281 research outputs found

    Ground-based photometry of the 21-day Neptune HD106315c

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    Space-based transit surveys such as K2 and TESS allow the detection of small transiting planets with orbital periods beyond 10 days. Few of these warm Neptunes are currently known around stars bright enough to allow for detailed follow-up observations dedicated to their atmospheric characterization. The 21-day period and 3.95 R⊕R_\oplus planet HD106315c has been discovered based on the observation of two of its transits by K2. We have observed HD106315 using the 1.2m Euler telescope equipped with the EulerCam camera on two instances to confirm the transit using broad band photometry and refine the planetary period. Based on two observed transits of HD106315c, we detect its ∼\sim1 mmag transit and obtain a precise measurement of the planetary ephemerids, which are critical for planning further follow-up observations. We have used the attained precision together with the predicted yield from the TESS mission to evaluate the potential for ground-based confirmation of Neptune-sized planets found by TESS. We find that 1-meter-class telescopes on the ground equipped with precise photometers could substantially contribute to the follow-up of 162 TESS candidates orbiting stars with magnitudes of V≤14V \leq 14. Out of these, 74 planets orbit stars with V≤12V \leq 12 and 12 planets orbit V≤10V \leq 10, which makes these candidates high-priority objects for atmospheric characterization with high-end instrumentation.Comment: Published in A&A letters, 4 pages, 3 figure

    Stellar twins determine the distance of the Pleiades

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    © 2016 ESO.Since the release of the Hipparcos catalogue in 1997, the distance to the Pleiades open cluster has been heavily debated. The distance obtained from Hipparcos and those by alternative methods differ by 10 to 15%. As accurate stellar distances are key to understanding stellar structure and evolution, this dilemma puts the validity of some stellar evolution models into question. Using our model-independent method to determine parallaxes based on twin stars, we report individual parallaxes of 15 FGK type stars in the Pleiades in anticipation of the astrometric mission Gaia. These parallaxes give a mean cluster parallax of 7.42 ± 0.09 mas,which corresponds to a mean cluster distance of 134.8 ± 1.7 pc. This value agrees with the current results obtained from stellar evolution models

    New ADS Functionality for the Curator

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    In this paper we provide an update concerning the operations of the NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS), its services and user interface, and the content currently indexed in its database. As the primary information system used by researchers in Astronomy, the ADS aims to provide a comprehensive index of all scholarly resources appearing in the literature. With the current effort in our community to support data and software citations, we discuss what steps the ADS is taking to provide the needed infrastructure in collaboration with publishers and data providers. A new API provides access to the ADS search interface, metrics, and libraries allowing users to programmatically automate discovery and curation tasks. The new ADS interface supports a greater integration of content and services with a variety of partners, including ORCID claiming, indexing of SIMBAD objects, and article graphics from a variety of publishers. Finally, we highlight how librarians can facilitate the ingest of gray literature that they curate into our system.Comment: Submitted to the Proceedings of Library and Information Services in Astronomy VIII, Strasbourg, Franc

    NGC 6705 a young α\alpha-enhanced Open Cluster from OCCASO data

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    The stellar [α\alpha/Fe] abundance is sometimes used as a proxy for stellar age, following standard chemical evolution models for the Galaxy, as seen by different observational results. In this work we show that the Open Cluster NGC6705/M11 has a significant α\alpha-enhancement [α\alpha/Fe]>0.1>0.1 dex, despite its young age (∼\sim300 Myr), challenging the current paradigm. We use high resolution (R>65,000>65,000) high signal-to-noise (∼\sim70) spectra of 8 Red Clump stars, acquired within the OCCASO survey. We determine very accurate chemical abundances of several α\alpha elements, using an equivalent width methodology (Si, Ca and Ti), and spectral synthesis fits (Mg and O). We obtain [Si/Fe]=0.13±0.050.13\pm0.05, [Mg/Fe]=0.14±0.070.14\pm0.07, [O/Fe]=0.17±0.070.17\pm0.07, [Ca/Fe]=0.06±0.050.06\pm0.05 and [Ti/Fe]=0.03±0.030.03\pm0.03. Our results place these cluster within the group of young [α\alpha/Fe]-enhanced field stars recently found by several authors in the literature. The ages of our stars have an uncertainty of around 50 Myr, much more precise than for field stars. By integrating the cluster's orbit in several non-axisymmetric Galactic potentials, we establish the M11's most likely birth radius to lie between 6.8-7.5 kpc from the Galactic center, not far from its current position. With the robust Open Cluster age scale, our results prove that a moderate [α\alpha/Fe]-enhancement is no guarantee for a star to be old, and that not all α\alpha-enhanced stars can be explained with an evolved blue straggler scenario. Based on our orbit calculations, we further argue against a Galactic bar origin of M11.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted in A&

    Testing the chemical tagging technique with open clusters

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    Context. Stars are born together from giant molecular clouds and, if we assume that the priors were chemically homogeneous and well-mixed, we expect them to share the same chemical composition. Most of the stellar aggregates are disrupted while orbiting the Galaxy and most of the dynamic information is lost, thus the only possibility of reconstructing the stellar formation history is to analyze the chemical abundances that we observe today. Aims. The chemical tagging technique aims to recover disrupted stellar clusters based merely on their chemical composition. We evaluate the viability of this technique to recover co-natal stars that are no longer gravitationally bound. Methods. Open clusters are co-natal aggregates that have managed to survive together. We compiled stellar spectra from 31 old and intermediate-age open clusters, homogeneously derived atmospheric parameters, and 17 abundance species, and applied machine learning algorithms to group the stars based on their chemical composition. This approach allows us to evaluate the viability and efficiency of the chemical tagging technique. Results. We found that stars at different evolutionary stages have distinct chemical patterns that may be due to NLTE effects, atomic diffusion, mixing, and biases. When separating stars into dwarfs and giants, we observed that a few open clusters show distinct chemical signatures while the majority show a high degree of overlap. This limits the recovery of co-natal aggregates by applying the chemical tagging technique. Nevertheless, there is room for improvement if more elements are included and models are improved.Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Corrected typo
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