1,289 research outputs found

    Spatial separation in a thermal mixture of ultracold 174^{174}Yb and 87^{87}Rb atoms

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    We report on the observation of unusually strong interactions in a thermal mixture of ultracold atoms which cause a significant modification of the spatial distribution. A mixture of 87^{87}Rb and 174^{174}Yb with a temperature of a few μ\muK is prepared in a hybrid trap consisting of a bichromatic optical potential superimposed on a magnetic trap. For suitable trap parameters and temperatures, a spatial separation of the two species is observed. We infer that the separation is driven by a large interaction strength between 174^{174}Yb and 87^{87}Rb accompanied by a large three-body recombination rate. Based on this assumption we have developed a diffusion model which reproduces our observations

    A Q-Ising model application for linear-time image segmentation

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    A computational method is presented which efficiently segments digital grayscale images by directly applying the Q-state Ising (or Potts) model. Since the Potts model was first proposed in 1952, physicists have studied lattice models to gain deep insights into magnetism and other disordered systems. For some time, researchers have realized that digital images may be modeled in much the same way as these physical systems (i.e., as a square lattice of numerical values). A major drawback in using Potts model methods for image segmentation is that, with conventional methods, it processes in exponential time. Advances have been made via certain approximations to reduce the segmentation process to power-law time. However, in many applications (such as for sonar imagery), real-time processing requires much greater efficiency. This article contains a description of an energy minimization technique that applies four Potts (Q-Ising) models directly to the image and processes in linear time. The result is analogous to partitioning the system into regions of four classes of magnetism. This direct Potts segmentation technique is demonstrated on photographic, medical, and acoustic images.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, revtex, uses subfigure.sty. Central European Journal of Physics, in press (2010

    Microscopic Theory of Magnon-Drag Thermoelectric Transport in Ferromagnetic Metals

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    A theoretical study of the magnon-drag Peltier and Seebeck effects in ferromagnetic metals is presented. A magnon heat current is described perturbatively from the microscopic viewpoint with respect to electron--magnon interactions and the electric field. Then, the magnon-drag Peltier coefficient \Pi_\MAG is obtained as the ratio between the magnon heat current and the electric charge current. We show that \Pi_\MAG=C_\MAG T^{5/2} at a low temperature TT; that the coefficient C_\MAG is proportional to the spin polarization PP of the electric conductivity; and that P>0P>0 for C_\MAG<0, but P0P0. From experimental results for magnon-drag Peltier effects, we estimate that the strength of the electron--magnon interaction is about 0.3 eVA˚3/2\cdot\AA^{3/2} for permalloy.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Journal of the Physical Society of Japa

    Observation of a Phase Transition at 55 K in Single-Crystal CaCu1.7As2

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    We present the structural, magnetic, thermal and ab-plane electronic transport properties of single crystals of CaCu1.7As2 grown by the self-flux technique that were investigated by powder x-ray diffraction, magnetic susceptibility chi, isothermal magnetization M, specific heat Cp, and electrical resistivity rho measurements as a function of temperature T and magnetic field H. X-ray diffraction analysis of crushed crystals at room temperature confirm the collapsed tetragonal ThCr2Si2-type structure with \sim 15% vacancies on the Cu sites as previously reported, corresponding to the composition CaCu1.7As2. The chi(T) data are diamagnetic, anisotropic and nearly independent of T. The chi is larger in the ab-plane than along the c-axis, as also observed previously for SrCu2As2 and for pure and doped BaFe2As2. The Cp(T) and rho(T) data indicate metallic sp-band character. In contrast to the chi(T) and Cp(T) data that do not show any evidence for phase transitions below 300 K, the rho(T) data exhibit a sharp increase in slope on cooling below a temperature Tt = 54-56 K, depending on the crystal. The \rho(T) data show no hysteresis on warming and cooling through Tt and the transition appears to be second order. The phase transition may arise from spatial ordering of the vacancies on the Cu sublattice. The Tt is found to be independent of H for H \leq 8 T. A positive magnetoresistance is observed below Tt that increases with decreasing T and attains a value in H = 8.0 T of 8.7% at T = 1.8 K.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables, 38 references; v2: Added discussion of Fe vacancies in AFe2Se2 compounds. Added new resistivity data for CaCu1.7As2 and new discussion of them; v3: minor changes, published versio

