21 research outputs found
Assessment of phytotoxic action of insecticides on scotch pine (pinus silvestris) seeds
The results of assessment of phytotoxic action of several contemporary insecticides on pine seeds germination are presented. It was found that this pesticides don’t show inhibitory influence on germinating seeds, that allows to recommend investigated insecticides for further assessment of their biological efficacy against pests of pine stands
The wood mechanical properties changes of norway spruce dying and dead tree
The article contains results of the studies of influence of tree death prescription on the mechanical properties of dead wood in the centers of Norway spruce shrinkage. It was found that the strength and exploitative qualities of spruce wood are reduced in the direct proportion to the increase of tree death prescription. At the same time mechanical properties of wood are reducedslightly with the age of dead tree up to 5 years
Intrapopulation control mechanisms in population dynamics of eight-toothed bark beetle
Entomological analysis of model trees that are inhabited by bark beetle Ips typographus L. in forest pest center of drying spruce in the Orsha-Mogilev forest growing region allowed us to determine population figures of the bark beetle and to analyze the dependence of some indicators from population density. It was found that population density can be alimiting regulator of the number of bark beetle among intrapopulation regulatory mechanisms in the population dynamics
Assessment of biological efficiency of existent insecticides against forest pests
The results of testing and assessment of biological efficiency of several current insecticides from neonicotinoids against pests of forest stands are reviewed. Their high efficiency against biting and suctorial pests of coniferous and deciduous stands is revealed. Application of the insecticides has led to reduction of pine stands damage caused by different groups of pests by 69.9–100%, of birch stands against aphides 100%. Obtained data are given to the firms for registration of the insecticides in the forest stands
Assessing of the biological effectiveness of the biological preparation Aktofit approved for use in the FSC-certified forestries
Use of all registered in the “State Register ...” insecticides except Aktara, W DG was banned in the FSC-certified forest enterprises of the Republic of Belarus since September 2015. Registration trials of a biological product Aktofit 0.2%, CE for protection of harvested timber from spruce stems pests, as well as against Aradus cinnamomeus un the pine stands were conducted in field conditions. In applying the drug Aktofit 0.2%, CE mortality of parental generation of ba rk beetles after treatment at a concentration of 0.4 and 0.5% on third day was 80.9 and 86.6%, and on the seventh day – 82.2 and 89.9%, respectively. In tests on pine stands insecticide Aktofit 0.2%, CE showed a fairly high efficiency against A. cinnamomeus Panz. The use of this preparation to the flow rate of 0.5 and 0.6 l/ha provided the biological effectiveness on the seventh day of 68.9 and 73.4% respectively, which is comparable with the level of
the model chemical insecticide Tanrek, WDC (0.5 l/ha) recommended for use in forest stands. Application of biological products is not contrary to FSC policy that makes it possible to use Aktofit in the forestry
Структура системи керування маршовим рухом засобу морської робототехніки з гідробіонічним рушієм
Блінцов, В. С. Структура системи керування маршовим рухом засобу морської робототехніки з гідробіонічним рушієм = Structure of the control system for march movement of marine robotics equipment with a hydrobionic propulsion / В. С. Блінцов, С. І. Ольшевський // Зб. наук. пр. НУК. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2020. – № 2 (480). – С. 68–78.Анотація. Проаналізовано принципи побудови та особливості структури систем керування засобами морської робототехніки, зокрема з гідробіоничними рушіями. Обґрунтовано доцільність використання ієрархічної структури зі значною автономністю окремих рівнів. Визначено структуру системи автоматичного керування плавниковим гідробіонічним рушієм типу тунця. Для вирішення поставлених завдань використовуються методи комп’ютерного моделювання, спеціальних розділів теорії автоматичного керування у частині синтезу нелінійних та дискретних систем керування, системи автоматизованого проектування апаратних та програмних засобів систем автоматичного керування. Розробка структури системи автоматичного керування плавниковим рушієм типу тунця та визначення її місця в загальній ієрархічній структурі системи керування засобами морської робототехніки дало змогу визначити вимоги до апаратної та програмної частин системи автоматичного керування рушієм. Синтезована схема може слугувати прототипом для побудови системи автоматичного керування рухом автономних ненаселених підводних апаратів із гідробіоничними рушіями. Використовування синтезованої раніш моделі кінематики рушія типу тунця дає змогу підвищити точність і забезпечити керованість на всіх ділянках циклу роботи плавникового рушія. На базі розробленої блок-схеми алгоритму роботи мікроконтролера можливо