4,749 research outputs found

    Space shuttle afterbody aerodynamics/plume simulation data summary

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    A series of parametric wind tunnel tests was conducted to provide a base for developing a simulation of afterbody/base aerodynamics for multibody/multibase rocket-powered vehicles (such as Space Shuttle) which use unheated air as the simulant gas in development wind tunnel tests. The tests described were parameterized on external configuration, nozzle internal configuration, base geometry, propulsion gas type, and freestream Mach number (0.5 to 3.5). The tests were conducted over a 4-year period. Presented in this report are the data and pertinent reference information necessary to perform an analysis which would lead to a simulation procedure. The type of data obtained during the tests described herein include model base afterbody, and nozzle internal surface static pressure distributions, model chamber pressure and temperature, and freestream conditions. Also included is a brief description of simulation procedures that were used by the Space Shuttle program

    Elemental Abundance Ratios in Stars of the Outer Galactic Disk. II. Field Red Giants

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    We summarize a selection process to identify red giants in the direction of the southern warp of the Galactic disk, employing VI_C photometry and multi-object spectroscopy. We also present results from follow-up high-resolution, high-S/N echelle spectroscopy of three field red giants, finding [Fe/H] values of about -0.5. The field stars, with Galactocentric distances estimated at 10 to 15 kpc, support the conclusion of Yong, Carney, & de Almeida (2005) that the Galactic metallicity gradient disappears beyond R_GC values of 10 to 12 kpc for the older stars and clusters of the outer disk. The field and cluster stars at such large distances show very similar abundance patterns, and, in particular, all show enhancements of the "alpha" elements O, Mg, Si, Ca, and Ti and the r-process element Eu. These results suggest that Type II supernovae have been significant contributors to star formation in the outer disk relative to Type Ia supernovae within the past few Gyrs. We also compare our results with those available for much younger objects. The limited results for the H II regions and B stars in the outer disk also suggest that the radial metallicity gradient in the outer disk is shallow or absent. The much more extensive results for Cepheids confirm these trends, and that the change in slope of the metallicity gradient may occur at a larger Galactocentric distance than for the older stars and clusters. However, the younger stars also show rising alpha element enhancements with increasing R_GC, at least beyond 12 kpc. These trends are consistent with the idea of a progressive growth in the size of the Galactic disk with time, and episodic enrichment by Type II supernovae as part of the disk's growth. [Abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication in A

    Oxygen Abundances in Two Metal-Poor Subgiants from the Analysis of the 6300 A Forbidden O I Line

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    Recent LTE analyses (Israelian et al. 1998 and Bosegaard et al. 1999) of the OH bands in the optical-ultraviolet spectra of nearby metal-poor subdwarfs indicate that oxygen abundances are generally higher than those previously determined. The difference increases with decreasing metallicity and reaches delta([O/Fe]) ~ +0.6 dex as [Fe/H] approaches -3.0. Employing high resolution (R = 50000), high S/N (~ 250) echelle spectra of the two stars found by Israelian et al. (1998) to have the highest [O/Fe]-ratios, viz, BD +23 3130 and BD +37 1458, we conducted abundance analyses based on about 60 Fe I and 7-9 Fe II lines. We determined from Kurucz LTE models the values of the stellar parameters, as well as abundances of Na, Ni, and the traditional alpha-elements, independent of the calibration of color vs TeffT_{eff} scales. We determined oxygen abundances from spectral synthesis of the stronger line (6300 A) of the [O I] doublet. The syntheses of the [O I] line lead to smaller values of [O/Fe], consistent with those found earlier among halo field and globular cluster giants. We obtain [O/Fe] = +0.35 +/- 0.2 for BD +23 3130 and +0.50 +/- 0.2 for BD +37 1458. In the former, the [O I] line is very weak (~ 1 mA), so that the quoted [O/Fe] value may in reality be an upper limit. Therefore in these two stars a discrepancy exists between the [O/Fe]- ratios derived from [O I] and the OH feature, and the origin of this difference remains unclear. Until the matter is clarified, we suggest it is premature to conclude that the ab initio oxygen abundances of old, metal-poor stars need to be revised drastically upward.Comment: 38 pages, 5 tables, 14 figures To appear in July 1999 AJ Updated April 16, 1999. Fixed typo

    Space shuttle: Static aerodynamic characteristics and control effectiveness of the GAC H-33 orbiter at Mach numbers from 0.6 to 4.96

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    A .003366 scale model of the Grumman H-33 orbiter was tested in the MSFC 14 inch Trisonic Wind Tunnel. Six-component aerodynamic force and moment data was recorded over a Mach number range of 0.6 to 4.96. Both pitch runs and yaw runs at various constant angles of attack were completed. The basic model configuration was investigated. The effects of a component build-up and of various control deflections were obtained. The elevons were deflected symmetrically and asymmetrically to determine elevator and aileron effectiveness. The rudder was tested both flared and unflared and the effects of deflections were determined in the flared case. The model was tested in pitch in two intervals. The first interval was from 0 to 20 deg. Then an adaptor was set to give the sting an offset angle and 20 to 40 deg angle of attack was obtained. Characteristics in sideslip were determined by varying sideslip angle from -4 deg to 10 deg with angle of attack set at 0 deg, 10 deg, 15 deg, and 30 deg

    Abundances of Baade's Window Giants from Keck/HIRES Spectra: I. Stellar Parameters and [Fe/H] Values

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    We present the first results of a new abundance survey of the Milky Way bulge based on Keck/HIRES spectra of 27 K-giants in the Baade's Window (l=1l = 1, b=4b = -4) field. The spectral data used in this study are of much higher resolution and signal-to-noise than previous optical studies of Galactic bulge stars. The [Fe/H] values of our stars, which range between -1.29 and +0.51+0.51, were used to recalibrate large low resolution surveys of bulge stars. Our best value for the mean [Fe/H] of the bulge is 0.10±0.04-0.10 \pm 0.04. This mean value is similar to the mean metallicity of the local disk and indicates that there cannot be a strong metallicity gradient inside the solar circle. The metallicity distribution of stars confirms that the bulge does not suffer from the so-called ``G-dwarf'' problem. This paper also details the new abundance techniques necessary to analyze very metal-rich K-giants, including a new Fe line list and regions of low blanketing for continuum identification.Comment: Accepted for publication in January 2006 Astrophysical Journal. Long tables 3--6 withheld to save space (electronic tables in journal paper). 53 pages, 10 figures, 9 table

    Comparison of Information Structures and Completely Positive Maps

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    A theorem of Blackwell about comparison between information structures in classical statistics is given an analogue in the quantum probabilistic setup. The theorem provides an operational interpretation for trace-preserving completely positive maps, which are the natural quantum analogue of classical stochastic maps. The proof of the theorem relies on the separation theorem for convex sets and on quantum teleportation.Comment: 12 pages. Substantial changes. Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics

    Visual knowledge negotiation

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    We ask how users interact with ’knowledge’ in the context of artificial intelligence systems. Four examples of visual interfaces demonstrate the need for such systems to allow room for negotiation between domain experts, automated statistical models, and the people who are involved in collecting and providing data.Africa’s Voices Foundation Boeing BT EPSRC The Health Foundatio

    Optimistic Agents are Asymptotically Optimal

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    We use optimism to introduce generic asymptotically optimal reinforcement learning agents. They achieve, with an arbitrary finite or compact class of environments, asymptotically optimal behavior. Furthermore, in the finite deterministic case we provide finite error bounds.Comment: 13 LaTeX page