29 research outputs found

    Foucault's hermeneutics of the subject

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    Namere i ciljevi naÅ”ih istraživanja usmeravaće se ka specifičnosti i koherentnosti Fukoovih teza o subjektivnosti i moći, kao nosiocima dva koncepta koja Fuko razvija u svojoj kasnoj fazi: pojma samstva i subjekta. Subjektivnost je u ovom radu posmatrana kroz procese živog govora, iskazivanja sebe samim sobom, sopstvenim samointerpretacijama, terapeutičkim i parezijatičkim procesima razgovora koji nude helenistička asketika i terapeutika. Fukoova hermeneutika pokazuje izvesno pomeranje značenja pojmova subjekta i subjektivnosti, odnosno njihovu dekonstrukciju, u odnosu na kartezijanski sadržaj pomenutih pojmova. Nećemo se baviti putevima lepe duÅ”e koja bi sebe kultivisala umetnički i filozofski, već naporom individualne subjektivnosti u artikulaciji samstvenosti i sebe kao subjekta aktivnog miÅ”ljenja tj. etičkog delanja, subjekta primarno egzistencijalnog i filozofskog čina. Pratićemo dva diskursa: a) diskurs samstvenosti helenističko-rimskih filozofskih praksi, preciznije, praksi kasnog stoicizma i njegovu ā€žmodalizacijuā€œ Fukoovom genealogijom subjekta; i b) psihopatoloÅ”ki diskurs kakvog je formirala Frojdova psihoanaliza, kao i onaj posredovan Fukoovom genealogijom psihoanalize i kritikom disciplinarnih moći psihijatrije. Kod oba autora nailazimo na prisustvo istog problemskog jezgra, a kod samog Fukoa na jako implicitno prisustvo Frojda u njegovim kritičkim komentarima o razvoju psihoanalize nakon Frojda. Očigledan je izvestan složen i kontradiktoran odnos prema Frojdu izražen u stavu ā€žtreba braniti Frojdaā€œ, stavu koji naglaÅ”ava i Žak Derida u svom tekstu o Fukou. Ukazaćemo na specifičnu antropoloÅ”ku i epistemoloÅ”ku vrednost stavova oba autora koji nam nude moguće teorijske osnove na kojima bi se zasnivala moderna filozofska asketika i terapeutika. Njen istorijsko filozofski značaj, skrajnut već čitav milenijum, postaje ponovo aktuelan. Diskurs samstvenosti, shvaćen kao priprema za ā€žfilozofski stil življenjaā€œ formirao se kroz helenističke kulturoloÅ”ke pokrete mreža prijateljstava koristeći učenja poznatih rimskih filozofa. Koncept ā€žodnosa sebe prema sebiā€œ postaje uslov ne samo individualnog etičkog stava već i političkog i kolektivnog.The goals and intentions of our research will be directed towards specificity and coherency of Foucaultā€™s theses on subjectivity and power, the cornerstones of two concepts developed by Foucault in his later phases: the notions of the selfhood and the subject. Subjectivity is, in this work, observed through the processes of live conversation, the expression of selfhood by using the own self as an example, own self-interpretations and therapeutic and parrhesian processes of conversation offered by the Hellenistic ascetics and therapeutics. Foucaultā€™s hermeneutics shows a certain shift in the meaning of the notions of subject and subjectivity, i.e. their deconstruction, when compared to their Cartesian meaning. We will not consider here the paths of the beautiful soul that would cultivate itself in an artistic and philosophical way, but instead look at the effort of using individual subjectivity to articulate the selfhood and the self as the subject of active thought, i.e. ethical behavior, of a subject of primarily existential and philosophical deeds. We will follow two discourses: a) the discourse of the selfhood employed in Helleno-Roman philosophical practice, or more accurately, the practice of late Stoicism, and its ā€œmodalizationā€ by Foucaultā€™s genealogy of subject; and b) the psychopathological discourse as formed by the Freudian psychoanalysis, as well as the one mediated by Foucaultā€™s genealogy of psychoanalysis and by the critique of the disciplinary powers of psychiatry. In both of these authors we find the presence of the same problem core, and with Foucault himself we find a strong implicit presence of Freud in his critical commentary about development of psychoanalysis after Freud. A certain complex and contradictory relationship towards Freud is apparent and expressed in his attitude that ā€œFreud should be defendedā€, the attitude emphasized by Jacques Derrida in his text about Foucault. We will point out to a specific anthropological and epistemological value of the postures that both authors that offer us possible theoretical foundations, upon which, a modern philosophical ascetic and therapeutic would be founded. Her historically philosophical value, put aside, for a whole a millennia, becomes 8 actual again. The discourse of self, understood as preparation for ā€œphilosophical style of livingā€ formed itself through helenistic culturological movements of networks of friendships, using the teachings of well-known Roman philosophers. The concept of ā€œrelation of self towards selfā€ becomes a condition not only of individual ethical posture, but also of political and collective

