17 research outputs found

    Enhancing dna immunization by targeting asfv antigens to sla-ii bearing cells

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    One of the main criticisms to DNA vaccines is the poor immunogenicity that they confer on occasions, at least in large animals. Confirming this theory, immunization with plasmid DNA encoding two African swine fever virus genes in frame (pCMV-PQ), failed in inducing detectable immune responses in pigs, while it was successful in mice. Aiming to improve the immune responses induced in swine, a new plasmid was constructed, encoding the viral genes fused in frame with a single chain variable fragment of an antibody specific for a swine leukocyte antigen II (pCMV-APCH1PQ). Our results clearly demonstrate that targeting antigens to antigen professional cells exponentially enhanced the immune response induced in pigs, albeit that the DNA vaccine was not able to confer protection against lethal viral challenge. Indeed, a viremia exacerbation was observed in each of the pigs that received the pCMV-APCH1PQ plasmid, this correlating with the presence of non-neutralizing antibodies and antigen-specific SLA II-restricted T-cells. The implications of our discoveries for the development of future vaccines against African swine fever virus and other swine pathogens are discussed.Fil: Argilaguet, J. M.. No especifíca;Fil: Pérez Martín, E.. No especifíca;Fil: Gallardo, C.. No especifíca;Fil: Salguero, F. J.. No especifíca;Fil: Borrego, B.. No especifíca;Fil: Lacasta, A.. No especifíca;Fil: Accensi, F.. No especifíca;Fil: Díaz, I.. No especifíca;Fil: Nofrarías, M.. No especifíca;Fil: Pujols, J.. No especifíca;Fil: Blanco, E.. No especifíca;Fil: Pérez Filgueira, Daniel Mariano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Escribano, José M.. No especifíca;Fil: Rodríguez, F.. No especifíca

    Analytical model for p-n junctions under point source illumination

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    An analytical model of the photoresponse of p-n junctions under a point source illumination is presented. The model measures the response of different regions of the pixel in terms of current. Both p-n+ and p-Nwell junction photodiodes were fabricated in a standard UMC 90nm technology and tested. Model and experimental data reveal a similar behaviour

    Bottom collection of photodiode-based CMOS APS

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    The market for solid-state image sensors has been experiencing an explosive growth in recent years resulting in CMOS sensors rapidly becoming one of the emerging sectors with more projection potential in the semiconductors industry. A CMOS active pixel sensor (APS) with a reverse biased p-n junction photodiode constitutes the structure of more widespread use, and it has been made a viable alternative to CCDs with the advent of deep submicron CMOS technologies and microlenses. Peripheral area of the junction depletion region plays an important role on collecting photocarriers in the vicinity of photodiode limits. In this paper, the peripheral photoresponse of CMOS APS of different dimensions in a deep submicron 0.18iquestm process is studied, paying special attention to the bottom collection

    Enhancing DNA immunization by targeting ASFV antigens to SLA-II bearing cells.

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    One of the main criticisms to DNA vaccines is the poor immunogenicity that they confer on occasions, at least in large animals. Confirming this theory, immunization with plasmid DNA encoding two African swine fever virus genes in frame (pCMV-PQ), failed in inducing detectable immune responses in pigs, while it was successful in mice. Aiming to improve the immune responses induced in swine, a new plasmid was constructed, encoding the viral genes fused in frame with a single chain variable fragment of an antibody specific for a swine leukocyte antigen II (pCMV-APCH1PQ). Our results clearly demonstrate that targeting antigens to antigen professional cells exponentially enhanced the immune response induced in pigs, albeit that the DNA vaccine was not able to confer protection against lethal viral challenge. Indeed, a viremia exacerbation was observed in each of the pigs that received the pCMV-APCH1PQ plasmid, this correlating with the presence of non-neutralizing antibodies and antigen-specific SLA II-restricted T-cells. The implications of our discoveries for the development of future vaccines against African swine fever virus and other swine pathogens are discussed

    Enhancing DNA immunization by targeting ASFV antigens to SLA-II bearing cells.

