3,314 research outputs found

    Testing Yukawa-unified SUSY during year 1 of LHC: the role of multiple b-jets, dileptons and missing E_T

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    We examine the prospects for testing SO(10) Yukawa-unified supersymmetric models during the first year of LHC running at \sqrt{s}= 7 TeV, assuming integrated luminosity values of 0.1 to 1 fb^-1. We consider two cases: the Higgs splitting (HS) and the D-term splitting (DR3) models. Each generically predicts light gluinos and heavy squarks, with an inverted scalar mass hierarchy. We hence expect large rates for gluino pair production followed by decays to final states with large b-jet multiplicity. For 0.2 fb^-1 of integrated luminosity, we find a 5 sigma discovery reach of m(gluino) ~ 400 GeV even if missing transverse energy, E_T^miss, is not a viable cut variable, by examining the multi-b-jet final state. A corroborating signal should stand out in the opposite-sign (OS) dimuon channel in the case of the HS model; the DR3 model will require higher integrated luminosity to yield a signal in the OS dimuon channel. This region may also be probed by the Tevatron with 5-10 fb^-1 of data, if a corresponding search in the multi-b+ E_T^miss channel is performed. With higher integrated luminosities of ~1 fb^-1, using E_T^miss plus a large multiplicity of b-jets, LHC should be able to discover Yukawa-unified SUSY with m(gluino) up to about 630 GeV. Thus, the year 1 LHC reach for Yukawa-unified SUSY should be enough to either claim a discovery of the gluino, or to very nearly rule out this class of models, since higher values of m(gluino) lead to rather poor Yukawa unification.Comment: 32 pages including 31 EPS figure

    Lepton Flavor Violating Processes and Muon g-2 in Minimal Supersymmetric SO(10) Model

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    In the recently proposed minimal supersymmetric SO(10) model, the neutrino Dirac Yukawa coupling matrix, together with all the other fermion mass matrices, is completely determined once free parameters in the model are appropriately fixed so as to accommodate the recent neutrino oscillation data. Using this unambiguous neutrino Dirac Yukawa couplings, we calculate the lepton flavor violating (LFV) processes and the muon g-2 assuming the minimal supergravity scenario. The resultant rates of the LFV processes are found to be large enough to well exceed the proposed future experimental bound, while the magnitude of the muon g-2 can be within the recent result by Brookhaven E821 experiment. Furthermore, we find that there exists a parameter region which can simultaneously realize the neutralino cold dark matter abundance consistent with the recent WMAP data.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures. The version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    An Alternative Yukawa Unified SUSY Scenario

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    Supersymmetric SO(10) Grand Unified Theories with Yukawa unification represent an appealing possibility for physics beyond the Standard Model. However Yukawa unification is made difficult by large threshold corrections to the bottom mass. Generally one is led to consider models where the sfermion masses are large in order to suppress these corrections. Here we present another possibility, in which the top and bottom GUT scale Yukawa couplings are equal to a component of the charged lepton Yukawa matrix at the GUT scale in a basis where this matrix is not diagonal. Physically, this weak eigenstate Yukawa unification scenario corresponds to the case where the charged leptons that are in the 16 of SO(10) containing the top and bottom quarks mix with their counterparts in another SO(10) multiplet. Diagonalizing the resulting Yukawa matrix introduces mixings in the neutrino sector. Specifically we find that for a large region of parameter space with relatively light sparticles, and which has not been ruled out by current LHC or other data, the mixing induced in the neutrino sector is such that sin22Θ231sin^2 2\Theta_{23} \approx 1, in agreement with data. The phenomenological implications are analyzed in some detail.Comment: 32 pages, 22 Figure

    Viability of MSSM scenarios at very large tan(beta)

