2 research outputs found

    Formation of informational and digital competence of the student of primary education by means of robotics

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    The article examines the problem of forming the information and digital competence of elementary school students by means of robotics. Our research work is aimed at analyzing the modern state of educational robotics, the readiness of educators for its teaching and experimental testing the possibilities of robotics as a means of forming information and digital competence of primary education seekers. The organization of pedagogical experiment meant diagnosis and correction of such components of information and digital competence as motivational, cognitive, active, reflexive, the formation of which took place in the course of pupils’ learning robotics constructors and interactive manuals devoted to the history and development of robots.  To measure the level of information and digital competence of primary school pupils the system of expert assessments of its components was used. As a result of observing behavior, accuracy, speed and independence during the fulfillment of special tasks connected with the search and processing of information, computational thinking, work on the Internet, understanding the ethics of working with information etc. the level of information and digital competence of every pupil is defined as the sum of all its indexes. The generalization of the results allowed the conclusions: the use of robotics constructors and interactive manuals, online resources that imitate actions with robots help to increase the level of information and digital competence of education seekers

    The use of augmented reality technology in primary education

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    In the article it had been analyzed a supplemented reality as a technology of the digital didactics, isolated the applications AR of the educated orientation, which can be useful in primary school. With an aim of checking the positive impact of the applications of a supplemented reality of the educated orientation on the development of the cognitive activity and the improvement of studying results of pupils it had been organized the pedagogical experiment. Diagnostics was used on the different levels of the forming the educated and cognitive interest, the cognitive activity, the educated motivation and success. The received results supported the hypothesis of the investigation, and its summing up let us make the conclusions about that the immersive technologies in the educated process which have become the didactic means, which need the active application