1,864 research outputs found

    A Research Note on Gender and Taboo Advertisements: The Case of Spirit Airlines

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    Airline Marketing

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    The role of airline marketing has now expanded to include a more expansive view of the travel planning process. The chapter utilises a classic four P\u27s approach – product, place, promotion and price – while reviewing some of the possible legal and regulatory concerns that impact on how airline marketing is addressed today. Airlines must determine what is the right product for the premium passenger mix of the airline. The chapter examines the role of how a classic promotional tool, sponsorship, can be combined with the tools of social media to provide an overall promotion campaign to target audiences. As airlines develop new fare products, airline information systems must be updated to deliver the variety of products and services, with multiple price points involved, to the consumer. Airlines face the task of meeting the basic needs of passengers in a constantly changing technological and world marketplace

    Case studies of job access and reverse commute program: 2009-2010

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    This report presents perceptual, mobility and employment outcomes self-reported by 573 users of 26 transportation services funded by the Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC) program. The respondents were predominantly low income with 42 percent reporting 2008 personal incomes less than 10,000andtwothirdsoftherespondentsearning10,000 and two-thirds of the respondents earning 20,000 or less for the same year. Nearly half the respondents have no household vehicles. Nearly three in five respondents reported that their travel has become reliable and convenient after using the services. Workers using the services have benefitted from overall reductions in the cost of commuting to work. Close to 94 percent rated the service as being important or very important in keeping their jobs. Respondents also self-reported that the services allowed them to access a job with better pay or better working conditions, and to improve their skills. Both median hourly wages and median weekly earnings are reported to have increased since using the service for those workers who use the service to commute to work and were employed in the one-month period prior to starting use of the service. Alternative reasons may exist for these wage changes, including overall changes in the economic conditions of the locations where the services operate, as well as changes in the personal conditions of the workers that are unrelated to the JARC program in the period between starting use of the service and the time of the survey, such as graduation from job-training or school, residential relocation and so on. Because of the lack of a probability sample of services, the results cannot be generalized to the entire JARC program. Detailed case studies of the 26 services yield insights into the types of benefits that are being provided overall in these cases and the planning and programmatic environment within which they operate

    Ancillary Revenue and Price Fairness: An Exploratory Study Pre & Post Flight

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    The growing impact of Ancillary Revenue on consumer choice and shopping behavior continues to be a highly debated issue. In the US, the Department of Transportation (DOT) has stepped into the debate and is investigating the possibility of new rules on how airlines must report and display such ancillary offerings. While the DOT collects data, reports on the amount of ancillary revenue earned by the airlines continue to rise. Examining past research on price fairness from the marketing literature and the impact of revenue management on price fairness from the aviation literature, this article joins new research appearing on the impact of a la carte pricing and ancillary revenue on perceptions of price fairness. This study focuses on the issue of price fairness pre and post flight and how ancillary price offerings are communicated to consumers when purchasing airline services

    Real-Time Equilibrium Reconstruction in a Tokamak

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    This paper deals with the numerical reconstruction of the plasma current density in a Tokamak and of its equilibrium. The problem consists in the identification of a non-linear source in the 2D Grad-Shafranov equation, which governs the axisymmetric equilibrium of a plasma in a Tokamak. The experimental measurements that enable this identification are the magnetics on the vacuum vessel, but also polarimetric and interferometric measures on several chords, as well as motional Stark effect or pressure measurements. The reconstruction can be obtained in real-time using a finite element method, a non-linear fixed-point algorithm and a least-square optimization procedure

    Influence of Plasmopara viticola on gas exchange parameters on field-grown Vitis vinifera 'Merlot'

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    The impact of downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) epidemic on main and lateral leaf assimilation capacity of Vitis vinifera 'Merlot' has been quantified, under field conditions during the ripening phase, by means of leaf gas exchange measurements. The aim was to describe the impact of different disease severity levels on the gas exchange rate of symptomless portions of main and lateral leaves and of the sporulating parts in comparison with healthy leaves. The measurements were carried out on plants normally treated and on plants where only the clusters were treated with a contact fungicide to prevent quantity yield losses. A drastic reduction in the photosynthetic rate was observed on the sporulating area of main and lateral leaf tissues. Stomatal and mesophyll conductance decreased and stomatal resistance increased, indicating the difficulty of CO2 diffusing through the stomata into the mesophyll to the site of carboxylation. Downy mildew affected more negatively the gas exchange parameters on the symptomless parts of a diseased lateral leaf than of a main leaf, indicating a greater susceptibility of lateral leaves. A decrease of stomatal conductance and, consequently, of the photosynthetic rate, transpiration and water use efficiency was observed already at low severity level with increments of the disease severity on the leaf. At the same time an increase of stomatal resistance on the symptomless area of a lateral leaf was measured. Visual assessment of the diseased leaf area didn’t reflect the actual part colonized by the pathogen and at least a portion of the leaf area determined as healthy has in fact a latent lesion. Therefore, the visual estimation of downy mildew infection may not give a good indication of the effect of the pathogen on host physiology. The results also emphasized the important role of downy mildew as a stress element for the plant during ripening phase, a source element for carbohydrate production.

