4,345 research outputs found

    Oxygen Abundances in Two Metal-Poor Subgiants from the Analysis of the 6300 A Forbidden O I Line

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    Recent LTE analyses (Israelian et al. 1998 and Bosegaard et al. 1999) of the OH bands in the optical-ultraviolet spectra of nearby metal-poor subdwarfs indicate that oxygen abundances are generally higher than those previously determined. The difference increases with decreasing metallicity and reaches delta([O/Fe]) ~ +0.6 dex as [Fe/H] approaches -3.0. Employing high resolution (R = 50000), high S/N (~ 250) echelle spectra of the two stars found by Israelian et al. (1998) to have the highest [O/Fe]-ratios, viz, BD +23 3130 and BD +37 1458, we conducted abundance analyses based on about 60 Fe I and 7-9 Fe II lines. We determined from Kurucz LTE models the values of the stellar parameters, as well as abundances of Na, Ni, and the traditional alpha-elements, independent of the calibration of color vs TeffT_{eff} scales. We determined oxygen abundances from spectral synthesis of the stronger line (6300 A) of the [O I] doublet. The syntheses of the [O I] line lead to smaller values of [O/Fe], consistent with those found earlier among halo field and globular cluster giants. We obtain [O/Fe] = +0.35 +/- 0.2 for BD +23 3130 and +0.50 +/- 0.2 for BD +37 1458. In the former, the [O I] line is very weak (~ 1 mA), so that the quoted [O/Fe] value may in reality be an upper limit. Therefore in these two stars a discrepancy exists between the [O/Fe]- ratios derived from [O I] and the OH feature, and the origin of this difference remains unclear. Until the matter is clarified, we suggest it is premature to conclude that the ab initio oxygen abundances of old, metal-poor stars need to be revised drastically upward.Comment: 38 pages, 5 tables, 14 figures To appear in July 1999 AJ Updated April 16, 1999. Fixed typo

    Improved Laboratory Transition Probabilities for Neutral Chromium and Re-determination of the Chromium Abundance for the Sun and Three Stars

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    Branching fraction measurements from Fourier transform spectra in conjunction with published radiative lifetimes are used to determine transition probabilities for 263 lines of neutral chromium. These laboratory values are employed to derive a new photospheric abundance for the Sun: log ϵ\epsilon(Cr I)_{\odot} = 5.64±\pm0.01 (σ=0.07\sigma = 0.07). These Cr I solar abundances do not exhibit any trends with line strength nor with excitation energy and there were no obvious indications of departures from LTE. In addition, oscillator strengths for singly-ionized chromium recently reported by the FERRUM Project are used to determine: log ϵ\epsilon(Cr II)_{\odot} = 5.77±\pm0.03 (σ=0.13\sigma = 0.13). Transition probability data are also applied to the spectra of three stars: HD 75732 (metal-rich dwarf), HD 140283 (metal-poor subgiant), and CS 22892-052 (metal-poor giant). In all of the selected stars, Cr I is found to be underabundant with respect to Cr II. The possible causes for this abundance discrepancy and apparent ionization imbalance are discussed.Comment: 44 pages, 6 figure

    Prediction of hole expansion ratio of titanium alloys using R programming

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    The hole expansion ratio (HER) is an important material property which defines the extent of edge formability of sheet metals. The stress states observed at the hole edge after the hole expansion test are similar to those seen during traditional uniaxial tensile deformation. This observation has provoked research, directed at ascertaining a correlation between the HER and tensile properties. In order to account for the forming behaviour of complex materials like titanium, a highly robust model that takes into account the material formability in all sheet-processing directions must be considered. The R programming language was used in this research to build a model fitting expression capable of predicting the HER as well as generating a regression model equation for titanium alloys, based on their thickness and Erichsen index number. The proposed regression model equation for predicting HER of titanium alloys exhibited an excellent statistical significance (p= 0.00076), indicating the robustness of the model fitting expression to predict HER values of titanium alloys. An accompanying adjusted R squared value of 0.9987 for the generated regression model equation also shows how well the regression line fits the data for accurate prediction of the HER of titanium alloys. A numerical validation analysis of the strength of the relationship derived between the predicted and the experimental HERs gave a correlation coefficient of 0.9884. This result shows a strong linear relationship between the experimental and predicted HER values of the titanium alloys with an average absolute error of 8.8%

