24 research outputs found

    The virus in territory, between perceptions and measures

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    The handling of the health crisis resulting from the Covid19 pandemic has brought out the discrepancy between a centralizing State, in charge of its population’s safety, that in an emergency health situation applies uniform measures to the entire country, and a population whose everyday experience in its territory doesn’t necessarily reflect the same interpretation of the event and the logic behind the actions taken. We think that it might be interesting to consider the gap that may exist bet..

    Handreichung fĂŒr Ausbilderinnen und Ausbilder im Einzelhandel

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    Die Handreichung enthĂ€lt didaktisch-methodische Instrumente fĂŒr die Vermittlung des Themas "Nachhaltigkeit" in der Ausbildung. Ausbilderinnen und Ausbilder im Einzelhandel lernen, wie sie Felder fĂŒr nachhaltiges Handeln im Ausbildungsberuf sowie im eigenen Betrieb erkennen und in entsprechende betriebliche Lernziele umwandeln. Jedes Kapitel der Handreichung endet mit einer Zusammenfassung von LernaktivitĂ€ten und Kontrollfragen, ob das Lernziel erreicht wurde. Eine zusĂ€tzliche Lern-App unterstĂŒtzt die Vermittlung der Inhalte

    Shades of empire: police photography in German South-West Africa

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    This article looks at a photographic album produced by the German police in colonial Namibia just before World War I. Late 19th- and early 20th-century police photography has often been interpreted as a form of visual production that epitomized power and regimes of surveillance imposed by the state apparatuses on the poor, the criminal and the Other. On the other hand police and prison institutions became favored sites where photography could be put at the service of the emergent sciences of the human body—physiognomy, anthropometry and anthropology. While the conjuncture of institutionalized colonial state power and the production of scientific knowledge remain important for this Namibian case study, the article explores a slightly different set of questions. Echoing recent scholarship on visuality and materiality the photographic album is treated as an archival object and visual narrative that was at the same time constituted by and constitutive of material and discursive practices within early 20th-century police and prison institutions in the German colony. By shifting attention away from image content and visual codification alone toward the question of visual practice the article traces the ways in which the photo album, with its ambivalent, unstable and uncontained narrative, became historically active and meaningful. Therein the photographs were less informed by an abstract theory of anthropological and racial classification but rather entrenched with historically contingent processes of colonial state constitution, socioeconomic and racial stratification, and the institutional integration of photography as a medium and a technology into colonial policing. The photo album provides a textured sense of how fragmented and contested these processes remained throughout the German colonial period, but also how photography could offer a means of transcending the limits and frailties brought by the realities on the ground.International Bibliography of Social Science

    Prospective educators as consumers of empirical research: an authentic assessment approach to make their competencies visible

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    Abstract Background Educators today have to be able to make current empirical research results usable for everyday practice. Consequently, there are increasing endeavors to develop and assess competencies in consuming empirical research (CCER) on an academic level. However, problems with regard to recruiting and motivating test participants—rooted in the prevalence of low-stakes testing conditions—could limit confidence in the validity of the findings. The current study presents a structure and proficiency level modeling for CCER under high-stakes conditions. Method The sample comprises N = 155 bachelor students of Human Resource Education and Management. The assessment design of the 26 items complied with demanding standards for designing tests (such as Evidence-Centered Design and authenticity). Results The results are as follows: (1) We were able to confirm our expected structural model which consists of two dimensions (‘conceptual competencies’ and ‘statistical competencies’) instead of one overarching dimension. (2) The test items are of a high quality. (3) Three levels of CCER could be defined according to two task characteristics (cognitive processes and complexity) which explain nearly 100% of the prospective educators’ CCER abilities. Conclusion The results of the study show that we succeeded in designing a reliable and valid test instrument for assessing (prospective) VET-educators’ competencies in consuming empirical research

