117 research outputs found

    Discretization Dependence of Criticality in Model Fluids: a Hard-core Electrolyte

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    Grand canonical simulations at various levels, ζ=5\zeta=5-20, of fine- lattice discretization are reported for the near-critical 1:1 hard-core electrolyte or RPM. With the aid of finite-size scaling analyses it is shown convincingly that, contrary to recent suggestions, the universal critical behavior is independent of ζ\zeta (\grtsim 4); thus the continuum (ζ→∞)(\zeta\to\infty) RPM exhibits Ising-type (as against classical, SAW, XY, etc.) criticality. A general consideration of lattice discretization provides effective extrapolation of the {\em intrinsically} erratic ζ\zeta-dependence, yielding (\Tc^ {\ast},\rhoc^{\ast})\simeq (0.0493_{3},0.075) for the ζ=∞\zeta=\infty RPM.Comment: 4 pages including 4 figure

    Output functions and fractal dimensions in dynamical systems

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    We present a novel method for the calculation of the fractal dimension of boundaries in dynamical systems, which is in many cases many orders of magnitude more efficient than the uncertainty method. We call it the Output Function Evaluation (OFE) method. The OFE method is based on an efficient scheme for computing output functions, such as the escape time, on a one-dimensional portion of the phase space. We show analytically that the OFE method is much more efficient than the uncertainty method for boundaries with D<0.5D<0.5, where DD is the dimension of the intersection of the boundary with a one-dimensional manifold. We apply the OFE method to a scattering system, and compare it to the uncertainty method. We use the OFE method to study the behavior of the fractal dimension as the system's dynamics undergoes a topological transition.Comment: Uses REVTEX; to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    A Numerical Study of the Hierarchical Ising Model: High Temperature Versus Epsilon Expansion

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    We study numerically the magnetic susceptibility of the hierarchical model with Ising spins (σ=±1\sigma =\pm 1) above the critical temperature and for two values of the epsilon parameter. The integrations are performed exactly, using recursive methods which exploit the symmetries of the model. Lattices with up to 2182^18 sites have been used. Surprisingly, the numerical data can be fitted very well with a simple power law of the form (1−ÎČ/ÎČc)−γ(1- \beta /\beta _c )^{- \gamma} for the {\it whole} temperature range. The numerical values for Îł\gamma agree within a few percent with the values calculated with a high-temperature expansion but show significant discrepancies with the epsilon-expansion. We would appreciate comments about these results.Comment: 15 Pages, 12 Figures not included (hard copies available on request), uses phyzzx.te

    The Oscillatory Behavior of the High-Temperature Expansion of Dyson's Hierarchical Model: A Renormalization Group Analysis

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    We calculate 800 coefficients of the high-temperature expansion of the magnetic susceptibility of Dyson's hierarchical model with a Landau-Ginzburg measure. Log-periodic corrections to the scaling laws appear as in the case of a Ising measure. The period of oscillation appears to be a universal quantity given in good approximation by the logarithm of the largest eigenvalue of the linearized RG transformation, in agreement with a possibility suggested by K. Wilson and developed by Niemeijer and van Leeuwen. We estimate Îł\gamma to be 1.300 (with a systematic error of the order of 0.002) in good agreement with the results obtained with other methods such as the Ï”\epsilon -expansion. We briefly discuss the relationship between the oscillations and the zeros of the partition function near the critical point in the complex temperature plane.Comment: 21 pages, 10 Postcript figures, latex file, uses revte

    Cusp-scaling behavior in fractal dimension of chaotic scattering

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    A topological bifurcation in chaotic scattering is characterized by a sudden change in the topology of the infinite set of unstable periodic orbits embedded in the underlying chaotic invariant set. We uncover a scaling law for the fractal dimension of the chaotic set for such a bifurcation. Our analysis and numerical computations in both two- and three-degrees-of-freedom systems suggest a striking feature associated with these subtle bifurcations: the dimension typically exhibits a sharp, cusplike local minimum at the bifurcation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Revte

    High-Accuracy Calculations of the Critical Exponents of Dyson's Hierarchical Model

