11 research outputs found

    I’ll Drink to That: Differential Effect of Fat Labeling, Weight Salience and Dietary Restraint on Consumption

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    The current study investigated how fat information presented with a beverage affects perception ratings and consumption. Participants consisted of a sample of female restrained (n = 53) and unrestrained eaters (n = 62) who were either weighed before (weight salient) or after (weight non-salient) the experimental session. During the experimental session, participants tasted and rated chocolate milk that was labeled as full fat or low fat in counterbalanced order. While unrestrained eaters perceived the drink labeled full fat as smelling better than the drink labeled as low fat, restrained eaters did not differ in their ratings of the full and low fat labeled drinks. In contrast, restrained eaters consumed more of the beverage when it had a low fat label than a full fat label. Additionally, regardless of restraint classification, when made aware of their weight prior to the taste test, participants consumed more of the beverage labeled as low fat relative to the drink labeled full fat, whereas there was no differential consumption of the drinks for participants in the weight non-salient condition. Overall participants underestimated the caloric content of low fat chocolate milk while overestimating the beverage’s serving size. Findings from the current study suggest that restrained eaters’ consumption is more sensitive to fat labeling than that of unrestrained eaters. Moreover, it appears that regardless of their dieting habits, college age females’ consumption is affected by a reminder of their weight

    The Effect of Brand and Caloric Information on Flavor Perception and Food Consumption in Restrained and Unrestrained Eaters

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    The goal of the current study was to determine whether provision of brand and caloric information affects sensory perception and consumption of a food in restrained (n = 84) and unrestrained eaters (n = 104). Using a between-subjects 2 × 2 × 3 design, female restrained and unrestrained eaters were asked to taste and rate a cookie that was labeled with a brand associated with healthful eating (Kashi®) or one associated with unhealthful eating (Nabisco®). Additionally, some participants were presented with a nutrition label alongside the brand name indicating that one serving contained 130 calories (Low-Calorie Condition), or 260 calories (High-Calorie Condition). The remaining participants were not shown a nutrition label (No Label Condition). Results indicated that those in the No Label or the High-Calorie Condition perceived the healthful branded cookie to have a better flavor than those who received the unhealthful branded cookie regardless of their restraint status. However, restrained eaters in the No Label Condition consumed more of the healthful than the unhealthful branded cookie, whereas those in the Low-Calorie Condition consumed more of the unhealthful than the healthful branded cookie. In contrast, unrestrained eaters ate more of the healthful branded cookie regardless of the caloric information provided. Thus, although restrained and unrestrained eaters\u27 perceptions are similarly affected by branding and caloric information, brands and caloric information interact to affect restrained eaters\u27 consumption. This study reveals that labeling foods as low calorie may create a halo effect which may lead to over-consumption of these foods in restrained eaters


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    Zhvillimi ekonomik I një vendi varet nga shumë faktor, por një faktor kyç është eksporti në vendet e tjera. Eksporti nënkupton shitjen e mallrave dhe shërbimeve në vendet e tjera. Pra sa më shumë që një shtet ta ketë të zhvilluar eksportin aq më I zhvilluar dhe më i fuqishëm ekonomikisht do tëjetë ai vend. Kur tregu vendor nuk përmbush nevojat dhe kërkesat e konsumatorëve atëherë për të përmbushur këto nevoja duhet blerë produkta jashtë vendit pra të bëjmë import të mallrave. Edhe pse me emërtime shumë të ngjashme ekporti dhe importi janë pothuajse të kundërta sa më e zhvilluar të jetë njëra aq me pak do të zhvillohet tjetra. Secili shtet synon që të zhvillojë sa më shumë eksportin dhe të zvogëlojë importin edhe Kosova si vend në zhvillim ka këtë synim. Për ta arritur këtë qeveria e Kosovës vendosi një taksë 100% ndaj produkteve të Serbisë dhe Bosnjës e Hercegovinës të cilat konsideroheshin si importuesit më të mëdhenjë në vend. Pra qëllimi I këtij studimi është të shohim zhvillimin e eksportit dhe importit në Kosovë përgjatë viteve të fundit dhe ndikimi që ka pasur vendosja e taksës 100% ndaj produkteve të Serbisë dhe Bosnjës e Hercegovinës në kompanitë vendore. Ky studim bazohet në të dhënat teorike të mbledhura gjatë shqyrtimit të literaturës për eksportin, importin dhe ndikimin e taksës si dhe në të dhënat empirike të mbledhura përmes pyetësorëve të realizuar në disa kompani prodhuese dhe përpunuese

    Penggambaran perempuan dalam video klip God is a women Ariana Grande

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    “God Is A Women” adalah lagu milik Ariana Grande yang diaman video klipnya. Bahkan menyebut dirinya adalah Tuhan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penggambaran perempuan dalam video klip God Is A Women. Peneliti menggunakan metode semiotik. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui dokumentasi, kemudian teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis semiotika milik Charles Sanders Pierce yang menganalisis menggunakan tringale. hasil penelitian ini menujukan bahwa, penggambaran perempuan dalam video klip God Is A Women dari perempuan yang digambarkan sebagai Tuhan, memegang kekuasaan, mengorbankan diri dan memberikan kehidupan

    Penggambaran perempuan dalam video klip God is a women Ariana Grande

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    “God Is A Women” adalah lagu milik Ariana Grande yang diaman video klipnya. Bahkan menyebut dirinya adalah Tuhan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penggambaran perempuan dalam video klip God Is A Women. Peneliti menggunakan metode semiotik. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui dokumentasi, kemudian teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis semiotika milik Charles Sanders Pierce yang menganalisis menggunakan tringale. hasil penelitian ini menujukan bahwa, penggambaran perempuan dalam video klip God Is A Women dari perempuan yang digambarkan sebagai Tuhan, memegang kekuasaan, mengorbankan diri dan memberikan kehidupan

    Test of Scintillating Fibres Prototype Detectors using the OPERA front-end read out chip

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    This paper reports on the test beam performed in autumn 2005 with a setup using a chip developed for the OPERA experiment to readout signal produced by a scintillating fibres detector. The goals of this test beam period were mainly to check the performances of this type of detector as well as the possibility to use the OPERA chip. The results presented here confirm the possibility to use a similar detector for the future ATLAS luminometer as well as an ASIC with twice more channels than the OPERA chip and with some more functionality