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    One of the main criticisms to DNA vaccines is the poor immunogenicity that they confer on occasions, at least in large animals. Confirming this theory, immunization with plasmid DNA encoding two African swine fever virus genes in frame (pCMV-PQ), failed in inducing detectable immune responses in pigs, while it was successful in mice. Aiming to improve the immune responses induced in swine, a new plasmid was constructed, encoding the viral genes fused in frame with a single chain variable fragment of an antibody specific for a swine leukocyte antigen II (pCMV-APCH1PQ). Our results clearly demonstrate that targeting antigens to antigen professional cells exponentially enhanced the immune response induced in pigs, albeit that the DNA vaccine was not able to confer protection against lethal viral challenge. Indeed, a viremia exacerbation was observed in each of the pigs that received the pCMV-APCH1PQ plasmid, this correlating with the presence of non-neutralizing antibodies and antigen-specific SLA II-restricted T-cells. The implications of our discoveries for the development of future vaccines against African swine fever virus and other swine pathogens are discussed

    Uso de cobertura morta vegetal no controle da umidade e temperatura do solo, na incidência de plantas invasoras e na produção da cenoura em cultivo de verão Efficiency of mulching on soil moisture and temperature, weed control and yield of carrot in summer season

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    Avaliaram-se os efeitos de diferentes tipos de cobertura morta de solo de origem vegetal sobre o crescimento, controle de plantas daninhas, produtividade e regime hidrotérmico do solo no cultivo da cenoura, cultivar Brasília, em um experimento conduzido no período de setembro a dezembro de 1998, em Marília, SP. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições em parcelas de 2 m². Estudou-se os seguintes tipos de cobertura: serragem de madeira, casca de arroz, maravalha (raspa de madeira), capim seco (Cynodon spp.) e controle (solo sem cobertura morta). A utilização da cobertura morta de solo mostrou-se como uma prática vantajosa para o cultivo de verão da cenoura, reduziu a temperatura em até 3,5ºC, aumentou a retenção de umidade do solo em até 2,3% em relação ao controle e melhorou o desenvolvimento das plantas de cenoura. Houve menor incidência de plantas daninhas com o uso de maravalha e capim seco que, juntamente com a serragem também aumentaram o número de plantas colhidas. Entre os tipos de cobertura morta utilizados, a casca de arroz e a maravalha se destacaram em relação ao solo descoberto como os materiais que proporcionaram maior produtividade (112,6 e 99,6 t/ha respectivamente). O uso de cobertura morta de solo mostrou-se vantajoso em vários aspectos para cultura da cenoura, sendo técnica e economicamente viável, principalmente, em pequenas áreas e em cultivos orgânicos.<br>The effects of different mulches were evalueted on carrot culture, cultivar Brasilia, in a experiment carried out at Marilia, São Paulo State, Brazil, from september to december/1998. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications and size plots of 2 m². Wood dust, wood chips, dry grass (Cynodon spp.), rice straw and control (soil without cover) were tested and their effects on the soil hidrothermal regime, weed control, growth and yield of carrot were determined. Mulching materials showed better carrots plants development, mild soil temperature (3,5°C less control trait) and better soil moisture (2,3% high control trait). Dry grass and wood chips showed lower weed infestation and dry grass, wood chips and wood dust increased carrot stand. Mulches with rice straw and wood increased carrot yield (112,6 e 99,6 t/ha respectively). Mulching use is technically and economically viable for carrot growing, mainly in small areas and in organic farms

    Características e rendimento de vagem do feijão-vagem em função de fontes e doses de matéria orgânica Characteristics and yield of snap-bean pod in function of sources and levels of organic matter