    Impact of machining induced surface defects on the edge formability of commercially pure titanium sheet at room temperature

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    Despite the good properties of titanium which have drawn the interest of various industries over the years, one of the major drawbacks of this material is its poor machinability. This has largely been attributed to its low thermal conductivity and elastic modulus. The ability to attain optimum sheet edge performance during forming is dependent on the quality of the edges produced. Also, the demanding nature of aerospace part design has provoked the interest of both industry and academia to continually explore avenues tailored at enhancing part performance. The sort of edge surface integrity produced for aerospace part fabrication thus becomes a vital consideration in the quest to ensuring prime performance of components. This work seeks to study the influence of different machining induced surface defects on the sheet edge performance of CP-Ti (Grade 2) at room temperature. Hole expansion test was used to assess the edge surface formability of CP-Ti with different machining induced edge defects. The research found that, machining induced surface defects act as stress concentration sites during the hole expansion test and have a major impact on the material flow. Electro-discharge machined edges were observed to exhibit high edge formability compared to laser and abrasive water jet cut edges due to the impact of machining induced microstructural changes

    An unusual initial presentation of mantle cell lymphoma arising from the lymphoid stroma of warthin tumor.

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    BackgroundWarthin tumors presenting concomitantly with a lymphoma is vanishingly rare with only 15 reported cases in English literature. Herein, we report an unusual initial presentation of a mantle cell lymphoma involving the lymphoid stroma of a Warthin tumor.Case presentationA seventy-seven year old otherwise healthy gentleman with a 50-pack year smoking history presents with a slowly enlarging left cheek mass. CT scan of the neck demonstrated a left parotid gland tumor measuring 3.4 cm in greatest dimension. He underwent a left superficial parotidectomy, with subsequent histopathologic examination revealing a Warthin tumor with extensive expansion of the lymphoid stroma. Flow cytometric, immunohistochemical, and cytogenetic studies of the stromal component of the tumor confirmed the presence of a mantle cell lymphoma. Clinical staging demonstrated stage IVa disease, and was considered to be at low to intermediate risk due to the slow growth of the parotid lesion. The patient is undergoing close follow up with repeat PET-CT scans at six months.ConclusionTo the best of our knowledge, this is the first well documented collision tumor between mantle cell lymphoma and a Warthin tumor. This case also brings to light the significance of thorough evaluation of the lymphoid component of Warthin tumor

    A Study of the B-V Colour Temperature Relation

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    We attempt to construct a B-V colour temperature relation for stars in the least model dependent way employing the best modern data. The fit we obtained with the form Teff = Teff((B-V)0,[Fe/H],log g) is well constrained and a number of tests show the consistency of the procedures for the fit. Our relation covers from F0 to K5 stars with metallicity [Fe/H] = -1.5 to +0.3 for both dwarfs and giants. The residual of the fit is 66 K, which is consistent with what are expected from the quality of the present data. Metallicity and surface gravity effects are well separated from the colour dependence. Dwarfs and giants match well in a single family of fit, differing only in log g. The fit also detects the Galactic extinction correction for nearby stars with the amount E(B-V) = 0.26 +/-0.03 mag/kpc. Taking the newly obtained relation as a reference we examine a number of B-V colour temperature relations and atmosphere models available in the literature. We show the presence of a systematic error in the colour temperature relation from synthetic calculations of model atmospheres; the systematic error across K0 to K5 dwarfs is 0.04-0.05 mag in B-V, which means 0.25-0.3 mag in Mv for the K star range. We also argue for the error in the temperature scale used in currently popular stellar population synthesis models; synthetic colours from these models are somewhat too blue for aged elliptical galaxies. We derive the colour index of the sun (B-V)sun = 0.627 +/-0.018, and discuss that redder colours (e.g., 0.66-0.67) often quoted in the literature are incompatible with the colour-temperature relation.Comment: AASLaTeX (aaspp4.sty),36 pages (13 figures included), submitted to Astronomical Journal, replaced (typo in author name

