225 research outputs found

    Discrimination between Hirsutella longicolla var. Longicolla and Hirsutella longicolla var. Cornuta using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA fingerprinting

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    Publisher's version/PDFThe synnematous, fungal entomopathogen Hirsutella longicolla var. longicolla is distinguished from a variety Hirsutella longicolla var. cornuta on the basis of the synnematal morphology. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting supports the view that these fungi are genetically distinct. Two different banding patterns, one corresponding to isolates of the species and the other to the variety, were generated with two primers and DNA from 19 isolates. Further analysis using nine isolates (four of the species and five of the variety) with three additional primers confirmed the distinction between the species and its variety. This work illustrates the usefulness of the Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA technique in addressing taxonomic questions

    Circulating Elastic Waves on Boreholes and Cavities

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    This thesis records an investigation into the circumferential propagation of elastic waves on boreholes and underground openings in rock. Four approaches to the problem have been attempted: (1) A theoretical analysis of the problem, starting with the development of a solution method for extracting the zeros (normal modes) of the frequency equation for surface waves on concave surfaces. This method is then extended to a Fourier-Bessel solution for the dynamic response of a borehole excited by a line-source acting on the bore-hole wall. (2) A numerical model of the bore-hole response to a line-source based on the Dynamic Finite Element Method (DFEM). (3) Small scale experiments in the laboratory on a 0.15m diameter bore-hole in a large granite block. Circumferentially propagating pulses were generated using piezoelectric elements bonded to the borehole wall. Frequencies were generated in the range 0 - 50kHz. Spectral ratio methods were used to obtain the bore-hole wall transfer functions and modal behaviour. (4) Full scale experiments on test cross-sections of headings (tunnels) in underground mining environments. A shaker system was used for excitation with sweptsine input covering the frequency range 0 - 2kHz and, as in the laboratory experiments, spectral ratio methods were used for tunnel wall response. Comparisons are made with the results of all four methods, in particular, the agreement between the analytical and DFEM methods is good. However, the experimental results, although reproducing the salient features of the theoretical approaches, reveal the inadequacies of the idealised models

    Ariel - Volume 11 Number 1

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    Executive Editors Ellen Feldman Leonardo S. Nasca, Jr. Business Managers Barbara L. Davies Martin B. Getzow News Editor Aaron D. Bleznak Features Editor Dave Van Wagoner CAHS Editor Joan M. Greco Editorial Page Editor Samuel Markind Photography Editor Leonardo S. Nasca, Jr. Sports Editor Paul F. Mansfiel

    Systematically searching for and assessing the literature for self-management of chronic pain: a lay usersā€™ perspective

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    Background: The Engaging with older adults in the development of strategies for the self management of chronic pain (EOPIC) study aims to design and develop self management strategies to enable older adults to manage their own pain. Involving older adults in research into chronic pain management will better enable the identification and development of strategies that are more appropriate for their use, but how can perspectives really be utilised to the best possible outcomes? Method: Seven older adults were recruited through a local advertising campaign to take part. We also invited participants from the local pain services, individuals who had been involved in earlier phase of the EOPIC study and a previous ESRC funded project. The group undertook library training and research skills training to facilitate searching of the literature and identified sources of material. A grading tool was developed using perceived essential criteria identified by the older adults and material was graded according to the criteria within this scale. Results: Fifty-seven resources from over twenty-eight sources were identified. These materials were identified as being easily accessible, readable and relevant. Many of the web based materials were not always easy to find or readily available so they were excluded by the participants. All but one were UK based. Forty-four items were identified as meeting the key criteria for inclusion in the study. This included five key categories as follows; books, internet, magazines, leaflets, CDā€™s/Tapes. Conclusion: This project was able to identify a number of exemplars of self management material along with some general rules regarding the categories identified. We must point out that the materials identified were not age specific, were often locally developed and would need to be adapted to older adults with chronic pain. For copyright issues we have not included them in this paper. The key message is really related to the format rather than the content. However, the group acknowledge that these may vary according to the requirements of each individual older adult and therefore recommend the development of a leaflet to help others in their search for resources. This leaflet has been developed as part of Phase IV of the EOPIC study

    Dissociation of long-term verbal memory and fronto-executive impairment in first-episode psychosis

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    Background: Verbal memory is frequently and severely affected in schizophrenia and has been implicated as a mediator of poor clinical outcome. Whereas encoding deficits are well demonstrated, it is unclear whether retention is impaired. This distinction is important because accelerated forgetting implies impaired consolidation attributable to medial temporal lobe (MTL) dysfunction whereas impaired encoding and retrieval implicates involvement of prefrontal cortex. Method: We assessed a group of healthy volunteers (n=97) and pre-morbid IQ- and sex-matched first-episode psychosis patients (n=97), the majority of whom developed schizophrenia. We compared performance of verbal learning and recall with measures of visuospatial working memory, planning and attentional set-shifting, and also current IQ. Results: All measures of performance, including verbal memory retention, a memory savings score that accounted for learning impairments, were significantly impaired in the schizophrenia group. The difference between groups for delayed recall remained even after the influence of learning and recall was accounted for. Factor analyses showed that, in patients, all variables except verbal memory retention loaded on a single factor, whereas in controls verbal memory and fronto-executive measures were separable. Conclusions: The results suggest that IQ, executive function and verbal learning deficits in schizophrenia may reflect a common abnormality of information processing in prefrontal cortex rather than specific impairments in different cognitive domains. Verbal memory retention impairments, however, may have a different aetiology
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