2,418 research outputs found

    Le renouvellement démocratique des pratiques sociales : Enjeux politiques et défis pratiques pour le travail social dans la ville et le quartier

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    Le renouvellement démocratique des pratiques sociales pose des problèmes délicats dans l’aménagement des villes et des quartiers. Les travailleurs et intervenants sociaux sont sollicités pour promouvoir la démocratie locale et faire de la médiation entre élus, techniciens de l’aménagement urbain et simples citoyens. Ils deviennent quelquefois des animateurs du débat public local. Mais ils sont confrontés à des dilemmes et des paradoxes et ils ne peuvent aboutir qu’à des compromis pratiques et des transactions sociales entre des principes de légitimité concurrents.The democratic renewal of social practices raises sensitive issues in the planning of cities and neighborhoods. Social workers at large are invited to promote grass-roots democracy and to act as a go-between putting together local politicians, professional planners and ordinary citizens. But they face dilemmas and paradoxes and the output is a pragmatic compromise or a social transaction between conflicting principles of legitimacy

    Cultural policies against social inequalities in "disadvantaged" neighbourhoods: the French politique de la ville in Strasbourg

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    "Politique de la ville is the French equivalent of the German programme: Soziale Stadt (Walther 2002). Recently, emphasis is put on the role of 'culture' in the empowerment process of social housing tenants in 'disadvantaged' suburban estates. Empirical evidence from case studies shows serious conflicts between two definitions of culture: 1. Central government officers from the Ministry of Culture tend to fund cultural projects coherent with their normative and elitist vision of 'la Culture', illustrating Bourdieu's concept of cultural domination. 2. Adversely, cultural activists from communities and neighbourhoods tend to have an anthropological vision of the diversity of cultures (les cultures). They want to implement cultural projects with a bottom up approach, but they find extremely difficult to raise funds as popular cultures have a weak legitimacy. The paper will focus on the transactional process allowing compromises between cultural universalism and cultural specificities." (author's abstract

    Pont-du-Château – Le lit de l’Allier au lieu-dit les Palisses

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    En 2016, lors de l’opération archéologique conduite par Yves Lécuyer (Lécuyer 2016), un ensemble de huit pierres de taille avait été retrouvé dans le lit de l’Allier au lieu-dit les Palisses. En raison des conditions de courant, le relevé exhaustif du site n’avait pu être effectué. Notons que ces pierres sont de même facture antique que plus de 280 blocs extraits de la rivière en 1969, 1971 et 1972, parmi lesquels figurent des chapiteaux et des tronçons de colonnes, dont on ne connaît pas l’o..

    Lutte contre l’Onchocercose et protection piscicole en A. O. F.

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    Bill Edgar, Joe Doherty et Henk Meert, L’immigration et les sans-abri en Europe

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    La Fédération européenne des associations nationales travaillant avec les sans-abri (FEANTSA) a été fondée en 1989 et elle a mis en place un Observatoire européen sur le sans-abrisme. Il publie régulièrement des rapports sur l’évolution du mal-logement en Europe, en se fondant sur les données recueillies par ses correspondants nationaux (15 jusqu’ici). L’immigration et les sans-abri en Europe est le dernier en date. Le chapitre I décrit le contexte économique et démographique des migrations e..

    MOROKVASIC-MULLER Mirjana, EREL Umut, SHINOZAKI Kyoko (éds.), Crossing Borders and Shifting Boundaries, Vol. 1: Gender on the Move

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    En 2000, une Université internationale des Femmes a regroupé à Hanovre 900 participantes de 105 pays. Crossing Borders and Shifting Boundaries, que l’on peut traduire par : « traversant les frontières et déplaçant les limites », est le résultat des travaux présentés dans l’atelier consacré aux femmes dans la migration. Le premier volume (le second est à paraître) est intitulé Gender on the Move (« le genre en mouvement »). Pour les coordinatrices de l’ouvrage, il ne s’agit pas d’utiliser le g..