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar doses e fontes de matéria orgânica na cultura do feijão-vagem, cultivar Macarrão Trepador, instalou-se um experimento em condições de campo no período de julho a novembro de 1998, no Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal da Paraíba. O delineamento experimental empregado foi blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 4 x 5, compreendendo quatro fontes de matéria orgânica (esterco de galinha, esterco bovino, esterco caprino e húmus de minhoca) e cinco doses, sendo 0; 5; 10; 15 e 20 t/ha de esterco de galinha; e, 0; 10; 20; 30 e 40 t/ha de esterco bovino, caprino e húmus de minhoca, em quatro repetições. Utilizaram-se parcelas com 20 plantas, espaçadas de 1,00 x 0,50 m. Os resultados indicaram que o comprimento de vagens aumentou linearmente com as doses de estercos de galinha, de bovino e de caprino. O peso médio de vagens foi influenciado apenas pelo esterco de galinha. O húmus de minhoca não exerceu efeito sobre a característica e a produtividade de vagens. O esterco de galinha na dose de 13,0 t/ha proporcionou rendimento máximo de vagens (26,3 t/ha), o esterco bovino na dose de 24,0 t/ha produziu 30,3 t/ha e o esterco caprino, na dose de 16,6 t/ha, produziu 23,0 t/ha. A análise econômica indicou a dose de 11 t/ha de esterco de galinha e de 23,0 t/ha de esterco bovino, como as mais viáveis economicamente para adubação orgânica no feijão-vagem, resultando num rendimento estimado de 11,3 e 21,2 t/ha de vagens e uma receita prevista de 8.000 e 21.000 kg/ha de vagens, respectivamente. Para o esterco caprino, 20 t/ha apresentou saldo um pouco superior à sua ausência, enquanto 10 t/ha de húmus de minhoca revelou saldo de R2.336,00/ha,poreˊm,inferioraˋsuaause^ncia.Concluise,pois,quenascondic\co~esemquefoirealizadaapresentepesquisa,na~oeˊvantajosooempregodoestercocaprinoedohuˊmusdeminhocacomofontesdemateˊriaorga^nicaparaprogramasdeproduc\ca~odevagensemfeija~ovagem.<br>Withtheobjectiveofevaluatinglevelsandsourcesoforganicmatterinthecultureofthesnapbean,Macarra~oTrepadorcultivar,anexperimentinfieldconditionswassettedintheperiodfromJulytoNovember1998,intheFederalUniversityofParaıˊba,Brazil.Theexperimentaldesignwasofrandomizedblocks,infactorialscheme4x5,withfoursourcesoforganicmatter(chickenmanure,bovinemanure,goatmanureandearthwormcompost)andfivelevels(0,5,10,15and20t/haofchickenmanureand,0,10,20,30and40t/haofbovinemanure,goatmanureandearthwormcompost),infourreplications.Plotswereof20plants,space1.00x0.50m.Theresultsindicatedthatthelengthofbeansincreasedlinearlywiththelevelsofchicken,bovineandgoatmanure.Theaverageweightofpodswasjustinfluencedbychickenmanure.Theearthwormcompostdidntexerciseeffectonthecharacteristicsandtheproductivityofpods.Theuseof13.0t/haofchickenmanureprovidedmaximumyieldofpods(26.3t/ha),thebovinemanureinthelevelof24.0t/haproduced30.3t/haandthegoatmanureinthelevelof16.6t/haproduced23.0t/ha.Theeconomicalanalysisindicatedtheuseof11t/haofchickenmanureand23t/haofbovinemanurethemostviablesourcesoforganicfertilizationinsnapbean,byresultinginaproductivityof11.3and21.2t/haofpodsandaforeseenyieldof8and21t/haofpods,respectively.Forthegoatmanure,theuseof20t/harevealedtobealittlesuperiorcomparedtoitsabsence,while10t/haofearthwormcompostshowedabalanceofR 2.336,00/ha, porém, inferior à sua ausência. Conclui-se, pois, que nas condições em que foi realizada a presente pesquisa, não é vantajoso o emprego do esterco caprino e do húmus de minhoca como fontes de matéria orgânica para programas de produção de vagens em feijão-vagem.<br>With the objective of evaluating levels and sources of organic matter in the culture of the snap-bean, Macarrão Trepador cultivar, an experiment in field conditions was setted in the period from July to November 1998, in the Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil. The experimental design was of randomized blocks, in factorial scheme 4 x 5, with four sources of organic matter (chicken manure, bovine manure, goat manure and earthworm compost) and five levels (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 t/ha of chicken manure and, 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 t/ha of bovine manure, goat manure and earthworm compost), in four replications. Plots were of 20 plants, space 1.00 x 0.50 m. The results indicated that the length of beans increased linearly with the levels of chicken, bovine and goat manure. The average weight of pods was just influenced by chicken manure. The earthworm compost didn't exercise effect on the characteristics and the productivity of pods. The use of 13.0 t/ha of chicken manure provided maximum yield of pods (26.3 t/ha), the bovine manure in the level of 24.0 t/ha produced 30.3 t/ha and the goat manure in the level of 16.6 t/ha produced 23.0 t/ha. The economical analysis indicated the use of 11 t/ha of chicken manure and 23 t/ha of bovine manure the most viable sources of organic fertilization in snap-bean, by resulting in a productivity of 11.3 and 21.2 t/ha of pods and a foreseen yield of 8 and 21 t/ha of pods, respectively. For the goat manure, the use of 20 t/ha revealed to be a little superior compared to its absence, while 10 t/ha of earthworm compost showed a balance of R 2.336.00/ha, but inferior to its absence. In the conditions of the present research, the use of goat manure and earthworm compost as organic matter sources is not advantageous for programs of snap bean pods production