19,841 research outputs found

    Principles and promise of Fabry-Perot resonators at terahertz frequencies

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    Fabry–Perot resonators have tremendous potential to enhance the sensitivity of spectroscopic systems at terahertz (THz) frequencies. Increasing sensitivity will be of benefit in compensating for the relatively low power of current high resolution continuous wave THz radiation techniques, and to fully express the potential of THz spectroscopy as source power increases. Improved sensitivities, and thus scanning speeds, will allow detailed studies of the complex vibration-rotation-tunneling dynamics that large molecules show at THz wavelengths, and will be especially important in studying more elusive, transient species such as those present in planetary atmospheres and the interstellar medium. Coupling radiation into the cavity presents unique challenges at THz frequencies, however, meaning that the cavity configurations common in neighboring frequency domains cannot simply be translated. Instead, novel constructions are needed. Here we present a resonator design in which wire-grid polarizers serve as the input and output coupling mirrors. Using this configuration, Q-factors of a few times 10^5 are achieved near 0.3 THz. To aid future investigations, the parameter space that limits the quality of the cavity is explored and paths to improved performance highlighted. Lastly, the performance of polarizer cavity-based Fourier transform (FT) THz spectrometers is discussed, in particular those design optimizations that should allow for the construction of THz instrumentation that rivals and eventually surpasses the sensitivities achieved with modern FT-microwave cavity spectrometers

    Rare b hadron decays at the LHC

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    With the completion of Run~I of the CERN Large Hadron Collider, particle physics has entered a new era. The production of unprecedented numbers of heavy-flavoured hadrons in high energy proton-proton collisions allows detailed studies of flavour-changing processes. The increasingly precise measurements allow to probe the Standard Model with a new level of accuracy. Rare bb hadron decays provide some of the most promising approaches for such tests, since there are several observables which can be cleanly interpreted from a theoretical viewpoint. In this article, the status and prospects in this field are reviewed, with a focus on precision measurements and null tests.Comment: Invited review for Annual Reviews of Nuclear and Particle Physics. v2 as publishe

    High-Resolution 4.7 Micron Keck/NIRSPEC Spectra of Protostars. II. Detection of the ^(13)CO Isotope in Icy Grain Mantles

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    The high-resolution (R = 25,000) infrared M-band spectrum of the massive protostar NGC 7538 IRS 9 shows a narrow absorption feature at 4.779 μm (2092.3 cm^(-1)) that we attribute to the vibrational stretching mode of the ^(13)CO isotope in pure CO icy grain mantles. This is the first detection of ^(13)CO in icy grain mantles in the interstellar medium. The ^(13)CO band is a factor of 2.3 narrower than the apolar component of the ^(12)CO band. With this in mind, we discuss the mechanisms that broaden solid-state absorption bands. It is shown that ellipsoidally shaped pure CO grains fit the bands of both isotopes at the same time. Slightly worse but still reasonable fits are also obtained by CO embedded in N_2-rich ices and thermally processed O_2-rich ices. In addition, we report new insights into the nature and evolution of interstellar CO ices by comparing the very high resolution multicomponent solid ^(12)CO spectrum of NGC 7538 IRS 9 with that of the previously studied low-mass source L1489 IRS. The narrow absorption of apolar CO ices is present in both spectra but much stronger in NGC 7538 IRS 9. It is superposed on a smooth broad absorption feature well fitted by a combination of CO_2 and H_2O-rich laboratory CO ices. The abundances of the latter two ices, scaled to the total H_2O ice column, are the same in both sources. We thus suggest that thermal processing manifests itself as evaporation of apolar ices only and not the formation of CO_2 or polar ices. Finally, the decomposition of the ^(12)CO band is used to derive the ^(12)CO/^(13)CO abundance ratio in apolar ices. A ratio of ^(12)CO/^(13)CO = 71 ± 15 (3 σ) is deduced, in good agreement with gas-phase CO studies (~77) and the solid ^(12)CO_2/^(13)CO_2 ratio of 80 ± 11 found in the same line of sight. The implications for the chemical path along which CO_2 is formed are discussed

    First detection of the ground state JK = 1 sub 0 going to 0 sub 0 submillimeter transition of interstellar ammonia

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    The JK = 1 sub 0 approaching O sub 0 transition of ammonia at 572.5 GHz was detected in OMC-1 from NASA's Kuiper Airborne Observatory. The central velocity of the line (VLSR approximately = 9 km/s) indicates that it originates in the molecular cloud material, not the hot core. The derived filling factor of approximately 0.09 in a 2' beam implies a source diameter of approximately 35" if it is a single clump. This clump area is much larger than that derived from observations of the sub 1 inversion transition. The larger optical depth in the 1 sub 0 approaching 0 sub 0 transition (75-350) can account for the increased source area and linewidth as compared with those seen in the 1 sub 0 inversion transition