    Foucault's hermeneutics of the subject

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    Namere i ciljevi naÅ”ih istraživanja usmeravaće se ka specifičnosti i koherentnosti Fukoovih teza o subjektivnosti i moći, kao nosiocima dva koncepta koja Fuko razvija u svojoj kasnoj fazi: pojma samstva i subjekta. Subjektivnost je u ovom radu posmatrana kroz procese živog govora, iskazivanja sebe samim sobom, sopstvenim samointerpretacijama, terapeutičkim i parezijatičkim procesima razgovora koji nude helenistička asketika i terapeutika. Fukoova hermeneutika pokazuje izvesno pomeranje značenja pojmova subjekta i subjektivnosti, odnosno njihovu dekonstrukciju, u odnosu na kartezijanski sadržaj pomenutih pojmova. Nećemo se baviti putevima lepe duÅ”e koja bi sebe kultivisala umetnički i filozofski, već naporom individualne subjektivnosti u artikulaciji samstvenosti i sebe kao subjekta aktivnog miÅ”ljenja tj. etičkog delanja, subjekta primarno egzistencijalnog i filozofskog čina. Pratićemo dva diskursa: a) diskurs samstvenosti helenističko-rimskih filozofskih praksi, preciznije, praksi kasnog stoicizma i njegovu ā€žmodalizacijuā€œ Fukoovom genealogijom subjekta; i b) psihopatoloÅ”ki diskurs kakvog je formirala Frojdova psihoanaliza, kao i onaj posredovan Fukoovom genealogijom psihoanalize i kritikom disciplinarnih moći psihijatrije. Kod oba autora nailazimo na prisustvo istog problemskog jezgra, a kod samog Fukoa na jako implicitno prisustvo Frojda u njegovim kritičkim komentarima o razvoju psihoanalize nakon Frojda. Očigledan je izvestan složen i kontradiktoran odnos prema Frojdu izražen u stavu ā€žtreba braniti Frojdaā€œ, stavu koji naglaÅ”ava i Žak Derida u svom tekstu o Fukou. Ukazaćemo na specifičnu antropoloÅ”ku i epistemoloÅ”ku vrednost stavova oba autora koji nam nude moguće teorijske osnove na kojima bi se zasnivala moderna filozofska asketika i terapeutika. Njen istorijsko filozofski značaj, skrajnut već čitav milenijum, postaje ponovo aktuelan. Diskurs samstvenosti, shvaćen kao priprema za ā€žfilozofski stil življenjaā€œ formirao se kroz helenističke kulturoloÅ”ke pokrete mreža prijateljstava koristeći učenja poznatih rimskih filozofa. Koncept ā€žodnosa sebe prema sebiā€œ postaje uslov ne samo individualnog etičkog stava već i političkog i kolektivnog.The goals and intentions of our research will be directed towards specificity and coherency of Foucaultā€™s theses on subjectivity and power, the cornerstones of two concepts developed by Foucault in his later phases: the notions of the selfhood and the subject. Subjectivity is, in this work, observed through the processes of live conversation, the expression of selfhood by using the own self as an example, own self-interpretations and therapeutic and parrhesian processes of conversation offered by the Hellenistic ascetics and therapeutics. Foucaultā€™s hermeneutics shows a certain shift in the meaning of the notions of subject and subjectivity, i.e. their deconstruction, when compared to their Cartesian meaning. We will not consider here the paths of the beautiful soul that would cultivate itself in an artistic and philosophical way, but instead look at the effort of using individual subjectivity to articulate the selfhood and the self as the subject of active thought, i.e. ethical behavior, of a subject of primarily existential and philosophical deeds. We will follow two discourses: a) the discourse of the selfhood employed in Helleno-Roman philosophical practice, or more accurately, the practice of late Stoicism, and its ā€œmodalizationā€ by Foucaultā€™s genealogy of subject; and b) the psychopathological discourse as formed by the Freudian psychoanalysis, as well as the one mediated by Foucaultā€™s genealogy of psychoanalysis and by the critique of the disciplinary powers of psychiatry. In both of these authors we find the presence of the same problem core, and with Foucault himself we find a strong implicit presence of Freud in his critical commentary about development of psychoanalysis after Freud. A certain complex and contradictory relationship towards Freud is apparent and expressed in his attitude that ā€œFreud should be defendedā€, the attitude emphasized by Jacques Derrida in his text about Foucault. We will point out to a specific anthropological and epistemological value of the postures that both authors that offer us possible theoretical foundations, upon which, a modern philosophical ascetic and therapeutic would be founded. Her historically philosophical value, put aside, for a whole a millennia, becomes 8 actual again. The discourse of self, understood as preparation for ā€œphilosophical style of livingā€ formed itself through helenistic culturological movements of networks of friendships, using the teachings of well-known Roman philosophers. The concept of ā€œrelation of self towards selfā€ becomes a condition not only of individual ethical posture, but also of political and collective