    Quantitative effect of leaf damage caused by downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) on growth and yield quality of grapevine 'Merlot' (Vitis vinifera)

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    The impact of downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) epidemics on the plant growth and yield quality was analysed during three years under field conditions in order to show a relationship between disease severity on leaves and yield quality losses. Three different treatments were compared: A = “Untreated canopy” (to prevent quantity losses, the clusters were treated once with a contact fungicide at the discovery of the first downy mildew sporulation); B = “Reduced fungicide schedule” (based on a first treatment at the appearance of the first symptoms, to avoid yield quantity losses followed by one or two additional fungicide applications during the early epidemic phase with the aim of delaying the epidemic). C = “Standard schedule” (schedule normally applied in the vineyard). The experimental plot was moved each year to avoid stress influence due to a repetition of the trials on the same place. The epidemic progress in the treatment A has shown the same tendency during the three years with an increase starting from the beginning of the ripening phase. The disease severity was more important on the lateral than on the main leaves. During the three years of the study, the disease did not influence the amount of total healthy leaf area per plant until veraison. From this phenological stage until harvest, the healthy leaf area per plant decreased rapidly at the same time as the epidemic increased. The yield quantity was not affected indicating that a single fungicide application at the finding of the first sporulation was enough to preserve the crop production. Among the yield quality parameters, the sugar content has been negatively influenced by the downy mildew leaf damage. The difference was particularly evident between the treatments A and C with differences from 1.4 to 2.04 °Brix. Generally, treatment B didn’t differ from C. Sugar uptake in the berries begun to show a different dynamic between 7 and 14 days after the onset of ripening. No correlation between disease severity progress on the canopy and sugar accumulation in the berries from veraison until harvest was found, indicating the capacity of the vine to compensate a stress situation induced by the downy mildew damage on leaf canopy.

    Quantification of the influence of the downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) epidemics on the compensatory capacities of Vitis vinifera 'Merlot' to limit the qualitative yield damage

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    A preview study on the analysis of the impact of downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) epidemics on the plant growth and yield quality has shown no correlation between disease severity progress on the canopy and sugar accumulation in the berries from veraison until harvest, indicating the capacity of the vine to compensate a stress situation induced by the downy mildew damage on leaf canopy. In this study the compensation capacity of the plant was analysed during three years under field conditions comparing three different downy mildew control strategies: A = “Untreated canopy” (to prevent quantity losses, the clusters were treated once with a contact fungicide at the discovery of the first downy mildew sporulation); B = “Reduced fungicide schedule” (based on a first treatment at the appearance of the first symptoms, to avoid yield quantity losses followed by one or two additional fungicide applications during the early epidemic phase with the aim of delaying the epidemic). C = “Standard schedule” (schedule normally applied in the vineyard). The experimental plot was moved each year to avoid stress influence due to a repetition of the trials on the same place. The grapevine compensated for the carbohydrate requirements of the cluster by mobilizing the starch reserves stored in the woody parts. Roots were the most important site of carbohydrate accumulation used from the grapevine and the mobilisation was higher in treatment A followed by treatment B. This compensation did not completely exhaust the reserves of each woody part and lets suppose a hierarchical pattern of the mobilisation; first a mobilisation of the reserves stored in the roots, and secondly those from the trunk, cane and shoot. The downy mildew could be considered as a stress factor for the grapevine.

    The Airline Maintenance Mechanic Educational Infrastructure: Supply, Demand, and Evolving Industry Structure

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    There is an encroaching crisis in the supply and demand of aviation maintenance labor. This paper reports results of a survey of FAA-licensed A&P schools and a survey of airlines and major maintenance outsourcing firms. Results largely confirm general expectations. Further analysis found indications of an impending shakeout in the extant training infrastructure. Strategies centered on tapered vertical integration are offered as an admittedly imperfect industry-wide solution

    Response of 'Merlot' (Vitis vinifera) grapevine to defoliation caused by downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) during the following growing season

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    The downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) epidemics on leaf canopy during the ripening phase causes a stress situation for the grapevine. The plant compensates the carbohydrate request of the berries mobilising the carbohydrate reserves stored in the woody parts. In this fourth study the impact of the reserves reduction on the growth and fertility and the recovering capacity of the plant were analysed during two consecutive periods of two years (first year = stress; second year = recovering). Two treatments were compared: “Untreated canopy” (to prevent quantity losses, the clusters were treated once with a contact fungicide at the discovery of the first downy mildew sporulation) and “Standard schedule” (schedule normally applied in the vineyard). The impact of decreased reserve contents in the following growth season has negatively influenced only the shoot elongation and the potential crop yield quantity of the “Untreated canopy” treatment. Nevertheless, a single recovery year was enough to rebuild the reserve pool particularly in the roots, confirming the acclimation potential of the grapevine.