues on which 'research on health research' has already been conducted and published, in some cases in HARPS. Finding and retaining adequate financial and human resources to conduct health research is a major problem, especially in low and middle income countries where the need is often greatest. Research ethics and agenda-setting that responds to the demands of the public are issues of growing concern. Innovative and collaborative ways are being found to organise the conduct and utilisation of research so as to inform policy, and improve health and health equity. This is crucial, not least to achieve the health-related Millennium Development Goals. But much more progress is needed. The editorial ends by listing a wide range of topics related to the above priorities on which we hope to feature further articles in HARPS and thus contribute to an informed debate on how best to achieve such progress

    Evidence for the saturation of the Froissart bound

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    It is well known that fits to high energy data cannot discriminate between asymptotic ln(s) and ln^2(s) behavior of total cross section. We show that this is no longer the case when we impose the condition that the amplitudes also describe, on average, low energy data dominated by resonances. We demonstrate this by fitting real analytic amplitudes to high energy measurements of the gamma p total cross section, for sqrt(s) > 4 GeV. We subsequently require that the asymptotic fit smoothly join the sqrt(s) = 2.01 GeV cross section described by Dameshek and Gilman as a sum of Breit-Wigner resonances. The results strongly favor the high energy ln^2(s) fit of the form sigma_{gamma p} = c_0 + c_1 ln(nu/m) + c_2 ln^2(nu/m) + beta_{P'}/sqrt(nu/m), basically excluding a ln(s) fit of the form sigma_{\gamma p} = c_0 + c_1 ln(nu/m) + beta_P'/sqrt(\nu/m), where nu is the laboratory photon energy. This evidence for saturation of the Froissart bound for gamma p interactions is confirmed by applying the same analysis to pi p data using vector meson dominance.Comment: 7 pages, Latex2e, 4 postscript figures, uses epsf.st

    Adaptive Ising Model and Bacterial Chemotactic Receptor Network

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    We present a so-called adaptive Ising model (AIM) to provide a unifying explanation for sensitivity and perfect adaptation in bacterial chemotactic signalling, based on coupling among receptor dimers. In an AIM, an external field, representing ligand binding, is randomly applied to a fraction of spins, representing the states of the receptor dimers, and there is a delayed negative feedback from the spin value on the local field. This model is solved in an adiabatic approach. If the feedback is slow and weak enough, as indeed in chemotactic signalling, the system evolves through quasi-equilibrium states and the ``magnetization'', representing the signal, always attenuates towards zero and is always sensitive to a subsequent stimulus.Comment: revtex, final version to appear in Europhysics Letter

    R\'enyi entanglement entropy of critical SU(NN) spin chains

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    We present a study of the scaling behavior of the R\'{e}nyi entanglement entropy (REE) in SU(NN) spin chain Hamiltonians, in which all the spins transform under the fundamental representation. These SU(NN) spin chains are known to be quantum critical and described by a well known Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) non-linear sigma model in the continuum limit. Numerical results from our lattice Hamiltonian are obtained using stochastic series expansion (SSE) quantum Monte Carlo for both closed and open boundary conditions. As expected for this 1D critical system, the REE shows a logarithmic dependence on the subsystem size with a prefector given by the central charge of the SU(NN) WZW model. We study in detail the sub-leading oscillatory terms in the REE under both periodic and open boundaries. Each oscillatory term is associated with a WZW field and decays as a power law with an exponent proportional to the scaling dimension of the corresponding field. We find that the use of periodic boundaries (where oscillations are less prominent) allows for a better estimate of the central charge, while using open boundaries allows for a better estimate of the scaling dimensions. For completeness we also present numerical data on the thermal R\'{e}nyi entropy which equally allows for extraction of the central charge.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure

    The Circadian Clock Gene Period1 Connects the Molecular Clock to Neural Activity in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus.

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    The neural activity patterns of suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) neurons are dynamically regulated throughout the circadian cycle with highest levels of spontaneous action potentials during the day. These rhythms in electrical activity are critical for the function of the circadian timing system and yet the mechanisms by which the molecular clockwork drives changes in the membrane are not well understood. In this study, we sought to examine how the clock gene Period1 (Per1) regulates the electrical activity in the mouse SCN by transiently and selectively decreasing levels of PER1 through use of an antisense oligodeoxynucleotide. We found that this treatment effectively reduced SCN neural activity. Direct current injection to restore the normal membrane potential partially, but not completely, returned firing rate to normal levels. The antisense treatment also reduced baseline [Ca(2+)]i levels as measured by Fura2 imaging technique. Whole cell patch clamp recording techniques were used to examine which specific potassium currents were altered by the treatment. These recordings revealed that the large conductance [Ca(2+)]i-activated potassium currents were reduced in antisense-treated neurons and that blocking this current mimicked the effects of the anti-sense on SCN firing rate. These results indicate that the circadian clock gene Per1 alters firing rate in SCN neurons and raise the possibility that the large conductance [Ca(2+)]i-activated channel is one of the targets

    Photography: A Survey of New Reference Sources

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    What a difference a few years make! In the fall 1982 issue of Reference Services Review I described forty reference monographs and serial publications on photography. That article concluded with these words, "a careful reader will be aware that not one single encyclopedia or solely biographical source was included... this reviewer could find none in print... A biographical source proved equally elusive" (p.28)