    Selected Metal Concentrations in Some Medical Herbs from Localities Around Mount Bjelasica

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    The use of wild herbs to relieve and treat many human diseases is increasing worldwide, due to their medicinal features and limited side effects. The content of metals in them is of great interest. Our objective was to determine the levels of Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, and Zn in individual parts of four medicinal plant species (Achillea millefolium L., Origanum vulgare L., Thymus serpyllum L., and Hypericum perforatum L.) and their native soil. For the study, we selected four sites located at the foot of Mount Bjelasica in Montenegro. Microwave-assisted digestion was applied for the dissolution of the samples and the metal concentrations were determined using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). All the investigated metals are most concentrated in the roots of the tested herbs. The translocation of metal from the root to the aboveground parts is different and depends on the metal and the plant. All the tested plants contain the most Fe (except oregano) and the least Ni. The most significant levels of Zn (44.6ā€“116 mg kgā€“1), Ni (0.10ā€“26.3 mg kgā€“1) and Mn (28.4ā€“329 mg kgā€“1) were found in O. vulgare, the largest concentration of Cu (20.6ā€“85.4 mg kgā€“1) in H. perforatum and Fe (108ā€“1324 mg kgā€“1) showed its largest value in T. serpyllum. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Frequency of PTSD among hospitalized patients in the period 1993-1995

