11,418 research outputs found

    Space Station Displays and Controls Technology Evolution

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    Viewgraphs on space station displays and controls technology evolution are presented. Topics covered include: a historical perspective; major development objectives; current development activities; key technology areas; and technology evolution issues

    Evaluation of a hybrid, anisotropic, multilayered, quadrilateral finite element

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    A multilayered finite element with bending-extensional coupling is evaluated for: (1) buckling of general laminated plates; (2) thermal stresses of laminated plates cured at elevated temperatures; (3) displacements of a bimetallic beam; and (4) displacement and stresses of a single-cell box beam with warped cover panels. Also, displacements and stresses for flat and spherical orthotropic and anisotropic segments are compared with results from higher order plate and shell finite-element analyses

    Ex Situ Conservation Of Holstein-Friesian Cattle - Comparing The Dutch, French And USA Germplasm Collections

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    The establishment of gene banks using cryopreservation to secure the genetic diversity of farm breeds have been widely assessed. France, the Netherlands and the USA were among the first countries to organize national cryobanks and these banks are now 10 to 20 years old. All three countries have started Holstein-Friesian (HF) collections to conserve as much genetic diversity as possible for this globally important breed. In order better understand the diversity captured in these collections, the genetic variability of HF collections within and between countries was assessed, and genetic variability of germplasm collections were compared with active bulls in each country. The overall aim of the project was to determine the breed’s security and to guide future collection activities

    Absence of magnetic long range order in Y2_{2}CrSbO7_{7}: bond-disorder induced magnetic frustration in a ferromagnetic pyrochlore

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    The consequences of nonmagnetic-ion dilution for the pyrochlore family Y2_{2}(M1xNxM_{1-x}N_{x})2_{2}O7_{7} (MM = magnetic ion, NN = nonmagnetic ion) have been investigated. As a first step, we experimentally examine the magnetic properties of Y2_{2}CrSbO7_{7} (xx = 0.5), in which the magnetic sites (Cr3+^{3+}) are percolative. Although the effective Cr-Cr spin exchange is ferromagnetic, as evidenced by a positive Curie-Weiss temperature, ΘCW\Theta_\mathrm{{CW}} = 20.1(6) K, our high-resolution neutron powder diffraction measurements detect no sign of magnetic long range order down to 2 K. In order to understand our observations, we performed numerical simulations to study the bond-disorder introduced by the ionic size mismatch between MM and NN. Based on these simulations, bond-disorder (xbx_{b} \simeq 0.23) percolates well ahead of site-disorder (xsx_{s} \simeq 0.61). This model successfully reproduces the critical region (0.2 < xx < 0.25) for the N\'eel to spin glass phase transition in Zn(Cr1x_{1-x}Gax_{x})2_{2}O4_{4}, where the Cr/Ga-sublattice forms the same corner-sharing tetrahedral network as the M/NM/N-sublattice in Y2_{2}(M1xNxM_{1-x}N_{x})2_{2}O7_{7}, and the rapid drop in magnetically ordered moment in the N\'eel phase [Lee etet alal, Phys. Rev. B 77, 014405 (2008)]. Our study stresses the nonnegligible role of bond-disorder on magnetic frustration, even in ferromagnets

    Corruption, Seigniorage and Growth: Theory and Evidence

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    This paper presents an analysis of the effect of bureaucratic corruption on economic growth through a public finance transmission channel. At the theoretical level, we develop a simple dynamic general equilibrium model in which financial intermediaries make portfolio decisions on behalf of agents, and bureaucrats collect tax revenues on behalf of the government. Corruption takes the form of the embezzlement of public funds, the effect of which is to increase the government’s reliance on seigniorage finance. This leads to an increase in inflation which, in turn, reduces capital accumulation and growth. At the empirical level, we use data on 82 countries over a 20-year period to test the predictions of our model. Taking proper account of the government’s budget constraint, we find strong evidence to support these predictions under different estimation strategies. Our results are robust to a wide range of sensitivity tests.corruption, seigniorage, inflation, growth

    Osteology and chondrocranial morphology of Gastrophryne carolinensis (Anura: Microhylidae), with a review of the osteological diversity of New World microhylids

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    Microhylidae is a large, cosmopolitan anuran family. Recent molecular analyses have demonstrated the monophyly of the family—a conclusion that is supported by the larval morphology, coupled with the unique mode of tongue protrusion in adults, and a suite of osteological and myological characters seemingly associated with this innovation in feeding. Despite this functional constraint, osteological diversity probably exceeds that of any other anuran family, and this diversity is especially evident in the New Worldmicrohylids that comprise two clades, Gastrophryninae and Otophryninae. To facilitate comparisons among these clades, we describe the larval chondrocranium, skeletal development, and adult osteology of Gastrophryne carolinensis. We provide a phylogeneticcontext for these comparisons through a novel phylogenetic analysis of 45 microhylid genera based on data for one mitochondrial and three nuclear loci from previously published studies. Nearly all relationships within the monophyletic Gastrophryninae are resolvedwith robust support. Based on these results, we found that the larval chondrocrania of gastrophrynines share morphological features that distinguish them from Otophryne and other anurans. Among the adults, all gastrophrynines show evidence of an anterior shift ofthe jaws that is correlated with specializations in the otic region, and with the alignment of the planum antorbitale, the cartilage wall separating the nasal capsule from the orbits. The larval infrarostral and the adult mandibles lack a typical anuran mandibular symphysis, and the mentomeckelian bone of the adult is modified with a special process. The most variable part of the skull is the palate in which a neopalatine usually is absent and the vomer may be single or divided. The posteromedial processes of the hyoids of gastrophynines tend to be elaborated, and some taxa bear a peculiar transverse slit in the posterior part of the hyoid corpus. The anterior zonal elements of the pectoral girdle are reduced or absent, and the posterior parts enlarged and shifted posteriorly. Most taxa have eight presacral vertebrae; depending on the taxon the last presacral is amphicoelous or procoelous