    Le virus en territoire, entre perceptions et mesures

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    International audienceThe handling of the health crisis resulting from the Covid19 pandemic has brought out the discrepancy between a centralizing State, in charge of its population’s safety, that in an emergency health situation applies uniform measures to the entire country, and a population whose everyday experience in its territory doesn’t necessarily reflect the same interpretation of the event and the logic behind the actions taken. We think that it might be interesting to consider the gap that may exist between the objective knowledge of phenomena likely to impact health, as it can be assessed by scientists or experts on a given space, and their representation by the inhabitants within their own living space in a viral pandemic situation. What happens in fact when top down and bottom up meet? How do the assessment of space, safety-first principle, preventive measures, political decisions and population perception link up? This perception is generally based on representations of the disease and its etiology by non-experts, and results from their everyday-life experience in a given territorial space, whereas the assessment by experts resting on quantified data takes into account a dimension that may be considered as further away from the concerns of populations, more distant, colder. This is at times reinforced by the population’s lack of knowledge about the methods used by scientists. This difference between assessment and perception of the same situation may generate feelings of lack of understanding, inhumanity, especially when the scientific or political line is intended to be more objective and becomes more alarmist than the one “expected” or experienced by the populations. Furthermore, whereas public bodies and institutions are in charge of the community, the population often responds with individual strategies. Then the question arises for researchers of the diversity of behaviours at a time when they are looking for invariants - sufficiently reproducible elements in every places of the country.We’ll exemplify this approach with a case that seems to us to be one of the most emblematic and concerns measures adopted for dealing with the bodies of people who died during the epidemic. We will therefore discuss the application of decisions taken between measures and perceptions of risk, between national measures and local expectations.In regard to the potential risk of virus transmission, we’ll highlight the discrepancies between the advice of scientists and experts to limit interactions whilst preserving the burials’ humanist dimensions (Public Health Authorities advice), the political decision of immediately placing the body in a coffin (decree of 2 April 2020), and the families’ lack of understanding about not being able to come and practice the usual funerary rites; we’ll therefore discuss the implementation of decisions taken between risk assessment and risk perception.We will show how a whole set of decisions taken at the strictly national level has exacerbated identity processes between regions and the capital based on opposition rather than complementarity between measures and perceptions.Le virus en territoire, entre perceptions et mesures. La gestion de la crise sanitaire consĂ©cutive Ă  la pandĂ©mie de la Covid-19 a mis en exergue la discordance entre un Etat centralisateur, en charge de la prĂ©vention de sa population, qui en situation sanitaire d’urgence applique des mesures uniformes sur l’ensemble du pays, et la population dont le vĂ©cu quotidien dans son territoire ne lui renvoie pas forcĂ©ment la mĂȘme lecture de l’évĂšnement et des logiques d’action. Les auteurs (gĂ©ographe et anthropologues) considĂšrent qu'il parait intĂ©ressant de rĂ©flĂ©chir au dĂ©calage qui peut exister entre une connaissance objective des phĂ©nomĂšnes pouvant impacter la santĂ©, telle qu’elle peut ĂȘtre mesurĂ©e par des scientifiques, ou des experts, sur un espace donnĂ©, et leurs reprĂ©sentations par les habitants, au sein de leur espace de vie en situation de pandĂ©mie virale.Que se passe-t-il, en fait Ă  la rencontre du top down et du bottom up ? Comment s’articulent mesures de l’espace, principe de prĂ©caution, mesures de prĂ©vention, dĂ©cisions politiques et perceptions de la population. Ces perceptions sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement fondĂ©es sur des reprĂ©sentations profanes de la maladie, de son Ă©tiologie, et sont issues de leur vĂ©cu quotidien dans un espace territorial donnĂ©, alors que la mesure des experts qui s’appuie sur des donnĂ©es quantifiĂ©es rend compte d’une dimension pouvant ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©e comme plus Ă©loignĂ©e des prĂ©occupations des populations, plus distante, plus froide. Cela est parfois renforcĂ© par la mĂ©connaissance de la part de la population des mĂ©thodes employĂ©es par les scientifiques. Cette diffĂ©rence entre mesure et perception d’une mĂȘme situation peut gĂ©nĂ©rer entre les deux des sentiments d’incomprĂ©hension, d’inhumanitĂ©, surtout lorsque les discours scientifique ou politique se veulent plus objectifs et deviennent plus alarmistes que celui « attendu » ou perçu par les populations.De plus, alors que les organismes et institutions publiques ont en charge le collectif, la population rĂ©pond souvent par des stratĂ©gies individuelles. Se pose alors pour le dĂ©cideur la question de la diversitĂ© des comportements, alors qu’il est Ă  la recherche d’invariants, d’élĂ©ments suffisamment reproductibles qui seraient applicables en tous points du territoire.L'article illustre cette approche Ă  partir d’un exemple qui semble emblĂ©matique aux auteurs et qui concerne les mesures adoptĂ©es en matiĂšre de gestion du corps des personnes dĂ©cĂ©dĂ©es pendant l’épidĂ©mie. Par rapport au risque potentiel de transmission du virus nous mettrons en Ă©vidence les diffĂ©rences entre l’avis des scientifiques et des experts de limiter les interactions tout en conservant les dimensions humanistes des enterrements (avis du HCSP), la dĂ©cision politique d’une mise en biĂšre immĂ©diate (arrĂȘtĂ© du 2 avril 2020), et l’incomprĂ©hension des familles de ne pouvoir se dĂ©placer et pratiquer les rites funĂ©raires habituels. L'article discute donc de l’application des dĂ©cisions prises entre mesures et perceptions du risque, entre mesures nationales et perceptions locales. Les auteurs montrent comment tout un ensemble de dĂ©cisions prises au niveau strictement national a conduit Ă  des processus identitaires exacerbĂ©s entre certaines rĂ©gions et la capitale s’appuyant sur une opposition plutĂŽt qu’une complĂ©mentaritĂ© entre mesures et perceptions

