120 research outputs found

    Language complexity across sub-styles and genres in legal Russian

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    The purpose of the paper is to find out the differences in linguistic complexity between legal documents, opposed by domain, sub-style and genre. The authors explore the large and diverse corpus of Russian legal texts and compare international documents and documents of national law, documents of the three sub-styles (administrative, legislative and justiciary), and texts of differen


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    Разработаны и апробированы обучающие тесты. Они помогают сформировать общие и профессиональные компетенции при обучении математикеThe training tests are developed and tested. They help to form general and professional competencies by studying math


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    Transformation of the mechanism for increasing the investment potential of the territories of Russia in the context of the COVID-2019 pandemic repeatedly strengthens the importance of an active policy in the field of forming the concept of promoting territories in general and in particular in the interregional market of tourist services. In the current conditions of the pandemic, fundamentally new goals and objectives of regional policy create the basis for the search for new tools and technologies in the field of promoting territories in the interregional market of tourist services. At the heart of formation of the concept of promoting the territory in the market of tourist services lies the effective use of its tourist potential and formation of inter-organizational relations in the tourist-recreational network of the territory, which contributes to an increase in the attractiveness of a city, a region on the inter-regional market of tourist services. When forming the concept of promoting domestic regions in the interregional tourism services market, in addition to the consequences of the pandemic, it is necessary to take into account the current long-term trends: insufficient popularization of domestic territories in the tourism services market. The unsatisfactory quality of tourist services provided is confirmed by the contribution of tourism to the gross domestic product of the Russian Federation, which amounted to only 5.0% in 2019, with an average global value of this indicator of 10.2%.La transformación del mecanismo para aumentar el potencial de inversión de los territorios de Rusia en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-2019 refuerza repetidamente la importancia de una política activa en el campo de la formación del concepto de promoción de territorios en general y en particular en el mercado interregional de servicios turísticos. En las condiciones actuales de la pandemia, metas y objetivos fundamentalmente nuevos de la política regional sientan las bases para la búsqueda de nuevas herramientas y tecnologías en el campo de la promoción de territorios en el mercado interregional de servicios turísticos. En el corazón de la formación del concepto de promoción del territorio en el mercado de servicios turísticos se encuentra el aprovechamiento efectivo de su potencial turístico y la formación de relaciones interorganizacionales en la red turístico-recreativa del territorio, que contribuya al aumento de la atractivo de una ciudad, una región en el mercado interregional de servicios turísticos. Al formar el concepto de promoción de las regiones nacionales en el mercado de servicios turísticos interregionales, además de las consecuencias de la pandemia, es necesario tener en cuenta las tendencias actuales a largo plazo: insuficiente popularización de los territorios nacionales en el mercado de servicios turísticos. La calidad insatisfactoria de los servicios turísticos prestados se confirma por la contribución del turismo al producto interno bruto de la Federación de Rusia, que ascendió a solo el 5,0 % en 2019, con un valor global promedio de este indicador del 10,2 %.A transformação do mecanismo de aumento do potencial de investimento dos territórios da Rússia no contexto da pandemia de COVID-2019 reforça repetidamente a importância de uma política ativa no campo da formação do conceito de promoção de territórios em geral e em particular no mercado inter-regional de serviços turísticos. Nas condições atuais da pandemia, fundamentalmente novas metas e objetivos da política regional criam as bases para a busca de novas ferramentas e tecnologias no campo da promoção de territórios no mercado inter-regional de serviços turísticos. No cerne da formação do conceito de promoção do território no mercado de serviços turísticos está a utilização efetiva do seu potencial turístico e a formação de relações interorganizacionais na rede turístico-recreativa do território, o que contribui para um aumento da atratividade de uma cidade, uma região no mercado inter-regional de serviços turísticos. Ao formar o conceito de promoção das regiões domésticas no mercado de serviços turísticos inter-regionais, além das consequências da pandemia, é necessário levar em conta as tendências atuais de longo prazo: popularização insuficiente dos territórios domésticos no mercado de serviços turísticos. A qualidade insatisfatória dos serviços turísticos prestados é confirmada pela contribuição do turismo para o produto interno bruto da Federação Russa, que ascendeu a apenas 5,0% em 2019, com um valor médio global deste indicador de 10,2%