реалізовувати необхідні закони керування плавниковим рушієм. Подальші дослідження передбачають уточнення математичних моделей, розробку діючого зразка системи автоматичного керування та рушія і дослідження їх роботи в комплексі.Abstract. The principles of construction and peculiarities of the structure of control systems for marine robotics, in particular with hydrobionic propulsion, are analyzed. The expediency of using a hierarchical structure with considerable autonomy of individual levels is substantiated. The structure of the system for automatic control of tuna hydrofibric propulsion system was determined. Computer simulation, special sections of the theory of automatic control in the synthesis of nonlinear and discrete control systems, computer-aided design of hardware and software of automatic control systems are used to solve these problems. The development of the structure of the Tuna type automatic control system and its location in the overall hierarchical structure of the marine robotics control system made it possible to determine the requirements for the hardware and software of the automatic control system. The synthesized circuit can serve as a prototype for the construction of an automatic motion control system for autonomous, unpopulated submarines with hydrobionic propulsion. The use of the previously synthesized kinematics model of tuna propulsion engine allows to increase the accuracy and to ensure controllability in all parts of the fin cycle. Based on the developed block diagram of the algorithm of operation of the microcontroller, it is possible to implement the necessary control laws for the fin propulsion. Further research involves the refinement of mathematical models, the development of a working model of the automatic control system and propulsion and the study of their work in the complex
Розробка модульної системи iнформацiйного обмiну прив'язної пiдводної системи
Блiнцов, О. В. Розробка модульної системи iнформацiйного обмiну прив'язної пiдводної системи = Designing the modular data exchange system of a tethered underwater system / О. В. Блiнцов, В. I. Корицький // Зб. наук. пр. НУК. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2015. – № 2 (458). – С. 94–101.Описано структуру системи iнформацiйного обмiну прив'язної пiдводної системи, яка органiзована на основi принципу модульностi. Базовим елементом системи є розроблений в рамках даної статтi розширювач iнтерфейсiв, який гарантує програмне забезпечення поста керування можливiстю прозорого з'єднання з виконавчим i вимiрювальним обладнанням пiдводного апарата.The functionality of a tethered underwater system largely depends on the simplicity of the processes of modification and extension of the structure of executive and measurement equipment. Moreover, during the execution of underwater works the performance of the control system of an underwater vehicle is also important. The modular data exchange system that provides increase in the performance of the control system of an underwater vehicle and the ease of modification of its structure has been designed. The structure of the data exchange system and technical and algorithmic support of its basic element – the interface expander – are developed. The data exchange system has a flexible structure and provides the ability to control executive equipment based on digital data exchange interfaces. The organization of clear interaction of third-party software with executive and measurement equipment of an underwater vehicle without any modification of its software and hardware is the distinctive feature of the system. The developed system may be applied in the design of tethered underwater systems. Interface expanders may be used to extend the list of executive and measurement equipment of existing underwater vehicles.Предложена структура системы информационного обмена привязной подводной системы, которая организована на основе принципа модульности. Базовым элементом системы является разработанный в рамках данной статьи расширитель интерфейсов, гарантирующий программное обеспечение поста управления возможностью прозрачного соединения с исполнительным и измерительным оборудованием подводного аппарата
The comparative analysis of a state of spruse stands state on the constant test of forestry’s
Data on the volume of the current and general attrition at the constant experimental plats in spruce stands in the forestry’s during 2004–2013 are analysed. According to the forestry’s and the results of own inspections of the constant experimental plats, the comparative analysis of the spruce stands state on constant experimental plats of Tolochin forestry, Cherven forestry, Chausy forestry and Borisov skilled forestry is made. As a result dynamics of state changes in spruce stands at the experimental plats for 2011–2014 and dynamics of dead wood formation in spruce stands is presented. The current as-sessment of the constant experimental plats condition on the average category of state and according to the current and general attrition is also given. The reasons of difference between our and forestry data on the assessment of a condition of spruce stands on constant trial squares are analysed and discussed.
