135 research outputs found

    Immigrant population, public space and housing in Barcelona

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    Demographic change occurred in the last decade by the arrival of immigrant population has produced significant social and physical transformations in the Spanish cities. This article is part of a research on the residential and urban conditions of immigrant population in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona. In this study we have analyzed through case studies the relation between immigration and city through the study of the use of public space and housing characteristics. The immigrant population is generally a very diverse collective. We propose that points in common can be drawn from analyses that take into account other major characteristics, beyond country of origin, such as gender, economic situation and education level. Through observation of groups in public spaces, especially squares, it is possible to identify aspects related both to social status and to gender roles assigned by their original and adopted cultures. This paper focuses on Metropolitan Region of Barcelona, and analyzes its reality based on concrete data and specific in case studies, to verify and compare the initial proposal. To be able to determine parameters for comparison, we have worked with a methodological strategy based of several quantitative and qualitative tools to get an insight on residential and urban conditions of the immigrant population. The main technique used was the participant observation, involving direct observation and presence in different interaction spaces: streets, squares and public facilities. The observations involve two dimensions to make the analysis and the comparison between different fields of study easier: Physical dimension and Social dimension. This made it possible for us to become aware of the different uses made by immigrants and by the Spanish population based on their activities, gender, age, and interaction with other persons.

    Housing and immigrant population in Barcelona

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    Demographic change occurred in the last decade by the arrival of immigrant population has produced significant social and physical transformations in the Spanish cities. This article is part of a research on the residential and urban conditions of immigrant population in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona. In this study we have analyzed through case studies the relation between immigration and city through the study of the use of public space and housing characteristics. The immigrant population is generally a very diverse collective. We propose that points in common can be drawn from analyses that take into account other major characteristics, beyond country of origin, such as gender, economic situation and education level. Through observation of groups in public spaces, especially squares, it is possible to identify aspects related both to social status and to gender roles assigned by their original and adopted cultures. This paper focuses on Metropolitan Region of Barcelona, and analyzes its reality based on concrete data and specific in case studies, to verify and compare the initial proposal. To be able to determine parameters for comparison, we have worked with a methodological strategy based of several quantitative and qualitative tools to get an insight on residential and urban conditions of the immigrant population. The main technique used was the participant observation, involving direct observation and presence in different interaction spaces: streets, squares and public facilities. The observations involve two dimensions to make the analysis and the comparison between different fields of study easier: Physical dimension and Social dimension. This made it possible for us to become aware of the different uses made by immigrants and by the Spanish population based on their activities, gender, age, and interaction with other persons

    ¿Cómo convivimos en los patios escolares?

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    Tal y como se afirma en el artículo que presentamos a continuación, en el patio escolar la pista deportiva condiciona el uso del espacio afectando el desarrollo de otras actividades. Cada cuatro años el mundial de fútbol también polariza la atención de muchos millones de personas en todo el mundo. En el último mundial celebrado en Sudáfrica en 2010 la colombiana Shakira popularizó el waka-waka, canción de origen camerunés, entonada tradicionalmente por soldados o también por niños y jóvenes scouts. Poco saben los padres y madres del mundo que sus hijos/as memorizan marchas militares pegadizas o que apenas encuentran alternativas al fútbol en sus patios escolares.Postprint (published version

    Estat de l'art sobre indicadors de qualitat de vida urbana no androcèntrics

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    La hipòtesi d'aquest treball és que la qualitat de vida de dones i homes a la ciutat és diferent. Aquesta hipòtesi pot dividir-se en dos punts: 1- La qualitat de vida de dones i homes és diferent a la ciutat perquè la configuració androcèntrica de la ciutat minva la capacitat d'ús dels diferents espais i condiciona el paper d'aquests com satisfactors de les necessitats quotidianes. 2- A més, el tipus de teixit urbà va a ser determinant en aquesta qualitat de vida ja que depenent del teixit les diferència en la qualitat de vida entre dones i homes serà major o menys.Postprint (published version

    Síntesis dels resultats de metodologia qualitativa i quantitativa per la elaboració de indicadors de qualitat de vida no androcèntrics

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    Aquest document forma part del treball de tesi doctoral de l'autora, actualment en curs, sobre indicadors urbans de qualitat de vida no androcèntrics. La hipòtesi d'aquest treball és que la qualitat de vida de dones i homes a la ciutat és diferent. En aquest document es fa una síntesi de part de la metodologia utilitzada per a l'elaboració dels indicadors.Postprint (published version

    Informe socio-residencial del barrio de la Maurina en Terrassa

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    El presente documento es parte del trabajo desarrollado en el proyecto “Inmigración, vivienda y Ciudad” financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.El objetivo del proyecto global es caracterizar en profundidad las condiciones residenciales y urbanas que tiene la población inmigrante en Madrid y Barcelona, en aquellas zonas donde existe una especial concentración de población inmigrante. En investigaciones anteriores de este Centro, se ha llegado a la conclusión de que la población inmigrante se concentra en las zonas urbanas que cuentan con los parques residenciales más deteriorados.Postprint (published version

    Integración y vivienda de la población inmigrada en la RMB: estado del arte

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    [...]Este proyecto tiene como ámbito de estudio, barrios con características físicas deficientes y que además concentran un número considerable de población inmigrante, localizados en las Comunidades Autónomas de Madrid y de Cataluña.Postprint (published version