27 research outputs found

    Self-Regulation Therapy to Reproduce Drug Effects: A Suggestion Technique to Change Personality and the DRD3 Gene Expression

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    This study proposes a strategy, based on self-regulation therapy, to change personality and its biological substrate, the DRD3 gene expression. It has been demonstrated that acute doses of stimulating drugs, like methylphenidate, are able to change personality and the expression of certain genes in the short term. On the other hand, self-regulation therapy has been proven to reproduce the effects of drugs. Thus, it is feasible to hope that self-regulation therapy is equally effective as methylphenidate in changing personality and the gene expression. This is a preliminary study with a single-case experimental design with replication in which 2 subjects participated. The results and potential implications for research and psychotherapy are discussed.Amigó Borrás, S.; Caselles Moncho, A.; Micó Ruiz, JC. (2013). Self-Regulation Therapy to Reproduce Drug Effects: A Suggestion Technique to Change Personality and the DRD3 Gene Expression. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. 61(3):282-304. doi:10.1080/00207144.2013.784094S282304613Accili, D., Fishburn, C. S., Drago, J., Steiner, H., Lachowicz, J. E., Park, B. H., … Fuchs, S. (1996). A targeted mutation of the D3 dopamine receptor gene is associated with hyperactivity in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 93(5), 1945-1949. doi:10.1073/pnas.93.5.1945Amigó, S., Caselles, A., & Micó, J. C. (2008). A dynamic extraversion model. The brain’s response to a single dose of a stimulant drug. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 61(1), 211-231. doi:10.1348/000711007x185514Amigó, S., Caselles, A., & Micó, J. C. (2010). General Factor of Personality Questionnaire (GFPQ): Only one Factor to Understand Personality? The Spanish journal of psychology, 13(1), 5-17. doi:10.1017/s1138741600003644Barbanti, P., Bronzetti, E., Ricci, A., Cerbo, R., Fabbrini, G., Buzzi, M. G., … Lenzi, G. L. (1996). 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    Extrarenal potassium adaptation: role of skeletal muscle

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    Alcohol and its effects on sprint and middle distance running.

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    Alcohol has been used as an aid to performance for a considerable period of time in many athletic endeavours. Five sprinters and five middle distance athletes were tested to determine whether differing levels of alcohol (0.01 mg X ml-1, 0.05 mg X ml-1 and 0.10 mg X ml-1) had differing effects upon performance times in the 100 m, 200 m, 400 m, 800 m and 1500 m events. Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was estimated from breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) using a hand held Drager Alcotest 7310 and a Borkenstein Breathalyser. Alcohol affected all but the 100 m event to varying degrees. In the 200 m the performance decreased when the level of intoxication increased. This was not the case in the 400 m which showed a difference between the two lower levels of alcohol consumption (0.01 mg X ml-1 to 0.05 mg X ml-1) but not between the 0.05 mg X ml-1 and 0.10 mg X ml-1. In the middle distance events the 800 m was most adversely affected. We concluded that alcohol is not an ergogenic aid in so much that it does not improve performance. In the 100 m events, performance remained stable. More research in this area is warranted