89 research outputs found
Application of 1-methylcyclopropene in fruit of five apple cultivars grown in Serbia
Fruits of five apple cultivars were treated using 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP or SmartFresh (TM)) after cropping and were stored at normal atmosphere 2 +/- 0.5 degrees C, 90 +/- 5% relative humidity (RH) and 20.9 kPa O-2 + lt 0.5 kPa CO2. Fruit firmness was assessed at three periods: 7 d after storing, 120 d after storing and 30 d after the second assessment and storing at room temperature. Contents of K in all of the cultivars and in all years of study varied within the average values between 1390.5 and 2028.0 mg kg(-1), while the Ca content varied between 21.7 and 59.5 mg kg(-1). The K:Ca ratio was the lowest in cultivar 'Granny Smith' (24.0) and the highest in 'Redchief ' (99.1). Application of 1-MCP made the strongest impact on fruit firmness of the cultivars 'Granny Smith' and 'Idared' in all measuring periods. Cultivars 'Redchier', 'Cadel' and 'Morrens Ionagored' responded well to the application of 1-MCP in the storage conditions, whereas the effect of its application influenced conservability of the fruits stored at room temperature except in fruits of the cultivar 'Morens Jonagored'. Application of 1-MCP made an important effect on the preservation of fruit firmness, all in accordance with the degree of ripeness of the fruits subjected to the treatment and the contents of K, Ca and K:Ca ratio. This study indicates that the use of 1-MCP treatment in post harvest handling of apples is promising for maintaining the freshness and quality of fruits
Potencijal biljnih ekstrakata vlasca, medvjeđeg luka
Food spoilage is phenomenon associated with occurence of the microorganisms in agricultural products. Due to the ability of several microorganisms to colonize plant material, agrochemicals were proposed to suppress bacterial growth. However, overuse of agrochemicals has detrimental impact on environmental quality. Therefore, the objective of this research was to evaluate the potential of aqueous extracts of garlic (Allium sativum L.), wild garlic (Allium ursinum L.), and chives (Allium schoenoprasum L.) to suppress the growth of Enterococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli. The antimicrobial activity of these plant extracts was determined using the disc diffusion method. Mueller-Hinton agar was inoculated with bacterial inoculum; six filter paper disks, impregnated with 15 μl aqueous extract (1, 2 and 4%), were placed on each agar surface. The Petri dishes were incubated at 37 °C for 24 hours. The diameter of the zone of inhibition was measured and expressed in millimeters (mm). Almost all aqueous extracts showed a negligible effect on the growth of E. coli and E. faecalis. Significant suppression of bacterial growth compared with other treatments was observed with the aqueous extract of wild garlic at a concentration of 4%. This research confirms the potential of wild garlic extract in suppression of potential pathogens.Kvarenje hrane je pojava povezana sa prisustvom mikroorganizama u poljoprivrednim proizvodima. Zbog sposobnosti nekih mikroorganizama da koloniziraju biljni materijal, predložena je upotreba agrokemikalija za suzbijanje rasta bakterija. Međutim, prekomjerna uporaba agrokemikalija ima štetan utjecaj na kvalitetu okoliša. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio procijeniti potencijal vodenih ekstrakata češnjaka (Allium sativum L.), medvjeđeg luka (Allium ursinum L.) i vlasca (Allium schoenoprasum L.) u suzbijanju rasta Enterococcus faecalis i Escherichia coli. Antimikrobna aktivnost ovih biljnih ekstrakata određena je disk difuzijskom metodom. Mueller-Hinton agar inokuliran je bakterijskim inokulantom; šest diskova filter papira, impregniranih sa 15 μl vodenog ekstrakta (1, 2 i 4%), postavljeno je na svaku površinu agara. Petrijeve zdjelice inkubirane su na 37 °C u trajanju od 24 h. Promjer zone inhibicije izmjeren je i izražen u milimetrima (mm). Svi vodeni ekstrakti pokazali su inhibitorni učinak na rast E. coli i E. faecalis Vodeni ekstrakt medvjeđeg luka u koncentraciji od 4% značajno je suzbio rast bakterija u usporedbi sa drugim tretmanima. Ovo istraživanje potvrđuje potencijal ekstrakta medvjeđeg luka u suzbijanju potencijalnih patogena
Primena mikrobioloških đubriva u vinogradarstvu - prinos grožđa i kvalitet vina u sorte Rizling rajnski
