306 research outputs found

    Commercial Dengue Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Point-of-Care Application: Recent Evaluations and Future Needs?

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    Dengue fever, dengue haemorrhagic fever, and dengue shock syndrome (DF/DHF/DSS) are tropical diseases that cause significant humanitarian and economic hardship. It is estimated that more than 2.5 billion people are at risk of infection and more than 100 countries have endemic dengue virus transmission. Laboratory tests are essential to provide an accurate diagnosis of dengue virus infection so that appropriate treatment and patient management may be administered. In many dengue endemic settings, laboratory diagnostic resources are limited and simple rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) provide opportunities for point-of-care diagnosis. This paper addresses current issues relating to the application of commercial dengue RDTs for the diagnosis of acute dengue virus infection, recent diagnostic evaluations, and identifies future needs

    Rickettsial infections are neglected causes of acute febrile illness in Teluk Intan, Peninsular Malaysia

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    Rickettsial infections are among the leading etiologies of acute febrile illness in Southeast Asia. However, recent data from Malaysia are limited. This prospective study was conducted in Teluk Intan, Peninsular Malaysia, during January to December 2016. We recruited 309 hospitalized adult patients with acute febrile illness. Clinical and biochemistry data were obtained, and patients were stratified into mild and severe infections based on the sepsis-related organ failure (qSOFA) scoring system. Diagnostic assays including blood cultures, real-time PCR, and serology (IFA and MAT) were performed. In this study, pathogens were identified in 214 (69%) patients, of which 199 (93%) patients had a single etiology, and 15 (5%) patients had >1 etiologies. The top three causes of febrile illness requiring hospitalization in this Malaysian study were leptospirosis (68 (32%)), dengue (58 (27%)), and rickettsioses (42 (19%)). Fifty-five (18%) patients presented with severe disease with a qSOFA score of >/=2. Mortality was documented in 38 (12%) patients, with the highest seen in leptospirosis (16 (42%)) followed by rickettsiosis (4 (11%)). While the significance of leptospirosis and dengue are recognized, the impact of rickettsial infections in Peninsular Malaysia remains under appreciated. Management guidelines for in-patient care with acute febrile illness in Peninsular Malaysia are needed

    Rickettsial infections are neglected causes of acute febrile illness in Teluk Intan, Peninsular Malaysia

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    Rickettsial infections are among the leading etiologies of acute febrile illness in Southeast Asia. However, recent data from Malaysia are limited. This prospective study was conducted in Teluk Intan, Peninsular Malaysia, during January to December 2016. We recruited 309 hospitalized adult patients with acute febrile illness. Clinical and biochemistry data were obtained, and patients were stratified into mild and severe infections based on the sepsis-related organ failure (qSOFA) scoring system. Diagnostic assays including blood cultures, real-time PCR, and serology (IFA and MAT) were performed. In this study, pathogens were identified in 214 (69%) patients, of which 199 (93%) patients had a single etiology, and 15 (5%) patients had >1 etiologies. The top three causes of febrile illness requiring hospitalization in this Malaysian study were leptospirosis (68 (32%)), dengue (58 (27%)), and rickettsioses (42 (19%)). Fifty-five (18%) patients presented with severe disease with a qSOFA score of ≥2. Mortality was documented in 38 (12%) patients, with the highest seen in leptospirosis (16 (42%)) followed by rickettsiosis (4 (11%)). While the significance of leptospirosis and dengue are recognized, the impact of rickettsial infections in Peninsular Malaysia remains under appreciated. Management guidelines for in-patient care with acute febrile illness in Peninsular Malaysia are needed

    Global veterinary diagnostic laboratory equipment management and sustainability and implications for pandemic preparedness priorities

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    Substantial investments into laboratories, notably sophisticated equipment, have been made over time to detect emerging diseases close to their source. Diagnostic capacity has expanded as a result, but challenges have emerged. The Equipment Management and Sustainability Survey was sent to the Veterinary Services of 182 countries in mid-2019. We measured the status of forty types of laboratory equipment used in veterinary diagnostic laboratories. Of the 68,455 items reported from 227 laboratories in 136 countries, 22% (14,894/68,455) were improperly maintained, and 46% (29,957/65,490) were improperly calibrated. Notable differences were observed across World Bank income levels and regions, raising concerns about equipment reliability and the results they produce. Our results will advise partners and donors on how best to support low-resource veterinary laboratories to improve sustainability and fulfill their mandate toward pandemic prevention and preparedness, as well as encourage equipment manufacturers to spur innovation and develop more sustainable products that meet end-users' needs

    A review of coxiellosis (Q fever) and brucellosis in goats and humans: implications for disease control in smallholder farming systems in Southeast Asia

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    Coxiella burnetii and Brucella spp. are pathogenic bacteria that can cause large-scale outbreaks in livestock. Furthermore, these infectious agents are capable of causing zoonotic infections and therefore pose a risk to the close relationship between farm households and their livestock, especially goats. A review of seroprevalence studies of Coxiella burnetii and Brucella spp. in domestic goats demonstrated large differences in the total number of samples tested in different regions and countries. This review aims to provide information on coxiellosis (Q fever in humans) and brucellosis in goats concerning the characteristics of the causative agent, surveillance, and available prevention and control measures at a global level. Implications for Coxiella burnetii and Brucella spp. infections in domesticated goats in Southeast Asia are discussed