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    We investigate the MSSM with very large tan(beta) > 50, where the fermion masses are strongly affected by loop-induced couplings to the "wrong" Higgs, imposing perturbative Yukawa couplings and constraints from flavour physics. Performing a low-energy scan of the MSSM with flavour-blind soft terms, we find that the branching ratio of B->tau nu and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon are the strongest constraints at very large tan(beta) and identify the viable regions in parameter space. Furthermore we determine the scale at which the perturbativity of the Yukawa sector breaks down, depending on the low-energy MSSM parameters. Next, we analyse the very large tan(beta) regime of General Gauge Mediation (GGM) with a low mediation scale. We investigate the requirements on the parameter space and discuss the implied flavour phenomenology. We point out that the possibility of a vanishing Bmu term at a mediation scale M = 100 TeV is challenged by the experimental data on B->tau nu and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures. v2: discussion in sections 1 and 4 expanded, conclusions unchanged. Matches version published in JHE

    Yukawa-unified natural supersymmetry

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    Previous work on t-b-\tau Yukawa-unified supersymmetry, as expected from SUSY GUT theories based on the gauge group SO(10), tended to have exceedingly large electroweak fine-tuning (EWFT). Here, we examine supersymmetric models where we simultaneously require low EWFT ("natural SUSY") and a high degree of Yukawa coupling unification, along with a light Higgs scalar with m_h\sim125 GeV. As Yukawa unification requires large tan\beta\sim50, while EWFT requires rather light third generation squarks and low \mu\sim100-250 GeV, B-physics constraints from BR(B\to X_s\gamma) and BR(B_s\to \mu+\mu-) can be severe. We are able to find models with EWFT \Delta\lesssim 50-100 (better than 1-2% EWFT) and with Yukawa unification as low as R_yuk\sim1.3 (30% unification) if B-physics constraints are imposed. This may be improved to R_yuk\sim1.2 if additional small flavor violating terms conspire to improve accord with B-constraints. We present several Yukawa-unified natural SUSY (YUNS) benchmark points. LHC searches will be able to access gluinos in the lower 1-2 TeV portion of their predicted mass range although much of YUNS parameter space may lie beyond LHC14 reach. If heavy Higgs bosons can be accessed at a high rate, then the rare H, A\to \mu+\mu- decay might allow a determination of tan\beta\sim50 as predicted by YUNS models. Finally, the predicted light higgsinos should be accessible to a linear e+e- collider with \sqrt{s}\sim0.5 TeV.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, pdflatex; 3 references adde

    Symmetric Textures in SO(10) and LMA Solution for Solar Neutrinos

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    We analyze a model based on SUSY SO(10) combined with SU(2) family symmetry and symmetric mass matrices constructed by the authors recently. Previously, only the parameter space for the LOW and vacuum oscillation (VO) solutions was investigated. We indicate in this note the parameter space which leads to large mixing angle (LMA) solution to the solar neutrino problem with a slightly modified effective neutrino mass matrix. The symmetric mass textures arising from the left-right symmetry breaking and the SU(2) symmetry breaking give rise to very good predictions for the quark and lepton masses and mixing angles. The prediction of our model for the |U_{e\nu_{3}}| element in the Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata (MNS) matrix is close to the sensitivity of current experiments; thus the validity of our model can be tested in the near future. We also investigate the correlation between the |U_{e\nu_{3}}| element and \tan^{2}\theta_{\odot} in a general two-zero neutrino mass texture.Comment: RevTeX4; 9 pages; 1 figur

    Coherence function control of Quantum Dot Superluminescent Light Emitting Diodes by frequency selective optical feedback.

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    Low coherent light interferometry requires broad bandwidth light sources to achieve high axial resolution. Here, Superluminescent Light Emitting Diodes (SLDs) utilizing Quantum Dot (QD) gain materials are promising devices as they unify large spectral bandwidths with sufficient power at desired emission wavelengths. However, frequently a dip occurs in the optical spectrum that translates into high side lobes in the coherence function thereby reducing axial resolution and image quality. We apply the experimental technique of frequency selective feedback to shape the optical spectrum of the QD-SLD, hence optimizing the coherence properties. For well-selected feedback parameters, a strong reduction of the parasitic side lobes by a factor of 3.5 was achieved accompanied by a power increase of 40% and an improvement of 10% in the coherence length. The experimental results are in excellent agreement with simulations that even indicate potential for further optimizations