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    Autori su promatrali pojavnost PTSP-a kao jedinog poremećaja, ali i PTSP uz druge psihičke poremećaje hospitaliziranih odraslih bolesnika na Psihijatrijskoj klinici u Osijeku kroz tri godine (1993., 1994. i 1995. g.). Uočili su relativno mali broj bolesnika sa PTSP-om u prvoj godini praćenja pojavnosti (3% od ukupnog broja liječenih bolesnika), da bi se narednih godina taj broj upadno povećavao (1994. godine 12,17%, 1995. godine 20,57%). Prema dobnim skupinama najčeŔće su obolijevale osobe od 31 do 40. godine života (43,35%), a prema spolu, kroz sve tri promatrane godine, izrazito je zastupljen veći broj muÅ”karaca u odnosu na žene (86,47% : 13,53%), Å”to je i razumljivo jer su kod oboljelih dominirali pripadnici HV i policije. Samo je 1993. godine obolijevao veći broj civila u odnosu na uniformirane osobe (3,9% : 2,75%) dok su 1994. i 1995. godine pripadnici vojske i policije čeŔće obolijevali odnosu na civile. Å to se tiče bračnog stanja, kroz sve godine čeŔće su obolijevali od PTSP-a i drugih psihičkih poremećaja oženjeni, odnosno udane osobe (69,5% u promatranom uzorku). Uz PTSP, najčeŔći psihički poremećaji bili su iz grupe neurotskih poremećaja (28,9%), alkoholizma (8,2 6%), disocijalnih poremećaja osobnosti (5,73%), psihosomatske reakcije (4,13%), depresija (3,44%), psihotične reakcije (3,44%), organskog psihosindroma (3,21%), te manji broj psihoza - Sch (1,38%). Javljanje drugih dijagnostičkih skupina je zanemarivo. Autori ostavljaju za raspravu sve učestaliju pojavnost PTSP-a samog i s drugim dijagnostičkim skupinama, sugeriraju potrebitost daljeg praćenja pojavnosti s pomenutih psihičkih poremećaja, kao i ujednačenost kriterija pri dijagnosticiranju PTSP-a.The authors observed the occurrence of PTSD as a single disorder or combined with other psychic disturbances in adult patients hospitalized at the Clinic of Psychiatry in Osijek in the period from 1993 -1995. In the first year the number of cases with PTSD was quite small (3% of the total number of treated patients), but it increased rapidly in the following years (12.17% in 1994 and 20.57% in 1995). Patients aged 31-40 years suffered most frequently. In all three years of observation there was a notably higher number of males, compared to the females (86.47%: 13.53%), which is understandable since a dominant number of patients belonged to army or police forces. Only in 1993 were the more civilians suffering from the illness than the members of police and military were. As for marital status, married people suffered from PTSD and other psychic disturbances most often (69.5%). Beside PTSD, the most frequent psychic disturbances were general anxious disturbances (28.9%), alcoholism (8.26%), personality disorders (5.73%), psychosomatic reactions (4.13%). depression (3.44%), psychotic reactions (3.44%), organic psycho-syndrome (3.2 1%) and a small number of psychoses (1.38%). The occurrence of other diagnostic groups was insignificant. The authors offer discussion on increasing occurrence of PTSD alone and with other diagnostic groups in the observed period. They suggest the need for further observation of the stated psychic disturbances as well as for setting equal criteria for PTSD diagnosis

    Some characteristic of the alcoholich undergoing treatment at the clinic of psychiatric diseases General hospital Osijek