    Cooling the Collective Motion of Trapped Ions to Initialize a Quantum Register

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    We report preparation in the ground state of collective modes of motion of two trapped 9Be+ ions. This is a crucial step towards realizing quantum logic gates which can entangle the ions' internal electronic states. We find that heating of the modes of relative ion motion is substantially suppressed relative to that of the center-of-mass modes, suggesting the importance of these modes in future experiments.Comment: 5 pages, including 3 figures. RevTeX. PDF and PostScript available at http://www.bldrdoc.gov/timefreq/ion/qucomp/papers.htm . final (published) version. Eq. 1 and Table 1 slightly different from original submissio

    Thermoelectric Effects in Magnetic Nanostructures

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    We model and evaluate the Peltier and Seebeck effects in magnetic multilayer nanostructures by a finite-element theory of thermoelectric properties. We present analytical expressions for the thermopower and the current-induced temperature changes due to Peltier cooling/heating. The thermopower of a magnetic element is in general spin-polarized, leading to spin-heat coupling effects. Thermoelectric effects in spin valves depend on the relative alignment of the magnetization directions and are sensitive to spin-flip scattering as well as inelastic collisions in the normal metal spacer.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 1 table. Publishe

    Quantum state engineering on an optical transition and decoherence in a Paul trap

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    A single Ca+ ion in a Paul trap has been cooled to the ground state of vibration with up to 99.9% probability. Starting from this Fock state |n=0> we have demonstrated coherent quantum state manipulation on an optical transition. Up to 30 Rabi oscillations within 1.4 ms have been observed. We find a similar number of Rabi oscillations after preparation of the ion in the |n=1> Fock state. The coherence of optical state manipulation is only limited by laser and ambient magnetic field fluctuations. Motional heating has been measured to be as low as one vibrational quantum in 190 ms.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    The NN scattering 3S1-3D1 mixing angle at NNLO

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    The 3S1-3D1 mixing angle for nucleon-nucleon scattering, epsilon_1, is calculated to next-to-next-to-leading order in an effective field theory with perturbative pions. Without pions, the low energy theory fits the observed epsilon_1 well for momenta less than 50\sim 50 MeV. Including pions perturbatively significantly improves the agreement with data for momenta up to 150\sim 150 MeV with one less parameter. Furthermore, for these momenta the accuracy of our calculation is similar to an effective field theory calculation in which the pion is treated non-perturbatively. This gives phenomenological support for a perturbative treatment of pions in low energy two-nucleon processes. We explain why it is necessary to perform spin and isospin traces in d dimensions when regulating divergences with dimensional regularization in higher partial wave amplitudes.Comment: 17 pages, journal versio

    Superfluidity and binary-correlations within clusters of fermions

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    We propose a method for simulating the behaviour of small clusters of particles that explicitly accounts for all mean-field and binary-correlation effects. Our approach leads to a set of variational equations that can be used to study both the dynamics and thermodynamics of these clusters. As an illustration of this method, we explore the BCS-BEC crossover in the simple model of four fermions, interacting with finite-range potentials, in a harmonic potential. We find, in the crossover regime, that the particles prefer to occupy two distinct pair states as opposed to the one assumed by BCS theory

    Phase transitions in the boson-fermion resonance model in one dimension

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    We study 1D fermions with photoassociation or with a narrow Fano-Feshbach resonance described by the Boson-Fermion resonance model. Using thebosonization technique, we derive a low-energy Hamiltonian of the system. We show that at low energy, the order parameters for the Bose Condensation and fermion superfluidity become identical, while a spin gap and a gap against the formation of phase slips are formed. As a result of these gaps, charge density wave correlations decay exponentially in contrast with the phases where only bosons or only fermions are present. We find a Luther-Emery point where the phase slips and the spin excitations can be described in terms of pseudofermions. This allows us to provide closed form expressions of the density-density correlations and the spectral functions. The spectral functions of the fermions are gapped, whereas the spectral functions of the bosons remain gapless. The application of a magnetic field results in a loss of coherence between the bosons and the fermion and the disappearance of the gap. Changing the detuning has no effect on the gap until either the fermion or the boson density is reduced to zero. Finally, we discuss the formation of a Mott insulating state in a periodic potential. The relevance of our results for experiments with ultracold atomic gases subject to one-dimensional confinement is also discussed.Comment: 31 pages, 8 EPS figures, RevTeX 4, long version of cond-mat/050570