    Application of ImageJ program to the enumeration of Orientia tsutsugamushi organisms cultured in vitro

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    AbstractThe ImageJ program was applied to the enumeration of Orientia tsutsugamushi organisms in cell culture using indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA). The highest correlation (r=0.984) was observed between manual counting methods and the ImageJ program (MaxEntropy threshold algorithm). This software-based methodology is cheaper, more standardised and better reproducible than a manual-based approach

    Prevalence and molecular characterization of Rickettsia spp. from wild small mammals in public parks and urban areas of Bangkok Metropolitan, Thailand

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    Rural areas usually show a higher prevalence of rickettsial infection than urban areas. However, information on the rickettsial infection status in urban settings (e.g., built-up areas and city parks) is still limited, particularly in the Bangkok metropolitan area. In this study, we performed a molecular rickettsial survey of spleen samples of small mammals caught in public parks and built-up areas of Bangkok. Out of 198 samples, the Rattus rattus complex was found to be most prevalent. The amplification of rickettsial gltA fragment gene (338 bp) by nested PCR assay revealed positive results in four samples, yielding a low prevalence of infection of 2.02%. DNA sequencing results confirmed that three samples were matched with Rickettsia typhi, and one was identified as R. felis. It is noteworthy that this is the first report of the occurrence of R. felis DNA in rodents in Southeast Asia

    Risk factors analysis for neglected human rickettsioses in rural communities in Nan province, Thailand: a community-based observational study along a landscape gradient.

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    In this study, we estimated exposure for Scrub typhus (STG), Typhus (TG) and Spotted fever groups (SFG) rickettsia using serology at a fine scale (a whole sub-district administration level) of local communities in Nan Province, Thailand. Geographical characteristics of the sub-district were divided into two landscape types: lowland agricultural area in an urbanized setting (lowland-urbanized area) and upland agricultural area located close to a protected area of National Park (upland-forested area). This provided an ideal contrast between the two landscapes with low and high levels of human-altered habitats to study in differences in disease ecology. In total, 824 serum samples of participants residing in the eight villages were tested by screening IgG ELISA, and subsequently confirmed by the gold standard IgG Immunofluorescent Assay (IFA). STG and TG IgG positivity were highest with seroprevalence of 9.8% and 9.0%, respectively; whereas SFG positivity was lower at 6.9%. Inhabitants from the villages located in upland-forested area demonstrated significantly higher STG exposure, compared to those villages in the lowland-urbanized area (chi-square = 51.97, p < 0.0001). In contrast, TG exposure was significantly higher in those villagers living in lowland-urbanized area (chi-square = 28.26, p < 0.0001). In addition to the effect of landscape types, generalized linear model (GLM) analysis identified socio-demographic parameters, i.e., gender, occupation, age, educational level, domestic animal ownership (dog, cattle and poultry) as influential factors to explain the level of rickettsial exposure (antibody titers) in the communities. Our findings raise the public health awareness of rickettsiosis as a cause of undiagnosed febrile illness in the communities

    Abattoir-based serological surveillance for transboundary and zoonotic diseases in cattle and swine in Cambodia: a pilot study in Phnom Penh province during 2019 and 2020

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    A pilot animal disease surveillance program was implemented at four abattoirs in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, between October 2019 and January 2020. A total of 1141 samples were collected from 477 cattle and 664 swine. Serological testing was performed using commercial antibody ELISA kits for zoonotic and high-impact animal diseases, namely brucellosis, Q fever, classical swine fever (CSF), porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) and African swine fever (ASF). Only two samples tested positive for Brucella antibodies (0.2%, 95% CI 0.4–0.6, n = 1141). The seroprevalence of Q fever was 0.8% (95% CI 0.3–2.1, n = 477) in the cattle samples, while CSF, PRRS and ASF in pigs were 55.4% (95% CI 51.6–59.2, n = 655), 81.2% (95% CI 78.1–84.0, n = 655) and 2.6% (95% CI 1.6–4.1, n = 664), respectively. All 38 doubtful and 17 positive ASF antibody ELISA samples were negative when tested by real-time PCR. Univariate analyses demonstrated that the factor significantly associated with positive results of ASF was the abattoir location (p-value = 0.002). Based on logistic regression models, significant risk factors for CSF were province of origin (p-value = 1.7 × 10−6), abattoir (p-value = 3.6 × 10−11) and PRRS positivity (p-value = 0.004), and for PRRS were province of origin (p-value = 0.0004) and CSF positivity (p-value = 0.001). In conclusion, the seroprevalences of zoonotic diseases in this study were very low. The high prevalence of CSF and PRRS antibodies were most likely the result of vaccination. All ASF seropositive pigs, including those that gave equivocal results, originated from large-scale Cambodian-based commercial farms, as well as Thailand, which raises questions about possible illegal vaccination or low-pathogenicity ASF variants. The pilot abattoir serological surveillance program described here has the potential to provide a sentinel for incursions of novel and endemic pathogens, although further work is required to demonstrate its capacity to provide information on the longitudinal disease trends