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    Na Klinici za psihijatrijske bolesti Opće bolnice Osijek hispitalizirano je tijekom godine dana (01. 06. 1987. ā€” 31. 05. 1988. godine) ukupno 899 bolesnika, od kojeg je broja zbog alkoholizma bilo primljeno 283 bolesnika (31,48%). Autori su prikupili i obradili podatke prema dobi, spolu, mjestu stanovanja, radnom aktivitetu i socijalnom statusu. Također analiziraju i raspodjelu alkoholičara s obzirom na spol, kao i na prijemnu dijagnozu, te broj umrlih u proteklom razdoblju. U promatranom uzorku najčeŔće su bile zastupljeni alkoholičari između 40 i 50 godina života (31,80%), zatim između 30 i 40 godina (26,50%), te između 50 i 59 godina života (24,03%). Skoro podjednaki broj alkoholičara bio je u dobi između 20 i 30 godina (8,48%) i preko 59 godina života (9,19%). U promatranom razdoblju liječeno je 248 bolesnika muÅ”Ā­kog spola i 35 bolesnika ženskog spola, dakle dominantna je bila zastupljenost muÅ”kih bolesnika (87,63% : 12,37%). Veći dio bolesnika potiče iz gradske populacije, a manji sa sela (55,48 : 44,52%). Od ukupnog broja alkoholičara, u aktivnom radnom odnosu bilo je 179 muÅ”karaca (72,18%) i 14 žena (40%), odnosno ukupna zastupljenost aktivnih osiguranika bila je 68,20%, umirovljenika 13,78%, poljoprivrednika 7,06%, socijalno ugroženih 4,24% te 5,65% domaćica. S obzirom na spol i prijemnu dijagnozu, najviÅ”e je zastupljena Dg. alcoholismus, kod muÅ”karaca u 98,79% slučajeva, a kod žena u 35% slučajeva. Zbog depresije i alkoholizma primljeno je ukupno 26,61 % muÅ”kih bolesnika i 28,57% žena. Također i ispoljeno asocijalno ponaÅ”anje u alkoholiziranom stanju bilo je uzrokom hospitalizacije u 36,29% slučajeva kod muÅ”kih i 28,57% kod ženskih bolesnika. Delirium tremens bio je zastupljen u romatranom uzorku kod žena u 22,85% slučajeva, te kod muÅ”karaca u 20,56% slučajeva. Psihoorganski sindrom nalaze autori uz alkoholizam kod 23,38% muÅ”karaca, te 20% žena, a simptomatsku epilepsiju nalaze kod 22,17% muÅ”kih i 13,51% kod ženskih bolesnika. Drugi dijagnostički utisci bili su zastupljeni u relativno manjem postotku. Također autori nalaze da je od ukupnog broja liječenih bolesnika u promatranom uzorku umrlo ukupno 5 bolesnika (1,76%) zbog kardiorespiratorne insuficijencije, i to su bile sve osobe muÅ”kog spola, od čega 2 poljoprivrednika, 2 umirovljenika i 1 socijalno ugrožen, kod kojeg je prijemna dijagnoza bila kombinirana intoksikacija alkoholom i medikamentima. Kod ostala 4 umrla bolesnika prijemna dijagnoza bila je alkoholni delirij. Autori ukratko iznose mogućnosti tretmana na Klinici, te spominju detoksikacijsku terapiju, radno okupacionu, kao i socioterapiju. Osobito naglaÅ”avaju liječenje u terapijskoj zajednici, odnosno obiteljsku terapiju.The total of 899 patients were hospitalized at the Clinic of Psychiatric Diseases General Hospital Osijek during one-year period (1st June , 1987 ā€” 31st May, 1988). Out of that number, 283 patients (31.48%) were admitted due to alcoholism. The authors have collected and analyzed the data according to sex, age, residence, work activity, social status, entrance diagnosis and the death rate during the observed period. The most frequent cases in the observed sample were the alcoholics between 40 and 50 years of age (31.80%), followed by those between 30 and 40 (26.50%) and between 50 and 59 (24.03%). The number of alcoholics at the age of 20 to 30 (8.48%) roughly equaled the number of those over 59 (9.19%). During the observed period 284 male and 35 female patients were treated. The majoriry of patients came from urban areas (55.48%) and 179 males (72.18%) and 14 females (40%) were employed. Accordingly, there were 68.20% of patients covered by health insurance, 13.78% of pensioners, 7.06% of farmers, 4.24% of welfare cases and 5.65% of housewives. The most frequent entrance diagnosis was Dg. alcoholismus ā€” in 98.79% of males and 35% of females. There were 26.61% of male and 28,57% of female patients admitted to the Clinic due to depression and alcoholism, whereas 36.29% of males and 28.57% of females were hospitalized because of the manifested asocial behaviour. There were 22.85% of cases of delirium tremens in females and 20.56% in males. In addition to alcoholism, the authors have found psychoorganic syndrome in 20.56% of male and 20% of female patients and symptomatic epilepsy in 22.17% of males nad 13.51% of females. Other diagnostic impressions were comparatively fewer in number. Out of 283 treated patient, 5 (1.76%) died due to cardiorespiratory insufficiency. All five were men: 2 pensioners, 2 farmers and one welfare case, whose entrance diagnosis showed the combination of alcohol and drug intoxication. The entrance diagnosis in other four death cases was alcoholic delirium. The authors refer briefly to the possibilities of treatment at the Clinic and mention detoxication therapy, occupational therapy and sociotherapy. They put special emphasis on the treatment within a therapeutic community, that is, family therapy

