38 research outputs found

    Coral Ultrastructural Response to Elevated pCO2 and Nutrients During Tissue Repair and Regeneration

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    Corals and coral reefs have recently experienced widespread decline attributed to anthropogenic pressure on reef systems. Studies have demonstrated that nutrient and pCO2 stress effect coral growth and calcification, but study of specific effects on coral tissue is lacking. The objective of this research was to examine wound healing in corals and how it is affected by exposure to elevated nutrients and pCO2. Coral tissue repair and regeneration during wound healing in Montastraea cavernosa and Porites astreoides were assessed histologically and ultrastructurally by examining colony fragments exposed to elevated nitrate, phosphate, and pCO2. In M. cavernosa, tissue repair was facilitated by granular amoebocytes, and the zooxanthellae population size increased under enriched nutrient conditions. In P. astreoides, zooxanthellae chloroplasts were markedly abnormal in phosphate-enriched corals, and the concentration of chromophore cells at the healing tissue front was markedly lower under elevated nutrient conditions. The area of wound healed was higher after 14 days under every experimental condition in M. cavernosa compared to P. astreoides. In both species, phosphate enrichment had the most deleterious effect on repair and regeneration

    Coccolith Morphology and Paleoclimatology - 2. Cell Ultrastructure and Formation of Coccoliths in Cyclococcolithina leptopora (Murray and Blackman) Wilcoxon and Gephyrocapsa oceanica Kamptner.

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    Current interest in utilization of coccoliths for paleoclimate reconstruction necessitates background information on environmental limits for growth and coccolith production as well as examination of cell ultrastructure in specimens collected in the field and in cultured representatives. Successful isolation of the two geologically important species Gephyrocapsa oceanica (strain A674) and Cyclococcolithina leptopora (strain A650) allows investigation of ultrastructure in cultured forms. Fine structure of cells and coccoliths was observed in the SEM using critical point dried preparations and ultrastructure was examined with the transmission electron microscope. Coccoliths are formed intracellularly and appear to form within Golgi-derived vesicles located near the nuclear membrane. Formation and development of coccoliths in the two species resemble these processes in Emiliania huxleyi but differ from those of Cricosphaera carterae, notably in the absence of coccolithosomes and scales and in the fact that coccoliths are produced intracellularly one at a time

    Insights into Migration and Development of Coral Black Band Disease Based on Fine Structure Analysis

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    In many diverse ecosystems, ranging from natural surfaces in aquatic ecosystems to the mammalian gut and medical implants, bacterial populations and communities exist as biofilms. While the process of biofilm development has been well-studied for those produced by unicellular bacteria such Pseudomonas aeruginosa, little is known about biofilm development associated with filamentous microorganisms. Black band disease (BBD) of corals is characterized as a polymicrobial biofilm (mat) community, visually-dominated by filamentous cyanobacteria. The mat migrates across a living coral host, completely lysing coral tissue and leaving behind exposed coral skeleton. It is the only known cyanobacterial biofilm that migrates across a substratum, thus eliciting questions about the mechanisms and unique characteristics of this system. Fragments of the coral Montastraea annularis, five artificially infected with BBD and two collected from a naturally BBD-infected colony, were used to address these questions by detailed examination using scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM). In areas close to the interface of coral tissue and the mature disease band two types of clusters of cyanobacteria were observed, one with random orientation and one with parallel orientation of filaments. The latter exhibited active secretion of extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) while the randomly oriented clusters did not. Within the well developed band cyanobacterial filaments were observed to be embedded in EPS and were present as layers of filaments in parallel orientation. These observations suggest that BBD cyanobacteria orient themselves and produce EPS in a sequential process during migration to form the complex BBD matrix

    Ultrastructural and Histological Analysis of Dark Spot Syndrome in Siderastrea siderea and Agaricia agaricites

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    Dark Spot Syndrome (DSS) typically manifests in scleractinian corals as lesions of varying color, size, shape and location that can result in skeletal changes and tissue death. A causative agent for DSS has not yet been identified. The objective of this study was histological and ultrastructural comparison of the cellular and skeletal characteristics of DSS-affected and healthy Siderastrea siderea and Agaricia agaricites. The greater resolution possible with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed microbial activity and tissue changes not resolvable utilizing histology. DSS-affected tissue had less integrity, with increasing cellular degradation and vacuolization. A high concentration of electron dense inclusions, which appear to be zymogen granules, was concentrated in the calicodermis and adjacent gastrodermal layer. Numerous endolithic fungal cells were observed directly adjacent to the calicodermis in DSS-affected S. siderea. Numerous unidentified endolithic cells were observed directly adjacent to the calicodermis in DSS-affected A. agaricites. These observations suggest that the coral may be using a digestive enzyme as a defensive mechanism against endolithic cellular invasion

    Microscopic and Genetic Characterization of Bacterial Symbionts With Bioluminescent Potential in Pyrosoma atlanticum

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    The pelagic tunicate pyrosome, Pyrosoma atlanticum, is known for its brilliant bioluminescence, but the mechanism causing this bioluminescence has not been fully characterized. This study identifies the bacterial bioluminescent symbionts of P. atlanticum collected in the northern Gulf of Mexico using several methods such as light and electron microscopy, as well as molecular genetics. The bacteria are localized within the pyrosome light organs. Greater than 50% of the bacterial taxa present in the tunicate samples were the bioluminescent symbiotic bacteria Vibrionaceae as determined by utilizing current molecular genetics methodologies. A total of 396K MiSeq16S rRNA reads provided total pyrosome microbiome profiles to determine bacterial symbiont taxonomy. After comparing with the Silva rRNA database, a Photobacterium sp. r33-like bacterium (which we refer to as “Photobacterium Pa-1”) matched at 99% sequence identity as the most abundant bacteria within Pyrosoma atlanticum samples. Specifically designed 16S rRNA V4 probes for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) verified the Photobacterium Pa-1 location as internally concentrated along the periphery of each dual pyrosome luminous organ. While searching for bacterial lux genes in two tunicate samples, we also serendipitously generated a draft tunicate mitochondrial genome that can be used for Pyrosoma atlanticum identification. Scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy confirmed the presence of intracellular rod-like bacteria in the light organs. This intracellular localization of bacteria may represent bacteriocyte formation reminiscent of other invertebrates