18,504 research outputs found

    Identification and correction of water velocity measurement errors associated with ultrasonic Doppler flow monitoring

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    Ultrasonic Doppler flow monitoring (UDFM) is used to measure water flow in pipes and channels. However, a lack of scattering particles and signal noise can cause velocity errors, particularly for smaller discharges and surface water (‘clean’) flows. A post-processing methodology is presented that identifies and corrects these errors, maximising the value of existing data. Test criteria are used to identify errors. The error correction procedure defines depth-velocity relationships from cleaned ‘training data’ representing the range of flow conditions (including backed up) and uses these relationships to automatically replace erroneous velocities. UDFM velocity errors have been successfully identified and corrected in example applications. Routine use allows early identification of changes in instrument or site behaviour. The methodology is practical, consistent and updateable. This is a significant advancement on previous methods for correcting velocity errors, improving the applicability of UDFM

    Determining the HI content of galaxies via intensity mapping cross-correlations

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    We propose an innovative method for measuring the neutral hydrogen (HI) content of an optically-selected spectroscopic sample of galaxies through cross-correlation with HI intensity mapping measurements. We show that the HI-galaxy cross-power spectrum contains an additive shot noise term which scales with the average HI brightness temperature of the optically-selected galaxies, allowing constraints to be placed on the average HI mass per galaxy. This approach can estimate the HI content of populations too faint to directly observe through their 21cm emission over a wide range of redshifts. This cross-correlation, as a function of optical luminosity or colour, can be used to derive HI-scaling relations. We demonstrate that this signal will be detectable by cross-correlating upcoming Australian SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP) observations with existing optically-selected samples. We also use semi-analytic simulations to verify that the HI mass can be successfully recovered by our technique in the range M_HI > 10^8 M_solar, in a manner independent of the underlying power spectrum shape. We conclude that this method is a powerful tool to study galaxy evolution, which only requires a single intensity mapping dataset to infer complementary HI gas information from existing optical and infra-red observations.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, submitted to MNRA

    CO Rovibrational Emission as a Probe of Inner Disk Structure

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    We present an analysis of CO emission lines from a sample of T Tauri, Herbig Ae/Be, and transitional disks with known inclinations in order to study the structure of inner disk molecular gas. We calculate CO inner radii by fitting line profiles with a simple parameterized model. We find that, for optically thick disks, CO inner radii are strongly correlated with the total system luminosity (stellar plus accretion) and consistent with the dust sublimation radius. Transitional disk inner radii show the same trend with luminosity, but are systematically larger. Using rotation diagram fits, we derive, for classical T Tauri disks, emitting areas consistent with a ring of width ~0.15 AU located at the CO inner radius; emitting areas for transitional disks are systematically smaller. We also measure lower rotational temperatures for transitional disks, and disks around Herbig Ae/Be stars, than for those around T Tauri stars. Finally, we find that rotational temperatures are similar to, or slightly lower than, the expected temperature of blackbody grains located at the CO inner radius, in contrast to expectations of thermal decoupling between gas and dust

    Molecular Identification of Eimeria Species in Broiler Chickens in Trinidad, West Indies

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    Coccidiosis is an intestinal disease of chickens of major economic importance to broiler industries worldwide. Species of coccidia found in chickens include Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria brunetti, Eimeria maxima, Eimeria mitis, Eimeria necatrix, Eimeria praecox, and Eimeria tenella. In recent years, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been developed to provide accurate and rapid identification of the seven known Eimeria species of chickens. The aim of this study was to use species-specific real-time PCR (qPCR) to identify which of the seven Eimeria species are present in Trinidad poultry. Seventeen pooled fecal samples were collected from 6 broiler farms (2–5 pens per farm) across Trinidad. Feces were also collected from birds showing clinical signs of coccidiosis in two live bird markets (pluck shops). qPCR revealed the presence of five species of Eimeria (E. acervulina, E. maxima, E. mitis, E. necatrix, and E. tenella), but not E. brunetti or E. praecox. Mixed infections were detected on all broiler farms, and DNA of two highly pathogenic Eimeria species (E. tenella and E. necatrix) was detected in feces taken from clinically sick birds sampled from the two pluck shops

    Intensity mapping cross-correlations II: HI halo models including shot noise

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    HI intensity mapping data traces the large-scale structure matter distribution using the integrated emission of neutral hydrogen gas (HI). The cross-correlation of the intensity maps with optical galaxy surveys can mitigate foreground and systematic effects, but has been shown to significantly depend on galaxy evolution parameters of the HI and the optical sample. Previously, we have shown that the shot noise of the cross-correlation scales with the HI content of the optical samples, such that the shot noise estimation infers the average HI masses of these samples. In this article, we present an adaptive framework for the cross-correlation of HI intensity maps with galaxy samples using our implementation of the halo model formalism (Murray et al 2018, in prep) which utilises the halo occupation distribution of galaxies to predict their power spectra. We compare two HI population models, tracing the spatial halo and the galaxy distribution respectively, and present their auto- and cross-power spectra with an associated galaxy sample. We find that the choice of the HI model and the distribution of the HI within the galaxy sample have minor significance for the shape of the auto- and cross-correlations, but highly impact the measured shot noise amplitude of the estimators, a finding we confirm with simulations. We demonstrate parameter estimation of the HI halo occupation models and advocate this framework for the interpretation of future experimental data, with the prospect of determining the HI masses of optical galaxy samples via the cross-correlation shot noise.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables. Comments welcom