    Main competencies to manage complex defence projects

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    This research adds a comprehensive way of assessing competencies, contrasting with the usual reductionist approach that uses off-the-shelf instruments. The study reveals 27 competencies to manage complex projects based upon a comprehensive analysis of 22 interviews with senior practitioners associated with the most strategic projects from the Brazilian Army. These competencies were divided into 10 groups, namely influencing, communication, team working, cognitive, management, contextual skills, professionalism, project management knowledge, and personal skills and attributes. Surprisingly, both emotional skills and social competencies were not prominent. The results contribute to advance our knowledge by revealing that practitioners involved in complex defence projects value more technical and individual competencies. This study analyses competencies across several complex projects in the defence sector, providing insights to practitioners and expanding the academic debate focused on other industries and single cases. Organisations might use the competencies to recruit, select, and develop human resources involved in complex defence initiatives

    Formability of AA-7075 sheets subjected to repetitive bending under tension

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    The fundamental objective of this work is to study the cold formability of AA-7075_O by a testing methodology known as repetitive bending under tension. The repetitive bending under tension is a testing methodology to create a similar deformation condition to that which occurs during incremental sheet forming. In the case of repetitive bending under tension tests, the sheet metal sample is subjected to localised bending under tensile loading. This additional bending during testing is applied by sliding a set of rollers over the gauge length of the tested sample. In order to study the influence of various strain conditions at the plastic deformation zone, specimens with different geometries were investigated. In addition, samples from three different orientations of 0˚, 45˚ and 90˚ with respect to the rolling direction were tested to study the effect of mechanical anisotropy on deformation behaviour. The results confirmed a significant increase in elongation to failure in samples subjected to repetitive bending under tension as compared to those subjected to standard tensile tests under similar conditions. It is shown that this could be due to a delay in localised necking during repetitive bending under tension. Finite element analysis (FEA) has also been used to simulate the process. In agreement with the experimental finding, FEA results show that the maximum force required to deform the material is less than that required during a standard tensile test. Analysis of 3D scanning of samples that went up to fracture during repetitive bending under tension and a standard tensile test revealed that the samples undergoing the former underwent a more uniform reduction in thickness and width along the gauge length, compared to the latter. TEM observations of the microstructure confirms grain refinement in the samples subjected to repetitive bending under tension. This could be due to a strain induced dynamic recrystallisation process occurring during the test. Analysing the crystallographic texture using neutron diffraction revealed that a strong {111}//ND fibre texture had been developed during the repetitive bending under tension test. This could be due plastic shear strain introduced by repetitively bending and unbending through the sheet thickness

    Abiotic processes are insufficient for fertile island development: A ten‐year artificial shrub experiment in a desert grassland

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    The relative importance of biotic and abiotic processes in the development of “fertile islands” in dryland systems has rarely been investigated. Here we approached this question by using artificial shrubs, which exclude plant litter production and soil nutrient uptake, but retain the functions of trapping windblown material, funneling of stemflow, and differential rain splash. We conducted a vegetation manipulation study more than a decade ago in the desert grassland of southern New Mexico and subsequently revisited the site in 2012 and 2015. The results show that no notable soil mounds were observed under the artificial shrubs; however, soil texture under the artificial shrubs has gradually changed to resemble the patterns of soil particle-size distribution under natural shrubs. Our results highlight that with the exclusion of direct biotic additions, soils captured by shrub canopies are not necessarily fertile and thus do not themselves contribute to the development of fertile islands