19 research outputs found

    Predicting streamflow regime metrics for ungauged streams in

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    Abstract Streamflow prediction in ungauged basins provides essential information for water resources planning and management and ecohydrological studies yet remains a fundamental challenge to the hydrological sciences. A methodology is presented for stratifying streamflow regimes of gauged locations, classifying the regimes of ungauged streams, and developing models for predicting a suite of ecologically pertinent streamflow metrics for these streams. Eighty-four streamflow metrics characterizing various flow regime attributes were computed along with physical and climatic drainage basin characteristics for 150 streams with little or no streamflow modification in Colorado, Washington, and Oregon. The diverse hydroclimatology of the study area necessitates flow regime stratification and geographically independent clusters were identified and used to develop separate predictive models for each flow regime type. Multiple regression models for flow magnitude, timing, and rate of change metrics were quite accurate with many adjusted R 2 values exceeding 0.80, while models describing streamflow variability did not perform as well. Separate stratification schemes for high, low, and average flows did not considerably improve models for metrics describing those particular aspects of the regime over a scheme based on the entire flow regime. Models for streams identified as 'snowmelt' type were improved if sites in Colorado and the Pacific Northwest were separated to better stratify the processes driving streamflow in these regions thus revealing limitations of geographically independent streamflow clusters. This study demonstrates that a broad suite of ecologically relevant streamflow characteristics can be accurately modeled across large heterogeneous regions using this framework. Applications of the resulting models include stratifying biomonitoring sites and quantifying linkages between specific aspects of flow regimes and aquatic community structure. In particular, the results bode well for modeling ecological processes related to high-flow magnitude, timing, and rate of change such as the recruitment of fish and riparian vegetation across large regions.

    Framework and tool for rapid assessment of stream susceptibility to hydromodification

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    ABSTRACT: Changes in streamflow and sediment loading associated with urban development have the potential to exacerbate channel erosion, and result in impacts to wetland, riparian, and stream habitats, as well as infrastructure and property losses. The typical ''one-size-fits-all'' management prescription of flow control with retention or detention basins has not been wholly effective, pointing to a need for improved management strategies and tools for mitigating the impacts of ''hydromodification.'' We present an approach for developing screeninglevel tools for assessing channel susceptibility to hydromodification, and describe a novel tool for rapid, fieldbased assessments of the relative susceptibility of stream segments. The tool is based on the results of extensive field surveys, which indicate that susceptibility is the driver of channel response, not the magnitude of urbanization. A combination of relatively simple, but quantitative, field indicators are used as input parameters for a set of decision trees that follow a logical progression in assigning categorical susceptibility ratings to the channel segment being assessed. The susceptibility rating informs the level of data collection, modeling, and ultimate mitigation efforts that can be expected for a particular stream segment type. The screening approach represents a critical first step toward tailoring hydromodification management strategies and mitigation measures to different stream types and geomorphic settings

    Interfacility Helicopter Ambulance Transport of Neurosurgical Patients: Observations, Utilization, and Outcomes from a Quaternary Level Care Hospital

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    The clinical benefit of helicopter transport over ground transportation for interfacility transport is unproven. We sought to determine actual practice patterns, utilization, and outcomes of patients undergoing interfacility transport for neurosurgical conditions.We retrospectively examined all interfacility helicopter transfers to a single trauma center during 2008. We restricted our analysis to those transfers leading either to admission to the neurosurgical service or to formal consultation upon arrival. Major exclusion criteria included transport from the scene, death during transport, and transport to any area of the hospital other than the emergency department. The primary outcome was time interval to invasive intervention. Secondary outcomes were estimated ground transportation times from the referring hospital, admitting disposition, and discharge disposition. Of 526 candidate interfacility helicopter transfers to our emergency department in 2008, we identified 167 meeting study criteria. Seventy-five (45%) of these patients underwent neurosurgical intervention. The median time to neurosurgical intervention ranged from 1.0 to 117.8 hours, varying depending on the diagnosis. For 101 (60%) of the patients, estimated driving time from the referring institution was less than one hour. Four patients (2%) expired in the emergency department, and 34 patients (20%) were admitted to a non-ICU setting. Six patients were discharged home within 24 hours. For those admitted, in-hospital mortality was 28%.Many patients undergoing interfacility transfer for neurosurgical evaluation are inappropriately triaged to helicopter transport, as evidenced by actual times to intervention at the accepting institution and estimated ground transportation times from the referring institution. In a time when there is growing interest in health care cost containment, practitioners must exercise discretion in the selection of patients for air ambulance transport--particularly when it may not bear influence on clinical outcome. Neurosurgical evaluation via telemedicine may be one strategy for improving air transport triage

    A network scale, intermediate complexity model for simulating channel evolution over years to decades

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    Excessive river erosion and sedimentation threatens critical infrastructure, degrades aquatic habitat, and impairs water quality. Tools for predicting the magnitude of erosion, sedimentation, and channel evolution processes are needed for effective mitigation and management. We present a new numerical model that simulates coupled river bed and bank erosion at the watershed scale. The model uses modified versions of Bagnold's sediment transport equation to simulate bed erosion and aggradation, as well as a simplified Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM) to simulate bank erosion processes. The model is mechanistic and intermediate complexity, accounting for the dominant channel evolution processes while limiting data requirements. We apply the model to a generic test case of channel network response following a disturbance and the results match physical understanding of channel evolution. The model was also tested on two field data sets: below Parker Dam on the lower Colorado River and the North Fork Toutle River (NFTR) which responded dramatically to the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens. It accurately predicts observed channel incision and bed material coarsening on the Colorado River, as well as observations for the upstream 18 km of the NFTR watershed. The model does not include algorithms for extensive lateral migration and avulsions and therefore did not perform well in the lower NFTR where the channel migrated across a wide valley bottom. Despite its parsimony, we are confident in the utility of the model for simulating channel network response to disturbance

    What role does stream restoration play in nutrient management?