    Le virus en territoire : entre perceptions et mesures.

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    „Labor fĂŒr hybride Gruppenarbeit“ : Learnings zur EinfĂŒhrung eines innovativen, hybriden und aktivierenden Lernraums

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    Mit einem gewaltigen Schritt in der Digitalisierung, raschen Fortschritten und erfolgreicher Umsetzung in der Hochschulbildung ist die RĂŒckkehr zu traditionellen Methoden wie Overheadprojektoren keine Option mehr. Gefordert wird eine „Neue PrĂ€senz“, in der das Beste aus beiden Welten – der Online- und der PrĂ€senzlehre – verknĂŒpft werden. Das HigHRoQ-Projekt hat einen bedeutenden Beitrag zur Transformation der Lehre an der Technischen Hochschule Rosenheim geleistet, indem innovative LernrĂ€ume geschaffen wurden, die innovative Lehre erleichtern. Dazu zĂ€hlt das „Labor fĂŒr hybride Gruppenarbeiten“, welches eine Verbindung der Online- und der PrĂ€senzlehre auf vielfĂ€ltige Art und Weise ermöglicht. Der Raum ist bestens geeignet fĂŒr kollaborative Gruppenarbeiten und die Förderung von aktiven und kooperativen Lernen. Dabei steht die gleichberechtigte Lehre von Studierenden in PrĂ€senz sowie virtuell zugeschaltete Studierende im Fokus. Die technische Ausstattung unterstĂŒtzt Dozierende optimal bei der DurchfĂŒhrung hybrider Veranstaltungen. Das Poster gibt einen Einblick in die Raumgestaltung und die Ergebnisse der Begleitforschung. Es werden praxisrelevante Learnings fĂŒr die EinfĂŒhrung innovativer hybrider und aktivierender LernrĂ€ume abgeleitet