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    Transformation of the mechanism for increasing the investment potential of the territories of Russia in the context of the COVID-2019 pandemic repeatedly strengthens the importance of an active policy in the field of forming the concept of promoting territories in general and in particular in the interregional market of tourist services. In the current conditions of the pandemic, fundamentally new goals and objectives of regional policy create the basis for the search for new tools and technologies in the field of promoting territories in the interregional market of tourist services. At the heart of formation of the concept of promoting the territory in the market of tourist services lies the effective use of its tourist potential and formation of inter-organizational relations in the tourist-recreational network of the territory, which contributes to an increase in the attractiveness of a city, a region on the inter-regional market of tourist services. When forming the concept of promoting domestic regions in the interregional tourism services market, in addition to the consequences of the pandemic, it is necessary to take into account the current long-term trends: insufficient popularization of domestic territories in the tourism services market. The unsatisfactory quality of tourist services provided is confirmed by the contribution of tourism to the gross domestic product of the Russian Federation, which amounted to only 5.0% in 2019, with an average global value of this indicator of 10.2%.La transformación del mecanismo para aumentar el potencial de inversión de los territorios de Rusia en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-2019 refuerza repetidamente la importancia de una política activa en el campo de la formación del concepto de promoción de territorios en general y en particular en el mercado interregional de servicios turísticos. En las condiciones actuales de la pandemia, metas y objetivos fundamentalmente nuevos de la política regional sientan las bases para la búsqueda de nuevas herramientas y tecnologías en el campo de la promoción de territorios en el mercado interregional de servicios turísticos. En el corazón de la formación del concepto de promoción del territorio en el mercado de servicios turísticos se encuentra el aprovechamiento efectivo de su potencial turístico y la formación de relaciones interorganizacionales en la red turístico-recreativa del territorio, que contribuya al aumento de la atractivo de una ciudad, una región en el mercado interregional de servicios turísticos. Al formar el concepto de promoción de las regiones nacionales en el mercado de servicios turísticos interregionales, además de las consecuencias de la pandemia, es necesario tener en cuenta las tendencias actuales a largo plazo: insuficiente popularización de los territorios nacionales en el mercado de servicios turísticos. La calidad insatisfactoria de los servicios turísticos prestados se confirma por la contribución del turismo al producto interno bruto de la Federación de Rusia, que ascendió a solo el 5,0 % en 2019, con un valor global promedio de este indicador del 10,2 %.A transformação do mecanismo de aumento do potencial de investimento dos territórios da Rússia no contexto da pandemia de COVID-2019 reforça repetidamente a importância de uma política ativa no campo da formação do conceito de promoção de territórios em geral e em particular no mercado inter-regional de serviços turísticos. Nas condições atuais da pandemia, fundamentalmente novas metas e objetivos da política regional criam as bases para a busca de novas ferramentas e tecnologias no campo da promoção de territórios no mercado inter-regional de serviços turísticos. No cerne da formação do conceito de promoção do território no mercado de serviços turísticos está a utilização efetiva do seu potencial turístico e a formação de relações interorganizacionais na rede turístico-recreativa do território, o que contribui para um aumento da atratividade de uma cidade, uma região no mercado inter-regional de serviços turísticos. Ao formar o conceito de promoção das regiões domésticas no mercado de serviços turísticos inter-regionais, além das consequências da pandemia, é necessário levar em conta as tendências atuais de longo prazo: popularização insuficiente dos territórios domésticos no mercado de serviços turísticos. A qualidade insatisfatória dos serviços turísticos prestados é confirmada pela contribuição do turismo para o produto interno bruto da Federação Russa, que ascendeu a apenas 5,0% em 2019, com um valor médio global deste indicador de 10,2%