    L’Aquarium marin du Laboratoire des Pêches coloniales du Muséum

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    Dans la cuisine du partenariat. Retour sur les obstacles interculturels et institutionnels dans un projet de coopération universitaire franco-algérienne 

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    Cet article analyse de manière réflexive une expérience de coopération universitaire franco-algérienne et il examine l’impact sur le partenariat des tensions produites par la mise à l’épreuve du terrain. Emboîté dans de multiples dispositifs, l’objet de la coopération concentre un faisceau d’attentes, aussi diverses que contradictoires, susceptibles de créer des tensions dans des négociations qu’il faut en permanence reprendre. L’article montre que l’approche par la transaction sociale est pertinente pour analyser des processus partenariaux qui passent par de la coopération conflictuelle et des arrangements informels. Deux obstacles majeurs apparaissent : les cercles vicieux bureaucratiques et les malentendus interculturels. Des transactions implicites et tacites permettent de débloquer lentement la situation.This paper makes a reflexive assessment of an experiment in Franco-Algerian academic co-operation. It addresses the impact on the partnership of the tensions which emerge at field level practice. Embedded in various institutional patterns, the aim of co-operation is caught between diverging and contradictory expectations, creating tensions which fuel never-ending negotiations. The paper highlights the relevance of a social transaction approach for the understanding of partnership processes which necessarily involve conflictual co-operation and informal arrangements. Two major obstacles emerge: bureaucratic vicious circles and intercultural misunderstandings. Implicit and/or tacit transactions can allow for the slow unfolding of situations

    Observation of periodic variable stars towards the galactic spiral arms by EROS II

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    We present the results of a massive variability search based on a photometric survey of a six square degree region along the Galactic plane at (l=305l = 305^\circ, b=0.8b = -0.8^\circ) and (l=330l = 330^\circ, b=2.5b = -2.5^\circ). This survey was performed in the framework of the EROS II (Exp\'erience de Recherche d'Objets Sombres) microlensing program. The variable stars were found among 1,913,576 stars that were monitored between April and June 1998 in two passbands, with an average of 60 measurements. A new period-search technique is proposed which makes use of a statistical variable that characterizes the overall regularity of the flux versus phase diagram. This method is well suited when the photometric data are unevenly distributed in time, as is our case. 1,362 objects whose luminosity varies were selected. Among them we identified 9 Cepheids, 19 RR Lyrae, 34 Miras, 176 eclipsing binaries and 266 Semi-Regular stars. Most of them are newly identified objects. The cross-identification with known catalogues has been performed. The mean distance of the RR Lyrae is estimated to be 4.9±0.3\sim 4.9 \pm 0.3 kpc undergoing an average absorption of 3.4±0.2\sim 3.4 \pm 0.2 magnitudes. This distance is in good agreement with the one of disc stars which contribute to the microlensing source star population.Our catalogue and light curves are available electronically from the CDS, Strasbourg and from our Web site http://eros.in2p3.fr.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, accepted in A&A (april 2002

    Epidemiology of Coxiella burnetii infection in Africa: a OneHealth systematic review

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    Background: Q fever is a common cause of febrile illness and community-acquired pneumonia in resource-limited settings. Coxiella burnetii, the causative pathogen, is transmitted among varied host species, but the epidemiology of the organism in Africa is poorly understood. We conducted a systematic review of C. burnetii epidemiology in Africa from a “One Health” perspective to synthesize the published data and identify knowledge gaps.<p></p> Methods/Principal Findings: We searched nine databases to identify articles relevant to four key aspects of C. burnetii epidemiology in human and animal populations in Africa: infection prevalence; disease incidence; transmission risk factors; and infection control efforts. We identified 929 unique articles, 100 of which remained after full-text review. Of these, 41 articles describing 51 studies qualified for data extraction. Animal seroprevalence studies revealed infection by C. burnetii (≤13%) among cattle except for studies in Western and Middle Africa (18–55%). Small ruminant seroprevalence ranged from 11–33%. Human seroprevalence was <8% with the exception of studies among children and in Egypt (10–32%). Close contact with camels and rural residence were associated with increased seropositivity among humans. C. burnetii infection has been associated with livestock abortion. In human cohort studies, Q fever accounted for 2–9% of febrile illness hospitalizations and 1–3% of infective endocarditis cases. We found no studies of disease incidence estimates or disease control efforts.<p></p> Conclusions/Significance: C. burnetii infection is detected in humans and in a wide range of animal species across Africa, but seroprevalence varies widely by species and location. Risk factors underlying this variability are poorly understood as is the role of C. burnetii in livestock abortion. Q fever consistently accounts for a notable proportion of undifferentiated human febrile illness and infective endocarditis in cohort studies, but incidence estimates are lacking. C. burnetii presents a real yet underappreciated threat to human and animal health throughout Africa.<p></p&gt