62 research outputs found

    Complete Penile Necrosis in a Patient With Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia: A Case Report

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    AbstractPenile necrosis is a rare condition that has been mostly described in association with diabetes mellitus and end-stage renal disease. We report an unusual case of acute penile necrosis because of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. A 75-year-old man presented with acute renal failure and experienced cardiac complications during the hospitalization. The patient was treated twice with intravenous heparin. He developed symptoms of penile necrosis 4 days after the reintroduction of heparin. At that moment, the platelet count dropped by 61%, and the analysis of heparin-pf4 antibodies was positive for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. The patient underwent a total penectomy and a perineal urethrostomy

    Patrón termográfico en tiempo real para el monitoreo de reperfusión testicular intraoperatorio en caso de torsión testicular

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    Paciente de 5 años de edad con historia de 8 horas de torsión testicular es llevado a cirugía. Se realiza registro imaginonlógico termográfico seriado en tiempo real del momento en que se realiza la destorsión utilizando una cámara infrarroja FLIR One. La temperatura escrotal previa a la cirgía era de 43,6°C del lado afectado y 41,7°C del lado sano. La temperatura corporal del paciente era de 36,8°C. Inmediatemente el testiculo fue extraído y previo a la destorsión, la temperatura era de 31,5°C. A los 30 segundos de la destorsión la temperatura aumentó a 34,3°C. El uso de termografía intraoperatoria permite identificar cambios discretos que se correlacionan con aumento del flujo testicular. Estudios futuros se enfocarán en establecer variables predictorias de sobrevida del parenquima testicular al igual que definir variables intraoperatorias para definir manejos quirurgicos como orquiectomia, preservación con flap de tunica vaginal entre otras.294-298A 5-year-old patient presents to the emergency department with testicular torsion. Intraoperative sequential infrared thermographic images were registered in real-time using a FLIR One (FLIR Systems, Inc., Wilsonville, OR, US) infrared camera. The temperatures of the scrotum and the testis prior to scrotal exploration were 43.6°C on the affected side, and 41.7°C on the contralateral side. The core temperature of the patient was 36.8°C. Immediately after the tunica vaginalis had been opened and the testis had been brought out through the incision, the temperature of the testicle was 31.5°C. After 30 seconds of being detorted, the temperature increased to 34.3°C. The use of intraoperative infrared thermographic imaging helps to detect discrete changes in testicular temperature, which suggests it may be useful to objectively assess reperfusion. Future studies will require more patients to correlate postoperative blood flow to the injured testis as well as volume changes after surgery to see if the intraoperative thermography findings can be used as a predictive tool for postoperative outcomes

    A Pan-Canadian Validation Study for the Detection of EGFR T790M Mutation Using Circulating Tumor DNA From Peripheral Blood

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    Introduction: Genotyping circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) is a promising noninvasive clinical tool to identify the EGFR T790M resistance mutation in patients with advanced NSCLC with resistance to EGFR inhibitors. To facilitate standardization and clinical adoption of ctDNA testing across Canada, we developed a 2-phase multicenter study to standardize T790M mutation detection using plasma ctDNA testing. Methods: In phase 1, commercial reference standards were distributed to participating clinical laboratories, to use their existing platforms for mutation detection. Baseline performance characteristics were established using known and blinded engineered plasma samples spiked with predetermined concentrations of T790M, L858R, and exon 19 deletion variants. In phase II, peripheral blood collected from local patients with known EGFR activating mutations and progressing on treatment were assayed for the presence of EGFR variants and concordance with a clinically validated test at the reference laboratory. Results: All laboratories in phase 1 detected the variants at 0.5 % and 5.0 % allele frequencies, with no false positives. In phase 2, the concordance with the reference laboratory for detection of both the primary and resistance mutation was high, with next-generation sequencing and droplet digital polymerase chain reaction exhibiting the best overall concordance. Data also suggested that the ability to detect mutations at clinically relevant limits of detection is generally not platform-specific, but rather impacted by laboratory-specific practices. Conclusions: Discrepancies among sending laboratories using the same assay suggest that laboratory-specific practices may impact performance. In addition, a negative or inconclusive ctDNA test should be followed by tumor testing when possible

