48 research outputs found

    Boosted Photoactivity of Titania Nanotube Layers Doped with a Suspension of Gold Nanoparticles

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    International audienceIn the present work, we report on the behavior of synthesized gold nanopar-ticles suspension, incorporated in titanium dioxide nanotube layers (TiO 2-NT) and fabricated by electrochemical anodization in 0.4 wt% hydrofluoric acid solution and we study its photocatalytic response. Gold nanoparticles were characterized using Transmission electron microscopy and X-ray dif-fraction. Scanning electron microscopy was used to study the morphology of TiO 2 nanotube layers doped by gold nanoparticles. Boosted photocatalytic performances on the degradation of an azo dye were obtained by using TiO 2 nanotube layers doped by gold nanoparticles (Au/TiO 2-NT), compared to undoped TiO 2 nanotube layer (TiO 2-NT) catalysts. Under UV irradiation, this new nanomaterial, with noble metal-semi conductor heterojunction (Au/ TiO 2-NT) exhibits a synergetic effect in accelerating the electron transfert, resulting in an enhanced photoactivity recorded in the kinetics of degradation of Acid Orange 7 (AO7). Chronoamperometry was used to highlight higher photocurrent produced by gold-titania interface submited to UV irradiation

    Biodiversité diatomique de la Réserve Naturelle Nationale (RNN) de la Vallée de Chaudefour : présence d'espÚces inscrites sur la Liste Rouge

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    International audienceDans le Massif central, peu d’études portant sur les diatomĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es sur les sources en tĂȘte de bassin versant et les sources minĂ©rales. Ces milieux fragiles sont particuliĂšrement sensibles aux impacts humains et aux pollutions.Pour cette Ă©tude, nous avons retenu 20 points d’échantillonnage (sources et ruisseaux) dans la RĂ©serve Naturelle Nationale de la VallĂ©e de Chaudefour. Parmi ces sources, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© celles qui Ă©taient utilisĂ©es par l’ancien Ă©tablissement thermal (Ste Anne, Simone) et qui sont caractĂ©ristiques de remontĂ©es thermo-minĂ©rales (eau pĂ©tillante et ferrugineuse) et celles situĂ©es sur la partie la plus haute de la rĂ©serve. Les 20 points d’échantillonnage prĂ©sentent des diffĂ©rences si l’on considĂšre l’altitude, l’origine supposĂ©e de l’eau (profonde ou de surface), les impacts agricoles, etc. En juillet et aoĂ»t 2021, les diatomĂ©es de ces 20 sources et ruisseaux ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es et la composition physico-chimique de l’eau analysĂ©e. Au total, 232 espĂšces diffĂ©rentes ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es. Une espĂšce nouvelle pour la science (Gomphosphenia vallei) a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e et dĂ©crite (Beauger et al. 2022). Globalement la qualitĂ© de l’eau est bonne Ă  trĂšs bonne. Deux espĂšces sont nouvelles pour le Puy-de-DĂŽme : Odontidium hyemale (Roth) KĂŒtzing et Genkalia digitulus (Hustedt) Lange-Bertalot & Kulikovskiy. Dans la partie haute de la RNN, les espĂšces observĂ©es sont des espĂšces typiques de tourbiĂšre et d’habitats acides majoritairement oligotrophes Ă  oligo-mĂ©sotrophes. Dans la partie basse, les espĂšces observĂ©es indiquent globalement une eau de bonne qualitĂ©.Parmi les espĂšces observĂ©es, 90 espĂšces inscrites sur la Liste Rouge (Rote Liste) (Hofmann et al. 2011), comme Eunotia hexaglyphis Ehrenberg et Iconella delicatissima (F.W.Lewis) Ruck & Nakov, ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es rĂ©vĂ©lant un milieu bien prĂ©servĂ©. Il apparait que le nombre d’espĂšces sur la Liste Rouge augmente quand la conductivitĂ© et la concentration en ammonium, calcium, magnĂ©sium, nitrates et sodium diminue

    Fish Muscle postmortem change and salting performance - Impact of muscle microstructure on salt transfers

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    International audiencePredicting the biochemical and microstructural shifts of fish fillets induced by postmortem changes before salting is crucial in maximizing food performance. The current study aimed to better understand the role of trout postmortem time on the fillet's salting characteristics

    Biodiversity and Environmental Factors Structuring Diatom Assemblages of Mineral Saline Springs in the French Massif Central

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    International audienceSprings are abundant and present worldwide and are among the most threatened ecosystems on Earth. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the biodiversity of seventy-nine (79) mineral saline springs situated in the French Massif Central, focusing on the species richness and the estimated richness and also on the diatom community composition. The influence of physical and chemical factors on both richness and communities was analyzed in order to have a better knowledge of the diatom ecological preferences and identify species typical of saline springs. Since December 2014, an on-going inventory of mineral springs has been in progress. For each spring, physical and chemical characteristics were measured, and benthic diatoms were sampled. The richness was the lowest in the springs presenting a man-made construction around the emergence. In the other springs, the highest richness was associated with the lowest lithium, sodium, total dissolved solid concentrations, and conductivity. Mineralization and some ions (bromine, calcium, chloride, fluoride, lithium, potassium, and sodium) were found to be the most critical drivers of diatom community composition. Some diatom species were typical of specific abiotic conditions, such as Navicula sanctamargaritae, which was associated with the highest potassium concentration. These species could appear as bio-indicators of these conditions