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    <p>Nutrient pollution is a pervasive water quality problem. Stream restoration has been proposed as a novel approach to reduce loading and increase nutrient processing within streams. We summarize evidence from the literature on the efficacy of stream restoration for reducing nutrient loading and increasing nutrient removal in stream ecosystems. We also analyze published data on streambank phosphorus concentrations and riparian and stream denitrification rates to improve understanding of the potential benefits of stream restoration for phosphorus retention and nitrogen removal. Finally, we discuss the role of stream restoration in nutrient management and provide recommendations for practice and future research.</p

    AGU hydrology days 2004

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    24th annual AGU hydrology days was held at Colorado State University on March 10-12, 2004.Includes bibliographical references.Urbanization of a watershed increases impervious area, and consequently increases stormwater runoff. When left uncontrolled, these increases in stormwater runoff cause downstream flooding, accelerate channel erosion, and impair aquatic habitat. Increases in the magnitude and duration of stormwater runoff that accompany uncontrolled development allow a stream to carry more sediment than it could prior to watershed development. When a watershed cannot supply the stream with the volume of sediment it has the capacity to carry, channel degradation may occur in the form of incision, lateral migration, or a combination of both. This study evaluates the potential impact of watershed development on sediment transport in a prototype headwater stream subjected to typical residential development. Event based and continuous simulations, using 50 years of hourly rainfall records were performed with two climatically different locales. The first in the semiarid climate of Fort Collins, Colorado and the other in a typical southeastern climate, Atlanta, Georgia. Five conditions were evaluated for the study watershed, including: current (undeveloped) conditions, fully developed conditions, without stormwater controls, and fully developed conditions with stormwater controlled using (a) the City of Fort Collins flood control standard, (b) the City of Fort Collins flood control standard and water quality capture volume (WQCV) criteria, and, (c) using common standards of practice in the United States: control of the 100- and 2-year storms to historic peak discharge rates and control of the WQCV. For each scenario examined, sediment transport potential is evaluated for two noncohesive soil types: medium gravel and medium sand

    P.: Placing global stream flow variability in geographic and geomorphic contexts, River Res

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    ABSTRACT The importance of hydrologic variability in sustaining natural riverine ecosystems is now well accepted. Over the last 15 years or so, many typologies and assessment tools have been developed to assist ecologists and managers in describing natural flow regimes in quantitative terms. In the course of this recent progress, however, some critical questions have arisen concerning the degree to which generalizations about flow regime characteristics are geographically dependent both within and among regions, and the degree to which flow variability alone captures critical environmental variability. In this paper we address these issues in a hierarchical framework that allows comparative statements about hydrologic variability to be made a multiple spatial scales, from local to global. First, we examined hydrologic variability among 463 readily available daily streamflow gauges from five continents/ countries around the world: Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Europe, and the United States. Using ordination and clustering techniques, we identified similarities and differences among these gauges. We found that the US gauges exhibited the greatest overall flow variability among a suite of 66 hydrologic indicators, whereas Australian streams showed the greatest influence by interannual variability in flow. Similarities in overall flow regime were greatest between Australia and the US, whereas New Zealand streams were most regionally distinctive. These results support the idea of intercontinental distinction in streamflow variability at a global scale; however, they also point to important similarities in flow characteristics among continents/countries. Second, within the continental United States, we examined how hydrologic variability changes along river profiles as catchment area increases for five river basins arrayed across a gradient of hydroclimatic variation. Using historical streamflow records that precede river impoundment, we found that small &apos;headwater&apos; streams exhibit the greatest similarity in flow characteristics across the basins, as compared to mid-sized and larger river reaches, which often diverged among the rivers. These results reveal the importance of more carefully defining the spatial domain of allowable hydrologic extrapolation from individual stream gauges and emphasize the need to stratify within basins when considering hydrologic variability at regional scales. Third, we used a modeling approach to illustrate how geomorphic setting provides a context for assessing the ecological consequences of flow variation at the local scale of stream reaches. For modeled channels having the same sediment size distribution but with either entrenched or floodplain morphology, we found that the effective regime of bed movement for three hydrologically distinct streams depended as much on geomorphic setting as on flow regime per se. These results emphasize the need to integrate hydrology with geomorphology to characterize &apos;disturbance regimes&apos; at the channel reach scale to allow generation of spatially explicit mapping of flow-mediated habitat dynamics for entire drainage networks within specific regions. In sum, if riverine scientists wish to develop a general framework for comparing hydrologic variability across basins, regions, and continents, a hierarchical approach is advised. At very broad scales, intercontinental differences in flow regimes could allow a stratification of basins to identify similar hydroecological settings. Within continents or hydroclimatically similar regions, finer-scale spatial analysis of flow regime types would further assist in hydrologic stratification, based only on the regionally-relevant components of flow variability. Finally, within hydrologically homogeneous sub-regions, geomorphic stratification could be applied to identify stream reaches or segments having similar hydrogeomorphic properties