25 research outputs found

    Skroderdienas Silmačos

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    Rūdolfs Blaumanis (1863–1908) ist ein bedeutender Autor aus den Anfängen der modernen lettischen Literatur. Er ist hauptsächlich dem literarischen Realismus verpflichtet und gilt als ein Meister der Erzählung. Durch seine Komödie »Schneidertage auf Lüttwalden« (1902) lernen wir ihn allerdings von einer anderen Seite kennen. Rūdolfs Blaumanis ist auch ein bedeutender lettischer Bühnenautor. Auf dem Lüttwaldenhof steht eine Hochzeit an, und deshalb holt man den Schneider her. Doch die Schneidertage bringen so einiges durcheinander, denn sie sind Tage, an denen man sich etwas traut. Zusammen mit den Schneidersleuten kommen die Juden, und alle Gäste treffen auf die ohnehin facettenreichen Bewohner des Lüttwaldenhofs. Wie gut ist es da, dass Bäuerin und Lüttwalden-Witwe Antonia selbst gerne das Tanzbein schwingt

    Crystallographic Data. 187. Diphenylsilanediol

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    Terminal ECGs.

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    Cerebral Vasospasm Affects Arterial Critical Closing Pressure

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    Serial serum CPK determinations to evaluate therapy in AMI.

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    CT Characteristics of a Transplantable Canine Glioma Model: Preliminary Kinetic Analysis

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    Experimental brain tumors can be produced in dogs through the intracerebral injection of 3 X 10 6 live tumor cells in either neonates or adult animals. Tumors are visible by computed tomography on day 8 postinjection. Most tumors appear as ring lesions with centrallucencies and shaggy borders. By postinjection day 12, tumor volumes increase more than 10 times; the cell cycling time is about 1-3 days. The initial doubling time is about 1-2 days and corresponds to the in vitro doubling time of about 24 hr. The use of computed tomography to perform noninvasive kinetic analysis deserves further study. The transplantable canine glioma model would appear to be ideal for this purpose. Expe rim ental brain tumors can be produced in dogs through the intracerebral injection of eith er li ve avian sarcoma virus or a suspension of li ve tum or cell s harvested from other animals. In both neonatal and adu lt dogs suc h tumors have been successfull y imaged throug h th e use of computed tomograph y (CT) [1 , 2]. In add ition to th e relatively larg e siz e of th e animal preparation , the transplantable canine glioma model has th e advantage of rapid and reliable induction so that the expectation of visible tumor on CT is usu ally fulfilled by a specific postinjection interval. In larg e animal models , surgical manipulation and pharmacologic in vestigati ons are facilitated . Seq uential CT scanning can be used to stud y th e effects of therapeuti c intervention in a manner similar to th at employed in c linical trials Materials and Methods Frozen tumor brei harvested from previously injec ted neonatal mongrels was grown in ti ssue c ulture usin g RPMI 1640 with 10% fetal calf serum in 75 cm 2 ti ssue c ulture fl asks . Th e ce ll s were incubated at 3rC in an atm osphere w ith 5% CO2 . Before co nfluence was reached ce ll s were disaggregated with trypsin-ETDA, was hed with Hanks balanced salt solu tion, and spu n down into injection vo lum es of 0.1 ml. Before inoc ulation , tum or ce ll viability was determined w ith trypan blue excl usion and ce ll counts we re made by hemocytometer. Inoc ulati on doses ranged from 3 X 10 6 to 10 X 10 6 ce ll s and viability was at least 90%-95% in all cases. Full details of the in vitro c haracterizati on of th e transplantable ca nine glioma model will be presented in another publication (B elli s et aI. , in preparation) . Two puppies were hand-injected on day 1 of life according to our previously described tech niqu e [2]. Three ad ult mongrel dogs weighing 15-25 kg were anesthetized with 50 mg / kg of ketamine and injected with tumor through a twist drill hole over the left frontopari etal reg ion. Anim als were scan ned on either a model 0450 Pfizer body scann er or on a GE 8800 . Neonatal dogs were sedated w ith intraperitoneal pentobarbital and placed in a spec iall y designed plexiglass scanning c hamber Seq uential vo lum etri c measu rements were made on th e basis of a sim ple sph erical or ellipsoidal approximation of th e tumor shape. As we we re interested on ly in an order-of-magnitude determin ation , it wa s not co nsidered necessary to use more prec ise approximation s, suc h as th e Simpson rul e Results All tumors detected by CT were confirmed at autopsy. Th ere was a strong correlati on between the radiographic appearance and th at observed on c ut section, especially in regard to th e size and shape of th e tum or as well as th e presence of areas of hemorrh age and necrosis. Areas of contrast enhancement corre sponded to regions of Evans blue dye penetration at postm ortem. El ectron mi c roscopic abn orm alities of the tum or vessels were also observe