8 research outputs found

    Demographic trends and personal income tax in Italy in the context of raising children

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    Since the 1970s, Italians have experienced considerable demographic changes: a sharp fall in the birth rate with a contemporaneous ageing of the population, and more residents aged 65 years and over than under the age of 20. These changes are due not only to a change in cultural attitude: they depend also on the economic difficulties Italian families face when increasing their family size. At the same time, we have to observe that in Italy, the personal tax system does not recognise, as it should, the social and economic efforts families undertake in their role of bringing up children and increasing human capital. This is verified by looking at both the implicit costs recognised by the personal tax system, and the violations of three axioms, which according to Kakwani and Lambert [1998], a fair tax system should respect. The Italian tax system recognises rather low implicit costs to income earners when they have to take care of children: moreover these implicit costs are an inverse function of taxable income and become irrelevant for middle level incomes. With reference to Kakwani and Lambert\u2019s axioms, the overwhelming majority of violations are made against families with children

    Rapporto sulla popolazione. Le molte facce della presenza straniera in Italia

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    Al di là delle emergenze recenti, l’immigrazione straniera è un fenomeno le cui origini risalgono a circa quaranta anni fa: proprio i demografi italiani furono tra i primi a segnalarne l’importanza, analizzandone cause, caratteristiche e conseguenze. Questo Rapporto permette di seguire la pluridecennale evoluzione dell’immigrazione e della presenza straniera in Italia, con attenzione alle specificità dei diversi contesti territoriali. Una ricca e affidabile documentazione statistica consente di illustrare le origini e le caratteristiche degli stranieri, i loro comportamenti demografici, l’inserimento nel mercato del lavoro e le condizioni di integrazione. Tra le questioni affrontate si segnalano quelle, rilevantissime, dei profughi, della cittadinanza e delle seconde generazioni

    The legacy of Corrado Gini in population studies

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    This volume contains 12 papers that range over many different research subjects, taking in many of the population questions that, directly or indirectly, absorbed Corrado Gini as demographer and social scientist over several decades. They vary from the analysis of the living conditions and behaviours of the growing foreign population (measurements and methods of analysis, socio-economic conditions and health, ethnic residential segregation, sex-ratio at birth), to studies on the homogamy of couples; from population theories (with reference to the cyclical theory of populations) to the modelling approach to estimating mortality in adult ages or estimating time transfers, by age and sex, related to informal child care and adult care; from historical studies that take up themes dear to Gini (such as the estimates of Italian military deaths in WWI), to the application of Gini’s classical measurements to studying significant phenomena today (transition to adulthood and leaving the parental home, health care, disabled persons and social integration). The subjects and measurements that appear here are not intended to exhaust the broad spectrum of Gini’s research work in the demographic and social field (nor could they), but they can make up a part of the intersection between his vast legacy and some interesting topics in current research, some of which were not even imaginable in the mid twentieth century. Looking at the many contributions that celebrated Gini in Treviso and thinking about his legacy, it seems possible to identify at least two typologies of approach, to be found in this issue of the journal, too. On the one hand, there are contributions that aim to retrieve and discuss themes, methodologies and measurements dealt with or used by Gini so as to evaluate their present relevance and importance in the current scholarly debate. On the other, there are contributions that deal with topics that are far from Gini’s work, as they study very recent phenomena, but actually, among other things, make use of methods and indicators devised by Gini that are now so much part of the common currency of methodology, so they don’t require explicit reference to their Author

    Il popolo dei regolarizzati

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    Collana: Ricerche e Studi dell’Istituto Cattane

    Osservatorio Economico Regionale dell'Artigianato. L'imprenditoria artigiana immigrata in Lombardia.

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    Il volume presenta i risultati di uno studio monografico, realizzato nell'ambito dell'Osservatorio, dedicato al fenomeno dell'imprenditoria immigrata straniera, che in pochi anni ha conosciuto una espansione considerevole, in seguito anche alle evoluzioni legislative, contribuendo al ricambio generazionale in diversi settori produttivi. L'indagine realizzata mette in luce alcune interessanti caratteristiche di questa componente dell'imprenditoria artigiana, facendo emergere come il "divenire imprenditore" rappresenti una strategia di mobilità professionale per coloro che sono nel nostro Paese da un certo numero di anni