142 research outputs found

    Renal phenotype is exacerbated in Os and lpr double mutant mice

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    Renal phenotype is exacerbated in Os and lpr double mutant mice.BackgroundROP-Os/+ mice are born with oligosyndactyly and oligonephronia and develop renal dysfunction, which includes renal tubular epithelial cell (RTC) Fas-dependent apoptosis and tubular atrophy. MRL/lpr mice harbor a Fas-inactivating mutation and develop glomerulonephritis, whereas mice expressing lpr on a C3H background demonstrate no renal phenotype. We hypothesized that crossing ROP-Os/+ with CH3-lpr/lpr mice would rescue the Os/+ renal phenotype by reducing Fas-dependent RTC apoptosis.MethodsROP-Os/+ mice were intercrossed with C3H-lpr/lpr mice and F2 generation animals were phenotyped by kidney weight, serum creatinine, and albuminuria. Kidney sections were scored for histopathology and apoptosis. Univariate and multivariate analyses were used to examine additive effects of Os and lpr on renal phenotype.ResultsBy 16 weeks, F2Os/+ lpr/lpr mice developed significantly more albuminuria, glomerulosclerosis, and interstitial inflammation compared to Os/++/+ mice. Glomerular cell apoptosis was increased in Os/+ lpr/lpr compared to Os/++/+ mice, with no significant difference in RTC apoptosis. A statistically significant Os-lpr effect on renal phenotype was demonstrated by multivariate analysis, which exceeded the combined independent effects if Os and lpr, indicating a biologic interaction exists between Os and lpr.Conclusion.Os/+mice with a superimposed lpr mutation displayed a more severe renal phenotype, rather than phenotype rescue, suggesting that Fas pathway activation is necessary to delete cells resulting from Os-dependent injury. We further propose that an Os-lpr gene interaction and/or mixed ROP-C3H genetic background regulated the renal phenotype, consistent with the concept that chronic renal disease pathogenesis reflects effects of multiple nephropathy susceptibility alleles

    A new cryogenic apparatus to search for the neutron electric dipole moment

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    A cryogenic apparatus is described that enables a new experiment, nEDM@SNS, with a major improvement in sensitivity compared to the existing limit in the search for a neutron Electric Dipole Moment (EDM). This apparatus uses superfluid ⁴He to produce a high density of Ultra-Cold Neutrons (UCN) which are contained in a suitably coated pair of measurement cells. The experiment, to be operated at the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, uses polarized ³He from an Atomic Beam Source injected into the superfluid 4He and transported to the measurement cells where it serves as a co-magnetometer. The superfluid ⁴He is also used as an insulating medium allowing significantly higher electric fields, compared to previous experiments, to be maintained across the measurement cells. These features provide an ultimate statistical uncertainty for the EDM of 2−3× 10⁻²⁸ e-cm, with anticipated systematic uncertainties below this level

    Search for dark matter decay of the free neutron from the UCNA experiment: n → χ + e^+e^−

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    It has been proposed recently that a previously unobserved neutron decay branch to a dark matter particle (χ) could account for the discrepancy in the neutron lifetime observed in experiments that use two different measurement techniques. One of the possible final states discussed includes a single χ along with an e^+e^− pair. We use data from the UCNA (Ultracold Neutron Asymmetry) experiment to set limits on this decay channel. Coincident electron-like events are detected with ∼4π acceptance using a pair of detectors that observe a volume of stored Ultracold Neutrons (UCNs). The summed kinetic energy (E_(e^+e^−)) from such events is used to set limits, as a function of the χ mass, on the branching fraction for this decay channel. For χ masses consistent with resolving the neutron lifetime discrepancy, we exclude this as the dominant dark matter decay channel at ≫ 5σlevel for 100 keV 90% confidence level

    Search for the Neutron Decay n\rightarrow X+γ\gamma where X is a dark matter particle

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    In a recent paper submitted to Physical Review Letters, Fornal and Grinstein have suggested that the discrepancy between two different methods of neutron lifetime measurements, the beam and bottle methods can be explained by a previously unobserved dark matter decay mode, n\rightarrow X+γ\gamma where X is a dark matter particle. We have performed a search for this decay mode over the allowed range of energies of the monoenergetic gamma ray for X to be a dark matter particle. We exclude the possibility of a sufficiently strong branch to explain the lifetime discrepancy with greater than 4 sigma confidence.Comment: 6 pages 3 figure

    Improved limits on Fierz interference using asymmetry measurements from the Ultracold Neutron Asymmetry (UCNA) experiment

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    The Ultracold Neutron Asymmetry (UCNA) experiment was designed to measure the β-decay asymmetry parameter, A₀, for free neutron decay. In the experiment, polarized ultracold neutrons are transported into a decay trap, and their β-decay electrons are detected with ≈4π acceptance into two detector packages which provide position and energy reconstruction. The experiment also has sensitivity to b_n, the Fierz interference term in the neutron β-decay rate. In this work, we determine b_n from the energy dependence of A₀ using the data taken during the UCNA 2011-2013 run. In addition, we present the same type of analysis using the earlier 2010 A dataset. Motivated by improved statistics and comparable systematic errors compared to the 2010 data-taking run, we present a new b_n measurement using the weighted average of our asymmetry dataset fits, to obtain b_n = 0.066±0.041_(stat)±0.024_(syst) which corresponds to a limit of −0.012 < b_n < 0.144 at the 90% confidence level