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    We calculate the critical exponent gamma of Dyson's hierarchical model by direct fits of the zero momentum two-point function, calculated with an Ising and a Landau-Ginzburg measure, and by linearization about the Koch-Wittwer fixed point. We find gamma= 1.299140730159 plus or minus 10^(-12). We extract three types of subleading corrections (in other words, a parametrization of the way the two-point function depends on the cutoff) from the fits and check the value of the first subleading exponent from the linearized procedure. We suggest that all the non-universal quantities entering the subleading corrections can be calculated systematically from the non-linear contributions about the fixed point and that this procedure would provide an alternative way to introduce the bare parameters in a field theory model.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, uses revte

    A Two-Parameter Recursion Formula For Scalar Field Theory

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    We present a two-parameter family of recursion formulas for scalar field theory. The first parameter is the dimension (D)(D). The second parameter (ζ\zeta) allows one to continuously extrapolate between Wilson's approximate recursion formula and the recursion formula of Dyson's hierarchical model. We show numerically that at fixed DD, the critical exponent Îł\gamma depends continuously on ζ\zeta. We suggest the use of the ζ−\zeta -independence as a guide to construct improved recursion formulas.Comment: 7 pages, uses Revtex, one Postcript figur

    Spectra of random Hermitian matrices with a small-rank external source: supercritical and subcritical regimes

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    Random Hermitian matrices with a source term arise, for instance, in the study of non-intersecting Brownian walkers \cite{Adler:2009a, Daems:2007} and sample covariance matrices \cite{Baik:2005}. We consider the case when the n×nn\times n external source matrix has two distinct real eigenvalues: aa with multiplicity rr and zero with multiplicity n−rn-r. The source is small in the sense that rr is finite or r=O(nγ)r=\mathcal O(n^\gamma), for 0<γ<10< \gamma<1. For a Gaussian potential, P\'ech\'e \cite{Peche:2006} showed that for ∣a∣|a| sufficiently small (the subcritical regime) the external source has no leading-order effect on the eigenvalues, while for ∣a∣|a| sufficiently large (the supercritical regime) rr eigenvalues exit the bulk of the spectrum and behave as the eigenvalues of r×rr\times r Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE). We establish the universality of these results for a general class of analytic potentials in the supercritical and subcritical regimes.Comment: 41 pages, 4 figure

    A Guide to Precision Calculations in Dyson's Hierarchical Scalar Field Theory

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    The goal of this article is to provide a practical method to calculate, in a scalar theory, accurate numerical values of the renormalized quantities which could be used to test any kind of approximate calculation. We use finite truncations of the Fourier transform of the recursion formula for Dyson's hierarchical model in the symmetric phase to perform high-precision calculations of the unsubtracted Green's functions at zero momentum in dimension 3, 4, and 5. We use the well-known correspondence between statistical mechanics and field theory in which the large cut-off limit is obtained by letting beta reach a critical value beta_c (with up to 16 significant digits in our actual calculations). We show that the round-off errors on the magnetic susceptibility grow like (beta_c -beta)^{-1} near criticality. We show that the systematic errors (finite truncations and volume) can be controlled with an exponential precision and reduced to a level lower than the numerical errors. We justify the use of the truncation for calculations of the high-temperature expansion. We calculate the dimensionless renormalized coupling constant corresponding to the 4-point function and show that when beta -> beta_c, this quantity tends to a fixed value which can be determined accurately when D=3 (hyperscaling holds), and goes to zero like (Ln(beta_c -beta))^{-1} when D=4.Comment: Uses revtex with psfig, 31 pages including 15 figure

    Real roots of Random Polynomials: Universality close to accumulation points

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    We identify the scaling region of a width O(n^{-1}) in the vicinity of the accumulation points t=±1t=\pm 1 of the real roots of a random Kac-like polynomial of large degree n. We argue that the density of the real roots in this region tends to a universal form shared by all polynomials with independent, identically distributed coefficients c_i, as long as the second moment \sigma=E(c_i^2) is finite. In particular, we reveal a gradual (in contrast to the previously reported abrupt) and quite nontrivial suppression of the number of real roots for coefficients with a nonzero mean value \mu_n = E(c_i) scaled as \mu_n\sim n^{-1/2}.Comment: Some minor mistakes that crept through into publication have been removed. 10 pages, 12 eps figures. This version contains all updates, clearer pictures and some more thorough explanation