It is established that in a number of the surveyed constant experimental plats of the forestry’s there is an overestimate of an assessment of a condition of spruce forest stands that can lead to an inexact assessment of current state of spruce plantings in a number of regions of the republic
Вesign of automatic control system of spatial motion of a remotely operated underwater vehicle under uncertainty conditions
Блінцов, О. В. Розробка системи автоматичного керування просторовим рухом телекерованого підводного апарата в умовах невизначеності = Вesign of automatic control system of spatial motion of a remotely operated underwater vehicle under uncertainty conditions / О. В. Блінцов, В. І. Корицький // Shipbuilding & Marine Infrastructure. – 2019. – № 1 (11). – С. 85–95.Анотація. Мета. У роботі розроблено систему автоматичного керування просторовим рухом телекерованого підводного апарата, яка забезпечує високу якість процесів керування в умовах обмежень та невизначеності. Методика. Для вирішення задачі автоматизації керування просторовим рухом телекерованого підводного апарата запропоновано багатовимірний закон керування на основі мінімізації локальних функціоналів методом градієнтного пошуку другого порядку. Високу якість керування рухом підводного апарата в умовах обмежень забезпечено введенням до системи задавача інтенсивності, який побудовано на основі багатовимірної лінійної моделі об’єкта керування та регулятора, який синтезовано методом оберненої динаміки.Abstract. Aim. In the paper an automated control system of a spatial motion of a remotely operated underwater vehicle that provides high quality of control processes under the conditions of uncertainty and constraints is designed. Methodology. To address the task of the automation of the control of spatial motion of underwater vehicle, multidimensional control law based on the minimization of local functionals performed by the method of gradient search of second order is synthesized. To provide high quality of motion control of underwater vehicle under the conditions of constraints, a new system component – an intensity setter based on multidimensional linear model of the plant and a regulator that is synthesized using the method of inverse dynamics is introduced. Results. To prove the operability of proposed system the simulation of the motion of an underwater vehicle with four controllable degrees of freedom is performed. Automated control system provides transient processes with duration that doesn’t exceed 4 s and overshoots that don’t exceed 2 %of operation area boundaries. After the end of transient processes system follows the setpoint that changes dynamically with relative error that is less than 0,3 % of operation area boundaries. Scientific novelty. In the paper multidimensional control law for a remotely operated underwater vehicle under the conditions of uncertainty based on the pseudo-inverse matrix of the configuration of propulsive complex and the minimization of local functionals performed by the method of gradient search is synthesized. Proposed system may be used to control a remotely operated underwater vehicle with arbitrary configuration of its propulsive complex. The setpoint intensity setter based on multidimensional linear model of the plant and an inverse regulator is synthesized. The usage of intensity setter as the element of automated control system improves the quality of the processes of control of the spatial motion of the remotely operated underwater vehicle under the conditions of constraints. Using proposed control law and multidimensional intensity setter the system of automated control of the spatial motion of the remotely operated underwater vehicle that provides high qualityof the processes of the control of its spatial motion under the conditions of uncertainty, constrained control signals and the influence of external disturbances is synthesized.Practical significance. Proposed system may be used to control a remotely operated underwater vehicle with arbitrary configuration of its propulsive complex. The automated control system provides high dynamic precision of control under the conditions of uncertainty and constraints. Moreover, for the automated control system to function properly the measurements of controlled variables will suffice, the measurement or estimation of derivatives of controlled variables is not necessary
Assessment of phytotoxic action of insecticides on scotch pine (pinus silvestris) seeds
The results of assessment of phytotoxic action of several contemporary insecticides on pine seeds germination are presented. It was found that this pesticides don’t show inhibitory influence on germinating seeds, that allows to recommend investigated insecticides for further assessment of their biological efficacy against pests of pine stands