    New result for the neutron β-asymmetry parameter A_0 from UCNA

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    Background: The neutron β-decay asymmetry parameter A_0 defines the angular correlation between the spin of the neutron and the momentum of the emitted electron. Values for A_0 permit an extraction of the ratio of the weak axial-vector to vector coupling constants, λ≡gA/gV, which under assumption of the conserved vector current hypothesis (gV=1) determines gA. Precise values for gA are important as a benchmark for lattice QCD calculations and as a test of the standard model. Purpose: The UCNA experiment, carried out at the Ultracold Neutron (UCN) source at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center, was the first measurement of any neutron β-decay angular correlation performed with UCN. This article reports the most precise result for A_0 obtained to date from the UCNA experiment, as a result of higher statistics and reduced key systematic uncertainties, including from the neutron polarization and the characterization of the electron detector response. Methods: UCN produced via the downscattering of moderated spallation neutrons in a solid deuterium crystal were polarized via transport through a 7 T polarizing magnet and a spin flipper, which permitted selection of either spin state. The UCN were then contained within a 3-m long cylindrical decay volume, situated along the central axis of a superconducting 1 T solenoidal spectrometer. With the neutron spins then oriented parallel or anti-parallel to the solenoidal field, an asymmetry in the numbers of emitted decay electrons detected in two electron detector packages located on both ends of the spectrometer permitted an extraction of A_0. Results: The UCNA experiment reports a new 0.67% precision result for A_0 of A_0=−0.12054(44)_(stat)(68)_(syst), which yields λ=gA/gV=−1.2783(22). Combination with the previous UCNA result and accounting for correlated systematic uncertainties produces A0=−0.12015(34)stat(63)syst and λ=gA/gV=−1.2772(20). Conclusions: This new result for A0 and gA/gV from the UCNA experiment has provided confirmation of the shift in values for gA/gV that has emerged in the published results from more recent experiments, which are in striking disagreement with the results from older experiments. Individual systematic corrections to the asymmetries in older experiments (published prior to 2002) were >10%, whereas those in the more recent ones (published after 2002) have been of the scale of <2%. The impact of these older results on the global average will be minimized should future measurements of A0 reach the 0.1% level of precision with central values near the most recent results

    New result for the neutron β\beta-asymmetry parameter A0A_0 from UCNA

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    The neutron β\beta-decay asymmetry parameter A0A_0 defines the correlation between the spin of the neutron and the momentum of the emitted electron, which determines λ=gAgV\lambda=\frac{g_{A}}{g_{V}}, the ratio of the axial-vector to vector weak coupling constants. The UCNA Experiment, located at the Ultracold Neutron facility at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center, is the first to measure such a correlation coefficient using ultracold neutrons (UCN). Following improvements to the systematic uncertainties and increased statistics, we report the new result A0=0.12054(44)stat(68)systA_0 = -0.12054(44)_{\mathrm{stat}}(68)_{\mathrm{syst}} which yields λgAgV=1.2783(22)\lambda\equiv \frac{g_{A}}{g_{V}}=-1.2783(22). Combination with the previous UCNA result and accounting for correlated systematic uncertainties produces A0=0.12015(34)stat(63)systA_0=-0.12015(34)_{\mathrm{stat}}(63)_{\mathrm{syst}} and λgAgV=1.2772(20)\lambda\equiv \frac{g_{A}}{g_{V}}=-1.2772(20).Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, updated to as-published versio

    Search for neutron dark decay: n → χ + e⁺e⁻

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    In January, 2018, Fornal and Grinstein proposed that a previously unobserved neutron decay branch to a dark matter particle (χ) could account for the discrepancy in the neutron lifetime observed in two different types of experiments. One of the possible final states discussed includes a single χ along with an e⁺e⁻ pair. We use data from the UCNA (Ultracold Neutron Asymmetry) experiment to set limits on this decay channel. Coincident electron-like events are detected with ∼ 4π acceptance using a pair of detectors that observe a volume of stored Ultracold Neutrons (UCNs). We use the timing information of coincidence events to select candidate dark sector particle decays by applying a timing calibration and selecting events within a physically-forbidden timing region for conventional n → p + e⁻ + ν̅_e decays. The summed kinetic energy (E_(e⁺e⁻)) from such events is reconstructed and used to set limits, as a function of the χ mass, on the branching fraction for this decay channel

    A boron-coated CCD camera for direct detection of Ultracold Neutrons (UCN)

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    A new boron-coated CCD camera is described for direct detection of ultracold neutrons (UCN) through the capture reactions 10^{10}B (n,α\alpha0γ\gamma)7^7Li (6%) and 10^{10}B(n,α\alpha1γ\gamma)7^7Li (94%). The experiments, which extend earlier works using a boron-coated ZnS:Ag scintillator, are based on direct detections of the neutron-capture byproducts in silicon. The high position resolution, energy resolution and particle ID performance of a scientific CCD allows for observation and identification of all the byproducts α\alpha, 7^7Li and γ\gamma (electron recoils). A signal-to-noise improvement on the order of 104^4 over the indirect method has been achieved. Sub-pixel position resolution of a few microns is demonstrated. The technology can also be used to build UCN detectors with an area on the order of 1 m2^2. The combination of micrometer scale spatial resolution, few electrons ionization thresholds and large area paves the way to new research avenues including quantum physics of UCN and high-resolution neutron imaging and spectroscopy.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure