8 research outputs found

    Dynamic inverse problem in a weakly laterally inhomogeneous medium

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    An inverse problem of wave propagation into a weakly laterally inhomogeneous medium occupying a half-space is considered in the acoustic approximation. The half-space consists of an upper layer and a semi-infinite bottom separated with an interface. An assumption of a weak lateral inhomogeneity means that the velocity of wave propagation and the shape of the interface depend weakly on the horizontal coordinates, x=(x1,x2)x=(x_1,x_2), in comparison with the strong dependence on the vertical coordinate, zz, giving rise to a small parameter \e <<1. Expanding the velocity in power series with respect to \e, we obtain a recurrent system of 1D inverse problems. We provide algorithms to solve these problems for the zero and first-order approximations. In the zero-order approximation, the corresponding 1D inverse problem is reduced to a system of non-linear Volterra-type integral equations. In the first-order approximation, the corresponding 1D inverse problem is reduced to a system of coupled linear Volterra integral equations. These equations are used for the numerical reconstruction of the velocity in both layers and the interface up to O(\e^2).Comment: 12 figure

    Inverse problem for wave equation with sources and observations on disjoint sets

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    We consider an inverse problem for a hyperbolic partial differential equation on a compact Riemannian manifold. Assuming that Γ1\Gamma_1 and Γ2\Gamma_2 are two disjoint open subsets of the boundary of the manifold we define the restricted Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator ΛΓ1,Γ2\Lambda_{\Gamma_1,\Gamma_2}. This operator corresponds the boundary measurements when we have smooth sources supported on Γ1\Gamma_1 and the fields produced by these sources are observed on Γ2\Gamma_2. We show that when Γ1\Gamma_1 and Γ2\Gamma_2 are disjoint but their closures intersect at least at one point, then the restricted Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator ΛΓ1,Γ2\Lambda_{\Gamma_1,\Gamma_2} determines the Riemannian manifold and the metric on it up to an isometry. In the Euclidian space, the result yields that an anisotropic wave speed inside a compact body is determined, up to a natural coordinate transformations, by measurements on the boundary of the body even when wave sources are kept away from receivers. Moreover, we show that if we have three arbitrary non-empty open subsets Γ1,Γ2\Gamma_1,\Gamma_2, and Γ3\Gamma_3 of the boundary, then the restricted Dirichlet-to-Neumann operators ΛΓj,Γk\Lambda_{\Gamma_j,\Gamma_k} for 1j<k31\leq j<k\leq 3 determine the Riemannian manifold to an isometry. Similar result is proven also for the finite-time boundary measurements when the hyperbolic equation satisfies an exact controllability condition

    Inverse Problem in a Weakly Horizontally Inhomogeneous Layered Medium

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    In this paper we consider an inverse boundary-value problem for an acoustic wave equation in the half-space z&gt; 0, Autt − div(B∇u) = 0, u|t&lt;0 = 0, u|z=0 = δ(x)δ(t), (1) with the inverse data of the for

    Localized light waves: Paraxial and exact solutions of the wave equation (a review)

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