    Biodiversité diatomique de la Réserve Naturelle Nationale (RNN) de la Vallée de Chaudefour : présence d'espÚces inscrites sur la Liste Rouge

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    International audienceDans le Massif central, peu d’études portant sur les diatomĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es sur les sources en tĂȘte de bassin versant et les sources minĂ©rales. Ces milieux fragiles sont particuliĂšrement sensibles aux impacts humains et aux pollutions.Pour cette Ă©tude, nous avons retenu 20 points d’échantillonnage (sources et ruisseaux) dans la RĂ©serve Naturelle Nationale de la VallĂ©e de Chaudefour. Parmi ces sources, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© celles qui Ă©taient utilisĂ©es par l’ancien Ă©tablissement thermal (Ste Anne, Simone) et qui sont caractĂ©ristiques de remontĂ©es thermo-minĂ©rales (eau pĂ©tillante et ferrugineuse) et celles situĂ©es sur la partie la plus haute de la rĂ©serve. Les 20 points d’échantillonnage prĂ©sentent des diffĂ©rences si l’on considĂšre l’altitude, l’origine supposĂ©e de l’eau (profonde ou de surface), les impacts agricoles, etc. En juillet et aoĂ»t 2021, les diatomĂ©es de ces 20 sources et ruisseaux ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es et la composition physico-chimique de l’eau analysĂ©e. Au total, 232 espĂšces diffĂ©rentes ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es. Une espĂšce nouvelle pour la science (Gomphosphenia vallei) a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e et dĂ©crite (Beauger et al. 2022). Globalement la qualitĂ© de l’eau est bonne Ă  trĂšs bonne. Deux espĂšces sont nouvelles pour le Puy-de-DĂŽme : Odontidium hyemale (Roth) KĂŒtzing et Genkalia digitulus (Hustedt) Lange-Bertalot & Kulikovskiy. Dans la partie haute de la RNN, les espĂšces observĂ©es sont des espĂšces typiques de tourbiĂšre et d’habitats acides majoritairement oligotrophes Ă  oligo-mĂ©sotrophes. Dans la partie basse, les espĂšces observĂ©es indiquent globalement une eau de bonne qualitĂ©.Parmi les espĂšces observĂ©es, 90 espĂšces inscrites sur la Liste Rouge (Rote Liste) (Hofmann et al. 2011), comme Eunotia hexaglyphis Ehrenberg et Iconella delicatissima (F.W.Lewis) Ruck & Nakov, ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es rĂ©vĂ©lant un milieu bien prĂ©servĂ©. Il apparait que le nombre d’espĂšces sur la Liste Rouge augmente quand la conductivitĂ© et la concentration en ammonium, calcium, magnĂ©sium, nitrates et sodium diminue

    Gomphosphenia vallei (Bacillariophyta), a new diatom species from a stream in the “RĂ©serve Naturelle Nationale de la VallĂ©e de Chaudefour”, Massif Central (France)

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    International audienceA new Gomphosphenia species (Bacillariophyceae) was found during a diatom survey in the “RĂ©serve Naturelle Nationale de la VallĂ©e de Chaudefour” (RNN VC), in the Massif Central (France). Gomphosphenia vallei sp. nov. is described from stone surfaces in PĂ©rouse Stream, Auvergne, France. A detailed description of morphology of G. vallei is presented, based on light and scanning electron microscopy. This new small-sized species is characterized by linear-clavate to elliptical valves. Striae are uniseriate and composed of single slit-like areolae, an axial area linear and narrow and a low number of striae. Gomphosphenia vallei seems to inhabit headwater stream

    Citrulline protects human retinal pigment epithelium from hydrogen peroxide and iron/ascorbate induced damages

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    International audienceAbstract Oxidative stress plays an important role in the ageing of the retina and in the pathogenesis of retinal diseases such as age‐related macular degeneration (ARMD). Hydrogen peroxide is a reactive oxygen species generated by the photo‐excited lipofuscin that accumulates during ageing in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), and the age‐related accumulation of lipofuscin is associated with ARMD. Iron also accumulates with age in the RPE that may contribute to ARMD as an important source of oxidative stress. The aim of this work was to investigate the effects of L‐Citrulline (CIT), a naturally occurring amino acid with known antioxidant properties, on oxidative stressed cultured RPE cells. Human RPE (ARPE‐19) cells were exposed to hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) or iron/ascorbate (I/A) for 4 h, either in the presence of CIT or after 24 h of pretreatment. Here, we show that supplementation with CIT protects ARPE‐19 cells against H 2 O 2 and I/A. CIT improves cell metabolic activity, decreases ROS production, limits lipid peroxidation, reduces cell death and attenuates IL‐8 secretion. Our study evidences that CIT is able to protect human RPE cells from oxidative damage and suggests potential protective effect for the treatment of retinal diseases associated with oxidative stress