    Partial hospitalisation in psychiatry

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    Parcijalna hospitalizacija kao način liječenja psihijatrijskih poremećaja razvijala se tijekom viÅ”e od 50 godina. Cilj parcijalne hospitalizacije je popuniti prazninu između bolničkog načina liječenja s jedne strane i ambulantnog načina liječenja s druge strane. Kao dio sveukupne psihijatrijske službe parcijalna hospitalizacija pruža viÅ”e mogućnosti i za bolesnike i za profesionalno osoblje nego ambulantni način liječenja, a također u isto vrijeme prevenira bolničko liječenje. Možemo razlikovati nekoliko tipova podjela parcijalne hospitalizacije kao i nabrajati mnogorodne i raznovrsne funkcije. Ovim člankom ćemo pružiti pregled razvoja parcijalne hospitalizacije kroz povijest, vrste kao i funkcije parcijalne hospitalizacije.Partial hospitalisation as a treatment modality for psychiatric disorders has been evolving over more than 50 years. In terms of treatment intensity, partial hospitalisation aims to fill the wide gap between in-patient or full-time hospitalisation on one hand and outpatient treatment on the other. As a part of the comprehensive psychiatric service, partial hospitalisation has the potential for patients and professional staff to offer more than low frequency out-patient visits while at the same time it prevents the disadvantages of hospital admission. We can distinguish several types of partial hospitalisation as well its diverse functions. This paper will present retrospection of partial hospitalisation through history, its types and its functions

    Paranoid states treated at the Department of psychiatry in Osijek (possibility of sociotherapy)

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    Autori su u svom radu analizirali paranoidna stanja (Å”ifre: 290,2; 291,5; 295,3; 297; 298,3 i 301,0), liječena na Psihijatrijskoj klinici u Osijeku tijekom Å”est godina (od osnutka Psihijatrijske klinike 1987. godine do 1992. godine). Ukratko se osvrću na teorijske koncepte socioterapije - posebno u stacionarnim uvjetima. Terapijski tim (psihijatar, psiholog, socijalni radnik, radni terapeut, glazboterapeut, medicinska sestra) odlučivao je o vremenu uključivanja bolesnika u socioterapijske postupke, a nakon akutne faze bolesti, uz prethodnu primjenu psihofarmakoterapije i relativnog smirivanja bolesnika. Terapijski tim se s bolesnicima sastajao na određenom mjestu u određeno vrijeme. Nakon početne sumnjičavosti bolesnika, terapijski tim aktivno je nastojao uspostaviti komunikaciju među bolesnicima u stacionaru, najčeŔće aktualizirajući događanja na Kliničkom odjelu. Autori spominju nekoliko načina socioterapijskih postupaka: grupne sastanke, radnookupacijsku terapiju i glazboterapiju. Uočavali su početne poteÅ”koće uključivanja bolesnika u socioterapijske postupke. Autori se posebno osvrću na poteÅ”koće odvijanja socioterapije za vrijeme rata u neprikladnim, improviziranim podrumskim prostorima, govore o Ā»Psihijatriji bez vrataĀ«. Autori socioterapiju smatraju sastavnim dijelom liječenja paranoidnih stanja uz farmakoterapiju. Ističu osobitu važnost bolničkog ozračja koje se osniva na liberalizaciji i humanizaciji, te socijalizaciji duÅ”evnih bolesnika s paranoidnim stanjima.The authors analysed in their work paranoid delusions (code 290,2; 291,5; 295,3; 297; 298,3 and 301,0) that have been treated at the Osijek Psychiatry Clinic during the last 6 (six) years (from 1987 - When the Clinic was opened to 1992.). The authors deal briefly with the theoretical outlines of sociotherapy - especially in stationary conditions. The entire therapy team (psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, occupational, music therapist and nurse) decided about the time of including patients into the Sociotherapeutic treatment, after the acute phase of the illness that followed after the use of psychopharmacotherapy and relative soothing of the patient. The therapy team was meeting with the patients at certain places at definite time. After the first suspicion disappeared, the therapy team tried activly to establish communication aniong the patients at the stationary, mostly by actualizing the events from that Clinic ward. The authors mention several kinds of sociotherapeutic treatments group meetings, occupational therapy as well as music-therapy. They were noticing difficulties in joining the patients to these sociotherapeutic treatments. The authors pay a special attention to the difficulties of the therapy that occured during the was in inadequate improvised basement rooms; they talk about the Ā»Psychiatry with no doorsĀ«. The authors consider the Sociotherapy to be a component part of treating paranoic delusions in pharmacotherapy. They point out the importance of good hospital atmosphere that is based on liberalization and humanization as well as sozialisation of mental patients with paranoic delusions