    Tissue-engineered dermo-epidermal skin analogs exhibit de novo formation of a near natural neurovascular link 10 weeks after transplantation

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    PURPOSE: Human autologous tissue-engineered skin grafts are a promising way to cover skin defects. Clearly, it is mandatory to study essential biological dynamics after transplantation, including reinnervation. Previously, we have already shown that human tissue-engineered skin analogs are reinnervated by host nerve fibers as early as 8 weeks after transplantation. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that there is a de novo formation of a "classical" neurovascular link in tissue-engineered and then transplanted skin substitutes. METHODS: Keratinocytes, melanocytes, and fibroblasts were isolated from human skin biopsies. After expansion in culture, keratinocytes and melanocytes were seeded on dermal fibroblast-containing collagen type I hydrogels. These human tissue-engineered dermo-epidermal skin analogs were transplanted onto full-thickness skin wounds on the back of immuno-incompetent rats. Grafts were analyzed after 3 and 10 weeks. Histological sections were examined with regard to the ingrowth pattern of myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers into the skin analogs using markers such as PGP9.5, NF-200, and NF-160. Blood vessels were identified with CD31, lymphatic vessels with Lyve1. In particular, we focused on alignment patterns between nerve fibers and either blood and/or lymphatic vessels with regard to neurovascular link formation. RESULTS: 3 weeks after transplantation, blood vessels, but no nerve fibers or lymphatic vessels could be observed. 10 weeks after transplantation, we could detect an ingrowth of myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers into the skin analogs. Nerve fibers were found in close proximity to CD31-positive blood vessels, but not alongside Lyve1-positive lymphatic vessels. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that host-derived innervation of tissue-engineered dermo-epidermal skin analogs is initiated by and guided alongside blood vessels present early post-transplantation. This observation is consistent with the concept of a cross talk between neurovascular structures, known as the neurovascular link

    Relations entre le vagabondage de l'esprit et le fonctionnement cognitif chez les enfants ayant un trouble du déficit de l'attention avec ou sans hyperactivité (TDA/H)

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    Les enfants ayant un Trouble du Déficit de l’attention avec ou sans hyperactivité (TDAH) présentent plusieurs caractéristiques distinctives, dont le fait d’avoir de moins bonnes performances à certaines tâches cognitives, et de faire davantage de vagabondage de l’esprit que les individus sans TDAH. Le vagabondage de l’esprit a été associé à deux principales fonctions cognitives chez des adultes en bonne santé (contrôle exécutif et vigilance). Toutefois, aucune étude n’a, à notre connaissance, évalué la relation entre le vagabondage de l’esprit et le contrôle exécutif ainsi que la vigilance chez les individus ayant un TDAH. La présente étude a donc pour objectif d’évaluer la présence d’une relation entre le vagabondage de l'esprit et le contrôle exécutif ainsi qu’entre le vagabondage de l’esprit et la vigilance chez les enfants avec un TDAH. L’objectif secondaire est de comparer la force de cette association pour chacune des deux fonctions cognitives. Pour ce faire, deux méthodes d’investigation sont utilisées : 1) évaluer les relations entre les variables avant intervention; 2) évaluer les relations entre les degrés de changement des variables suite à une intervention de pleine conscience (PC). Les résultats indiquent une absence de relation entre les variables avant l’intervention. Ils indiquent également que l’intervention de PC permet effectivement de moduler le vagabondage de l’esprit. Après l’intervention, aucune relation entre la vigilance et le vagabondage de l’esprit n’est identifiée alors qu’une relation marginalement significative et modérée avec le contrôle exécutif est présente. Les résultats ont des implications méthodologiques puisqu’il s’agit de la première étude à avoir adapté une tâche de vagabondage de l’esprit en contexte de méditation pour les enfants. Elle a également des implications cliniques puisqu’elle révèle une réduction du vagabondage de l’esprit suite à un programme de PC. Enfin, elle a des implications théoriques. Elle permet notamment d’appuyer le modèle d’échec du contrôle exécutif en relation avec le vagabondage de l’esprit et réfute en partie les arguments avancés par la théorie du découplage
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