    A social portrait of the Russian trainer

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    The purposes of this paper are to survey Russian trainers to create a social portrait of the professional group and to identify features, which could be arranged as a foothold for transforming this group to a new level given the demands of the modern economy. This study integrates the use of quantitative and qualitative social research strategies to obtain, aggregate, and analyze data characterizing the professional group of trainers in the Russian vocational education and training (VET) system. The basic research was provided by questionnaires in all federal districts (as recognized by international law) of the Russian Federation. The quantitative poll of trainers was conducted by representative two-level sampling. A number of tables and charts provide a social portrait of the Russian trainer. The statistical data reveal the current level of trainers’ education as well as their length of service, distribution of vocations, and other significant features. The overall conclusion from these findings indicates that a typical representative of this professional group is a woman of average or slightly advanced age with a family, who has a VET or higher education, has served as a training officer for not less than 10 years, and who has either been recruited as a highly skilled worker or as a specialist. A typical representative feels the need to change something in the life and teaching of the young people that she knows. The research into trainers as a professional group was conducted first because of their uniformity, and secondly, their typicality as a pedagogical group. In many respects, the main characteristics of the social portrait are similar to characteristics of other professional groups in the Russian education system, such as secondary and post-secondary school teachers, and VET teachers. The study is based on one country. It is the first and only survey of its type in the Russian Federation. The paper provides a unique analysis of the situation with trainers in the VET system of the Russian Federation. © 2016 Kopnov et al


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    One of the current urgent task in medicine, and preventive medicine in particular, is the development of noninvasive (without surgery) methods of diagnosis and determination of the risks of various diseases. Much attention is paid to the possibilities of exhaled breath analysis for the diagnosis of various diseases such as cancer, gastroenterology, diabetes and others. Possibilities of such analyses are determined by a wide range of human exhaled volatile organic compounds. The growing interest in the development of noninvasive methods of diagnosis of diseases by the analysis of exhaled breath initiated the creation of easy-to-use and portable gas analyzers for the mass examination of patients in non-laboratory conditions. The main requirements for such gas analyzers are combinations of portability, speed, sensitivity and stability control. Current article presents a gas chromatographic method of rapid analysis of exhaled breath with an automated calibration of the vapor-phase concentration source that meets all of the above requirements. A portable polycapillary gas chromatography is used, which provides low thresholds for the determination of substances at the time of analysis of a few tens of seconds. The method of obtaining the vapor-phase calibration concentration of acetone vapors at the level of 10-10 g/cm3 is discussed. The calibration unit is integrated into the gas chromatograph (GC), and its software control ensures the automation of GC calibration. The original scheme of the sampling system (SS) provides multiple input samples from a single exhalation of a person and a completely similar input calibration air mixture in GC to reduce the calibration errors. The structure of the software is implemented in convenient terms for the chemist-analyst practice. Original SS, polycapillary gas chromatography, and built-in automated calibration provide real-time analysis of exhaled air in the presence of the patient. The possibility of differentiation of patients by metabolic disorders (metabolism) in the human body by express analysis of exhaled air using the proposed gas chromatographic method of express analysis of exhaled air with automated calibration is illustrated.Key words: automated sample device, express analysis of exhaled air, polycapillary gas chromatography, automated graduation, a head-space source of concentration(Russian) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.2.007A.O. Malysheva1, 3, M.N. Baldin1, V.M. Gruznov1, 2, 3, L.V. Blinova11Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Koptyug Avenue, 3, Novosibirsk, 630090,Russian Federation 2Novosibirsk State University, Pirogova St., 2, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation 3Novosibirsk State Technical University, K. Marx Avenue, 20, Novosibirsk, 630073, Russian FederationВ настоящее время актуальной задачей медицины, в частности профилактической, является разработка неинвазивных (бескровных) методик диагностики и определения риска различных заболеваний. Уделяется большое внимание возможностям анализа выдыхаемого воздуха для диагностики различных заболеваний – раковых, гастроэнтерологических, сахарного диабета и других. Возможности такого анализа определены широким набором выдыхаемых человеком летучих органических соединений. Возрастающий интерес к разработке неинвазивных методик диагностики заболеваний по анализу выдыхаемого человеком воздуха инициирует создание простых в обращении и портативных газовых анализаторов для массового обследования пациентов во внелабораторных условиях. Основные требования к газоанализаторам ‒ это сочетание портативности, быстродействия, чувствительности и контроля стабильности отклика. В статье изложен удовлетворяющий этим требованиям газохроматографический метод экспрессного анализа выдыхаемого воздуха с автоматизированной градуировкой парофазным источником концентрации. Использована портативная поликапиллярная газовая хроматография, обеспечивающая низкие пороги определения веществ при времени анализа в несколько десятков секунд. Обсуждается методика получения парофазной градуировочной концентрации паров ацетона на уровне 10–10 г/см3. Блок градуировки встроен в газовый хроматограф (ГХ), его программное управление обеспечивает автоматизацию градуировки ГХ. Оригинальная схема пробоотборного устройства (ПУ) обеспечивает многократный ввод пробы из разового выдоха человека и полностью аналогичный ввод градуировочной воздушной смеси в ГХ для уменьшения погрешностей градуировки. Структура программного обеспечения (ПО) реализована в терминах, удобных для практики химика-аналитика. Оригинальное ПУ, поликапиллярная газовая хроматография, встроенная автоматизированная градуировка обеспечивают анализ выдыхаемого воздуха в режиме реального времени в присутствии пациента. Проиллюстрирована возможность дифференцирования пациентов по нарушению метаболизма (обмену веществ) в организме человека по экспрессному анализу выдыхаемого воздуха предложенным газохроматографическим методом экспрессного анализа выдыхаемого воздуха с автоматизированной градуировкой.Ключевые слова: отбор выдыхаемого воздуха, экспрессный анализ выдыхаемого воздуха, поликапиллярная газовая хроматография, автоматизированная градуировка, парофазный источник концентрацииDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.2.00


