162 research outputs found

    Evidence for vortex staircases in the whole angular range due to competing correlated pinning mechanisms

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    We analyze the angular dependence of the irreversible magnetization of YBa2_2Cu3_3O7_7 crystals with columnar defects inclined from the c-axis. At high fields a sharp maximum centered at the tracks' direction is observed. At low fields we identify a lock-in phase characterized by an angle-independent pinning strength and observe an angular shift of the peak towards the c-axis that originates in the material anisotropy. The interplay among columnar defects, twins and ab-planes generates a variety of staircase structures. We show that correlated pinning dominates for all field orientations.Comment: 9 figures, 4 figure

    Doping dependent Irreversible Magnetic Properties of Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 Single Crystals

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    We discuss the irreversible magnetic properties of self-flux grown Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 single crystals for a wide range of concentrations covering the whole phase diagram from the underdoped to the overdoped regime, x=0.038, 0.047, 0.058, 0.071, 0.074, 0.10, 0.106 and 0.118. Samples were characterized by a magneto-optical method and show excellent spatial uniformity of the superconducting state. The overall behavior closely follows classical Bean model of the critical state. The field-dependent magnetization exhibits second peak at a temperature and doping - dependent magnetic field, Hp. The evolution of this fishtail feature with doping is discussed. Magnetic relaxation is time-logarithmic and unusually fast. Similar to cuprates, there is an apparent crossover from collective elastic to plastic flux creep above Hp. At high fields, the field dependence of the relaxation rate becomes doping independent. We discuss our results in the framework of the weak collective pinning and show that vortex physics in iron-based pnictide crystals is much closer to high-Tc cuprates than to conventional s-wave (including MgB2) superconductors.Comment: for the special issue of Physica C on iron-based pnictide superconductor

    Effect of disorder on the vortex-lattice melting transition

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    We use a three dimensional stacked triangular network of Josephson junctions as a model for the study of vortex structure in the mixed state of high Tc superconductors. We show that the addition of disorder destroys the first order melting transition occurring for clean samples. The melting transition splits in two different (continuous) transitions, ocurring at temperatures Ti and Tp (>Ti). At Ti the perpendicular-to-field superconductivity is lost, and at Tp the parallel-to-field superconductivity is lost. These results agree well with recent experiments in YBaCuO.Comment: 4 pages + 2 figure

    Suppression of matching field effects by splay and pinning energy dispersion in YBa_2Cu_3O_7 with columnar defects

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    We report measurements of the irreversible magnetization M_i of a large number of YBa_2Cu_3O_7 single crystals with columnar defects (CD). Some of them exhibit a maximum in M_i when the density of vortices equals the density of tracks, at temperatures above 40K. We show that the observation of these matching field effects is constrained to those crystals where the orientational and pinning energy dispersion of the CD system lies below a certain threshold. The amount of such dispersion is determined by the mass and energy of the irradiation ions, and by the crystal thickness. Time relaxation measurements show that the matching effects are associated with a reduction of the creep rate, and occur deep into the collective pinning regime.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Topological Defects in the Abrikosov Lattice of Vortices in Type-II Superconductors

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    The free energy costs for various defects within an Abrikosov lattice of vortices are calculated using the lowest Landau level approximation (LLL). Defect solutions with boundary conditions for lines to meet at a point (crossing defect) and for lines to twist around each other (braid defect) are sought for 2, 3, 6, and 12 lines. Many results have been unexpected, including the nonexistence of a stable two- or three-line braid. This, and the high energy cost found for a six-line braid lead us to propose that the equilibrium vortex state is not entangled below the irreversibility line of the high-TcT_c superconductors or in a large part of the vortex-liquid phase above this line. Also, the solution for an infinite straight screw dislocation is found, and used to give a limiting form for the free energy cost of very large braids. This depends on the area enclosed by the braid as well as its perimeter length.Comment: 30 pages, 17 Encapsulated PostScript figures, uses Revtex (with epsf

    The phase diagram of high-Tc's: Influence of anisotropy and disorder

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    We propose a phase diagram for the vortex structure of high temperature superconductors which incorporates the effects of anisotropy and disorder. It is based on numerical simulations using the three-dimensional Josephson junction array model. We support the results with an estimation of the internal energy and configurational entropy of the system. Our results give a unified picture of the behavior of the vortex lattice, covering from the very anysotropic BiSrCaCuO to the less anisotropic YBaCuO, and from the first order melting ocurring in clean samples to the continuous transitions observed in samples with defects.Comment: 8 pages with 7 figure

    Vortex structure and resistive transitions in high-Tc superconductors

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    The nature of the resistive transition for a current applied parallel to the magnetic field in high-Tc materials is investigated by numerical simulation on the three dimensional Josephson junction array model. It is shown by using finite size scaling that for samples with disorder the critical temperature Tp for the c axis resistivity corresponds to a percolation phase transition of vortex lines perpendicularly to the applied field. The value of Tp is higher than the critical temperature for j perpendicular to H, but decreases with the thickness of the sample and with anisotropy. We predict that critical behavior around Tp should reflect in experimentally accessible quantities, as the I-V curves.Comment: 8 pages + 6 figure

    Slow relaxations and history dependence of the transport properties of layered superconductors

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    We study numerically the time evolution of the transport properties of layered superconductors after different preparations. We show that, in accordance with recent experiments in BSCCO performed in the second peak region of the phase diagram (Portier et al, 2001), the relaxation strongly depends on the initial conditions and is extremely slow. We investigate the dependence on the pinning center density and the perturbation applied. We compare the measurements to recent findings in tapped granular matter and we interpret our results with a rather simple picture.Comment: 4 pages, 4 fig

    Longitudinal and transverse dissipation in a simple model for the vortex lattice with screening

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    Transport properties of the vortex lattice in high temperature superconductors are studied using numerical simulations in the case in which the non-local interactions between vortex lines are dismissed. The results obtained for the longitudinal and transverse resistivities in the presence of quenched disorder are compared with the results of experimental measurements and other numerical simulations where the full interaction is considered. This work shows that the dependence on temperature of the resistivities is well described by the model without interactions, thus indicating that many of the transport characteristics of the vortex structure in real materials are mainly a consequence of the topological configuration of the vortex structure only. In addition, for highly anisotropic samples, a regime is obtained where longitudinal coherence is lost at temperatures where transverse coherence is still finite. I discuss the possibility of observing this regime in real samples.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures included using epsf.st
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