    Effect of motion frequency spectrum on subjective comfort response

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    In order to model passenger reaction to present and future aircraft environments, it is necessary to obtain data in several ways. First, of course, is the gathering of environmental and passenger reaction data on commercial aircraft flights. In addition, detailed analyses of particular aspects of human reaction to the environment are best studied in a controllable experimental situation. Thus the use of simulators, both flight and ground based, is suggested. It is shown that there is a reasonably high probability that the low frequency end of the spectrum will not be necessary for simulation purposes. That is, the fidelity of any simulation which omits the very low frequency content will not yield results which differ significantly from the real environment. In addition, there does not appear to be significant differences between the responses obtained in the airborne simulator environment versus those obtained on commercial flights

    Mammalian Sperm Motility: Observation and Theory

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    Mammalian spermatozoa motility is a subject of growing importance because of rising human infertility and the possibility of improving animal breeding. We highlight opportunities for fluid and continuum dynamics to provide novel insights concerning the mechanics of these specialized cells, especially during their remarkable journey to the egg. The biological structure of the motile sperm appendage, the flagellum, is described and placed in the context of the mechanics underlying the migration of mammalian sperm through the numerous environments of the female reproductive tract. This process demands certain specific changes to flagellar movement and motility for which further mechanical insight would be valuable, although this requires improved modeling capabilities, particularly to increase our understanding of sperm progression in vivo. We summarize current theoretical studies, highlighting the synergistic combination of imaging and theory in exploring sperm motility, and discuss the challenges for future observational and theoretical studies in understanding the underlying mechanics.\ud Acronyms and Definitions\ud Acrosome: the cap of the sperm head containing enzymes allowing penetration of the zona pellucida via the acrosome reaction\ud Adenosine triphosphate (ATP): the currency unit of chemical energy transfer in living cells\ud Axoneme: a phylogenetically conserved structure within the eukaryotic flagellum consisting of a ring of nine microtubule doublets and a central pair, frequently referred to as 9 + 2\ud Bending moment density: the moment per unit length associated with flagellar bending; it can be divided into a hydrodynamic moment, an elastic moment (from the flagellar bending stiffness), an active moment (generated by dyneins exerting forces between adjacent microtubule doublets), and a passive moment resisting shear\ud Capacitation: the physiological state of a sperm required for fertilization, which is accompanied by the motility patterns associated with hyperactivation, characterized in saline by high-amplitude asymmetric beating\ud Central pair: a pair of microtubules along the length of the axoneme, symmetrically and slightly offset from the axoneme centerline\ud Cumulus oophorus: the outer vestment of the mammalian egg consisting of hundreds of cells radiating out from the egg embedded within a non-Newtonian hyaluronic acid gel\ud Dynein: a molecular motor within the axoneme, attached between adjacent microtubule doublets, that exerts a shearing force to induce axonemal bending\ud Flagellum: a motile cellular appendage that drives the swimming of sperm and other cells; this article focuses on the eukaryotic flagellum\ud Microtubule doublet: a pair of proteinaceous filament structures running the length of the axoneme; dyneins drive their bending, which induces flagellar motion\ud Mid-piece: the region of a sperm flagellum with a mitochondrial sheath, where ATP is generated\ud Oocyte: the egg\ud Outer dense fibers and fibrous sheath: accessory structures reinforcing the mammalian sperm flagellum; the combined axoneme and accessory structures are referred to as 9+9+2\ud Resistive-force theory: an approximation for the local drag of a slender filament element in Stokes flow (or a viscoelastic generalization thereof)\ud Rheotaxis: directed motility in response to the influence of fluid flow\ud Shear: in the context of the flagellum, the relative movement of adjacent microtubule doublets\ud Slender-body theory: an improved approximation for the local drag on a slender filament element in Stokes flow (or a viscoelastic generalization thereof)\ud Zona pellucida: a tough glycoprotein coat between the human egg and the cumulus oophorus, which a sperm must penetrate for successful fertilizatio

    Experimental determination of dipole moments for molecular ions: Improved measurements for ArH^+

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    An improved value for the dipole moment of ArH^+ has been obtained from new measurements of the rotational g factors of ArH^+ and ArD^+ made with tunable far‐IR laser spectroscopy. Systematic errors present in earlier measurements have been eliminated. The new result (μ=3.0±0.6 D) is slightly higher than the ab initio value of Rosmus (2.2 D) at the 2σ limits of precision