5,901 research outputs found

    Nike and New York City could change the licensing game for cities across the world

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    As they compete with one another for new residents and tourists, how US cities and municipalities brand themselves has become more and more important. In 2019, the City of New York partnered with the Nike enabling the sportswear company to use the city’s departmental likenesses on their merchandise. M. Blair Thomas looks at how city managers are using such partnerships to create revenues and broader questions over branding, naming rights and the autonomy of public organizations

    Teachers\u27 Perceptions and Experiences Consulting with School Counselors: A Qualitative Study

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    School counselor–teacher consultation is an efficient strategy for school counselors to indirectly serve students on their caseload. Teachers\u27 perceptions are crucial in examining this consultation process. This qualitative study examined elementary school teachers\u27 perceptions and experiences of school counselor–teacher consultation. The researchers identified three themes: (a) school counselors prioritizing relationships, (b) school counselors taking initiative, and (c) school counselors\u27 specialization. The researchers discuss implications for school counseling practice, including strategies for facilitating consultation with teachers

    Team Production in Business Organizations: An Introduction

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    For the past two decades, legal and economic scholarship has tended to assume that the central economic problem addressed by corporation law is getting managers and directors to act as faithful agents for shareholders. There are other important economic problems faced by business firms, however. This article introduces a Symposium that explores one of those alternate economic problems: the problem of team production . Team production problems can arise whenever three conditions are met: (1) economic production requires the combined inputs of two or more individuals; (2) at least some of these inputs are team-specific, meaning they have a significantly higher value when used in the team than in their next best use; and (3) the gains resulting from team production are non-separable, making it difficult to attribute any particular portion to any single team member?s contribution. In such situations, it can be difficult or impossible for team members to draft explicit contracts that protect their team-specific investments from other team members\u27 opportunism. Thus the nine articles in the Symposium explore the implications of team production analysis for a wide variety of business organizations, including public corporations, private companies, multinational firms, and venture capital firms

    A Comparison of External Loads in Division III Men\u27s Lacrosse Between High Competition Matches and Low Competition Matches

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    Lacrosse is an open field sport with limited knowledge on the demands of gameplay at the Division III level. The purpose of this study was to investigate the external loads on Division III men’s lacrosse players during NCAA season games. Comparisons were made between the external loads placed on the athletes in top competition versus external loads placed on the athletes in low competition matches. Top competition matches were defined as matches against teams that qualified for the NCAA tournament whereas low competition matches included teams that did not meet top competition requirements. The dependent variables measured included total distance, work rate, intensity, 2D load, and 3D load. Defensive players were found to have significantly higher external load values for total distance (m; p=0.003), work rate (m/min; p=0.006 ), intensity (AU; p=0.071), 2D load (AU; p= 0.039 ) and 3D load (AU; p=0.022), while there were no significant differences (p\u3e0.05) for other positions between competition level. Competition level exerts a higher external load for defensive players, but not attack, midfield, or specialists (goalie, face-off, etc), which may indicate the need for specialized conditioning or active load management to deal with potential fatigue

    A Review of Health Related Quality of Life Assessments for Patients with Lymphedema

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    In collaboration with Heidi Shaffer, one of the occupational therapists on staff at the MultiCare lymphedema clinic in Gig Harbor, Washington, we sought to answer the question “Which patient-reported outcome assessments are most valid and reliable in measuring health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients with lymphedema?” We conducted a systematic literature review to answer this question. In reviewing selected databases, 19 articles were chosen to appraise the evidence supporting psychometric properties and clinical utility of 10 HRQoL assessments used for patients with lymphedema. The Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) and Lymphedema Life Impact Scale (LLIS) assessments demonstrated stronger evidence for test-retest reliability, internal consistency, and clinical utility for use in a lymphedema practice setting in the U.S. than other assessments. The next step was to bring the findings back to Heidi and her colleagues to answer questions they had about using recommended assessments to generate G-codes for Medicare reporting and to explore strategies that could be used to implement these recommended assessments within MultiCare’s electronic medical record (EMR) system. We provided an in-service on our findings for MultiCare’s lymphedema therapists, at which time we distributed laminated calculation cards for converting DASH scores to G-code modifiers and obtained feedback through a satisfaction survey. In addition, we met with the Director of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at MultiCare, Sherri Olsen, to determine the best process for embedding the LLIS and the DASH into their EMR and identify future research needs. Additional steps will include follow up on the progress and outcomes of embedding the assessments into the EMR and further research to address changes in the literature, HRQoL assessments for other diagnostic populations, and determining the efficacy and benefits of prehab treatments

    The zinc finger transcription factor PLAGL2 enhances stem cell fate and activates expression of ASCL2 in intestinal epithelial cells

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    O encaminhamento de textos originais para submissão seguem algumas orientações básicas, levando em conta, inicialmente, que devem ser inéditos e que serão submetidos à aprovação de avaliadores especialistas nos temas tratados. Para acessar as informações acerca dos objetivos, da política editorial e das diretrizes e normas de publicação da Revista Trabalho & Educação, clique nos links SOBRE e/ou NORMAS, localizados no topo da página eletrônica da Revista. Agradecemos muitíssimo o interesse em publicar na Revista

    Playing Offense: How Athletes are Impacting a Changing Administrative State

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    The start of the 2020s presents a broken American administrative system plagued by state ineptitude in a time of turmoil and government distrust. In their protests, marginalized citizens have seen their voices amplified by integral parts of their communities for whom they have cheered: Athletes. This Perspective draws attention to the idea of super citizens and their ability to influence policy. We argue that Black athlete activism that centers their social reality and legitimizes Black Lives Matter for broader populations is one example of a punctuated equilibrium that work to achieve administrative state change
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