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    Based on the analysis of environmentally friendly burners the problem of creating new designs revealedНа базе анализа экологически безопасных горелок установлены проблемы создания новых конструкций

    Basic problems of creation of wortex burners with compression of the flow at the inlet cones

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    Based on the analysis of environmentally friendly burners the problem of creating new designs revealed.На базе анализа экологически безопасных горелок установлены проблемы создания новых конструкций


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    Kinetics of cesium sorption from low mineralized waters by sorbents based on natural aluminosilicates was studied. It was shown that cesium sorption by glauconite-based sorbents was limited by ions diffusion in porous space, whereas in case of clinoptilolite-based sorbents both internal diffusion and chemical reaction limited the first stage of sorption.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 16-33-00018 мол_а «Влияние форм состояния цезия в природных водах и почвенных растворах на кинетику сорбции ферроцианидными сорбентами на основе алюмосиликатов»

    The valuable characteristics of oats genotypes and resistance to Fusarium disease

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    A comprehensive field- and laboratory-based assessment of the eco-geographical and intraspecific diversity of oats helps determine the parameters, on the basis of which it is possible to select genotypes that may serve as genetic sources for breeding. The study aims to analyze the relationship of agronomic traits of oat genotypes from the VIR collection with resistance to Fusarium disease. The agronomic characters and disease resistance of 340 genotypes of hulled and naked oats belonging to the cultivated species Avena sativa L., A. byzantina C. Koch, A. abyssinica Hoch. and A. strigosa Schreb. of different geographical origin have been tested in field and laboratory conditions in 2007–2009 and in 2014. The artificial infection with Fusarium sporotrichioides Sherb. was used to evaluate bacterial loads and mycotoxin contamination in the oat genotypes. An integral analysis has shown that the duration of the second half of the vegetation period, resistance to lodging and pathogen infection, plant height and panicle elongation facilitate grain infection. It has been found that A. strigosa and A. sativa are less susceptible to Fusarium than A. byzantina and A. abyssinica. Naked oats are more resistant to Fusarium disease if compared to the hulled ones. A comparison of evaluation results for the local and bred genotypes has shown that local accessions with the unilateral panicle and dark-colored floral glumes are more resistant to Fusarium disease. When considering the geographical origin, a higher degree of resistance was discovered in local varieties from China as well as in some accessions from Russia and USA and bred cultivars from Belarus. In total, the characters studied made it possible to identify oat genotypes with high yield and resistance to Fusarium disease