4,775 research outputs found

    Penrose Limits of Orbifolds and Orientifolds

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    We study the Penrose limit of various AdS_p X S^q orbifolds. The limiting spaces are waves with parallel rays and singular wave fronts. In particular, we consider the orbifolds AdS_3 X S^3/\Gamma, AdS_5 X S^5/\Gamma and AdS_{4,7} X S^{7,4}/\Gamma where \Gamma acts on the sphere and/or the AdS factor. In the pp-wave limit, the wave fronts are the orbifolds C^2/\Gamma, C^4/\Gamma and R XC^4/\Gamma, respectively. When desingularization is possible, we get asymptotically locally pp-wave backgrounds (ALpp). The Penrose limit of orientifolds are also discussed. In the AdS_5 X RP^5 case, the limiting singularity can be resolved by an Eguchi-Hanson gravitational instanton. The pp-wave limit of D3-branes near singularities in F-theory is also presented. Finally, we give the embedding of D-dimensional pp-waves in flat M^{2,D} space.Comment: 20 pages, references adde

    Strings on pp-waves and Hadrons in (softly broken) N=1 gauge theories

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    We study the Penrose limit of Type IIB duals of softly broken N=1 SU(N) gauge theories in four dimensions, obtained as deformations of the Maldacena-Nunez and Klebanov-Strassler backgrounds. We extract the string spectrum on the resulting pp-wave backgrounds and discuss some properties of the conjectured dual gauge theory hadrons, the so called "Annulons". The string zero-point energy on the light-cone is nontrivial, due to the loss of linearly realized worldsheet supersymmetry, and negative, even in the unbroken supersymmetric case. This causes the appearance of non-perturbative corrections to the hadronic mass spectrum. We briefly discuss the thermodynamic behavior of these string models, calculating the corresponding Hagedorn temperatures.Comment: 20 page

    Vector Supersymmetry of 2D Yang-Mills Theory

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    The vector supersymmetry of the 2D topological BF model is extended to 2D Yang-Mills. The consequences of the corresponding Ward identity on the ultraviolet behavior of the theory are analyzed.Comment: Some references adde

    Diffeomorphisms and Holographic Anomalies

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    Using the relation between diffeomorphisms in the bulk and Weyl transformations on the boundary we study the Weyl transformation properties of the bulk metric on shell and of the boundary action. We obtain a universal formula for one of the classes of trace anomalies in any even dimension in terms of the parameters of the gravity action.Comment: 12 pages, harvma

    Homogeneity and plane-wave limits

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    We explore the plane-wave limit of homogeneous spacetimes. For plane-wave limits along homogeneous geodesics the limit is known to be homogeneous and we exhibit the limiting metric in terms of Lie algebraic data. This simplifies many calculations and we illustrate this with several examples. We also investigate the behaviour of (reductive) homogeneous structures under the plane-wave limit.Comment: In memory of Stanley Hobert, 33 pages. Minor corrections and some simplification of Section 4.3.

    Penrose limits, supergravity and brane dynamics

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    We investigate the Penrose limits of classical string and M-theory backgrounds. We prove that the number of (super)symmetries of a supergravity background never decreases in the limit. We classify all the possible Penrose limits of AdS x S spacetimes and of supergravity brane solutions. We also present the Penrose limits of various other solutions: intersecting branes, supersymmetric black holes and strings in diverse dimensions, and cosmological models. We explore the Penrose limit of an isometrically embedded spacetime and find a generalisation to spaces with more than one time. Finally, we show that the Penrose limit is a large tension limit for all branes including those with fields of Born--Infeld type.Comment: 67 page

    Light-like Big Bang singularities in string and matrix theories

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    Important open questions in cosmology require a better understanding of the Big Bang singularity. In string and matrix theories, light-like analogues of cosmological singularities (singular plane wave backgrounds) turn out to be particularly tractable. We give a status report on the current understanding of such light-like Big Bang models, presenting both solved and open problems.Comment: 20 pages, invited review for Class. Quant. Grav; v3: section 2.3 shortened, discussion on DLCQ added in section 3.1, published versio

    One Loop Partition Function in Plane Waves R-R Background

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    We compute the one loop partition function of type IIB string in plane wave R-R 5-form background F5F^5 using both path integral and operator formalisms and show that the two results agree perfectly. The result turns out to be equal to the partition function in the flat background. We also study the Tadpole cancellation for the unoriented closed and open string model in plane wave R-R 5-form background studied in hep-th/0203249 and find that the cancellation of the Tadpole requires the gauge group to be SO(8).Comment: 12 pages, no figures, latex, misprint corrected and reference added; to appear in JHE

    More on Penrose limits and non-local theories

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    We obtain the Penrose limit of six dimensional Non-Commutative Open String (NCOS6_6) theory and show that in the neighborhood of a particular null geodesic it leads to an exactly solvable string theory (unlike their counterparts in four or in other dimensions). We describe the phase structure of this theory and discuss the Penrose limit in different phases including Open D-string (OD1) theory. We compute the string spectrum and discuss their relations with the states of various theories at different phases. We also consider the case of general null geodesic for which the Penrose limit leads to string theory in the time dependent pp-wave background and comment on the renormalization group flow in the dual theory.Comment: latex, 22 pages, minor corrections, references added, published versio

    G/G models as the strong coupling limit of topologically massive gauge theory

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    We show that the problem of computing the vacuum expectation values of gauge invariant operators in the strong coupling limit of topologically massive gauge theory is equivalent to the problem of computing similar operators in the Gk/GG_k/G model where kk is the integer coefficient of the Chern-Simons term. The Gk/GG_k/G model is a topological field theory and many correlators can be computed analytically. We also show that the effective action for the Polyakov loop operator and static modes of the gauge fields of the strongly coupled theory at finite temperature is a perturbed, non-topological Gk/GG_k/G model. In this model, we compute the one loop effective potential for the Polyakov loop operators and explicitly construct the low-lying excited states. In the strong coupling limit the theory is in a deconfined phase.Comment: Latex, 23 pages, no figure