The recommended cultivars for top quality wines Riesling in the vineyards of Grocka is in full crop. It was grafted on Kober 5 BB stock and planted on the soil type cambysoil. The content of total nitrogen is 0.1-0.15%. Supply of easily available potassium varies between 12.3-15 mg/100g a.d.s.2, i.e. phosphorus 0.4-3.6 mg/100g a.d.s. in layer up to 40 cm. Microbiological fertilizer was used in the study - biological preparation prepared with mixed natural populations Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus circulons. The space in row is idle land and the space between rows was sown each year (March-April) with a mixture of field pea and barley and ploughed in the inflorescence phase of legumes. Grape yield varied between 8772-6804 kg/ha. Microbiological fertilizer with Azotobacter had the highest yield and the control treatment had the lowest yield, where only grass mixture was sown. Extremely dry climatic conditions in the trial period caused the grape yield in cv. Riesling to be extremely low. In combination of fertilizers Bacillus megaterium + Bacillus circulons wine with the most ethanol, extracts and polyphenols was obtained. The wine obtained from the control treatment had a typical taste.Ispitivanja su obavljena na sorti Rizling rajnski - klon 239 okalemljen na podlozi Kober 5 BB na Oglednom dobru "Radmilovac" Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Zemunu. U prostoru između redova svake godine u rano proleće zasejavana je smeša legumonoze: stočnog graška i jarog ječma (2:1). U fazi cvetanja leguminoze zelena masa je zaoravana. Zemljište u redu u vinogradu je ručno obrađivano 2-3 puta и toku vegetacije. U radu je korišteno mikrobiološko đubrivo-biopreparat pripremljen od mešanih populacija Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus megaterium i Bacillus circulons. Sojevi mikroorganizama koji su korišteni za ova istraživanja su iz kolekcije mikroorganizama Katedre za mikrobiologiju Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Zemunu. Mikroorganizmi su umnoženi u odgovarajućim hranljivim medijumima i naneti na sterilan treset. Mikrobiološko đubrivo je neposredno pre upotrebe rastvoreno u vodi, unešeno u zemljište na dubini do 20 cm, na početku vegetacije. Ogled je postavljen po blok sistemu a korišćen je soj Azotobacter chroococcum - varijanta A, smeša populacija Azotobacter chroococcum i Bacillus megaterium - varijanta AB, smeša populacija Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus megaterium i Bacillus circulons varijanta ABC i kontrola K. Prostor u redu je jalovi ugar, a prostor između redova zasejavan je svake godine (mart-april) smešom semena stočnog graška i ječma i u fazi cvetanja leguminoze zaoravan. Berba grožđa obavljena je u fazi pune zrelosti, utvrđen je prinos grožđa, broj i masa grozda, sadržaj šećera i ukupnih kiselina za period 2000 do 2002. godine. Mikrovinifïkacija po varijantama obavljena je u 2000. i 2001. godini. Obuhvata sadržaj etanola, ekstrakta, polifenola, pepela, slobodnog i vezanog sumpordioksida isparljive i ukupne kiseline u vinu. Ispitivanom periodu visina i raspored padavina и toku vegetacije bili su niski i neujednačeni, a temperaturni uslovi ekstremno visoki. Gročansko vinogorje, u kome se nalazi Ogledno dobro "Radmilovac", odlikuje se umereno kontinentalnom klimom, međutim u navedenom periodu poprimilo je odlike aridne klime. Posebno se ističe 2000. godina sa visinom padavina u toku vegetacije 137,9 mm i najtoplijim mesecom avgustom tprosek=24.5°C. Prinos grožđa po jedinici površine u proseku iznosio je 7580.25 kg/ha. Upoređujući primenjena mikrobiološka đubriva i visinu prinosa grožđa, aktivnost Azotobacter chroococcum - tretman A uz zaoravanje zelene mase stočnog graška i raži, pozitivno je uticala na količinu grožđa 8772 kg/ha. Vegetativni potencijal uz primenu mikrobiološkog đubriva Azotobacter chroococcum - A približava se kategoriji slabe bujnosti, što nije odlika Rizlinga rajnskog u normalnim uslovima. Nedostatak vlage tokom celog perioda vegetacije uslovio je slabiji porast lastara. Visok sadržaj šećera i nešto niži sadržaj kiselina ostvaren je uz primenu mikrobiološkog đubriva Azotobacter chroococcum+Bacillus megaterium - AB. Između tretmana A i kontrole razlike u pogledu ova dva pokazatelja su bile najmanje
Microbiological activity of barley rhizosphere grown on deposol
The aim of this paper was to investigate microbiological activity in barley rhizosphere, after the experiment with 17 recultivation treatments of deposols with different organo-mineral materials. The most important agrochemical properties of deposols have been examined. The presence of the microorganisms was determined by the usual microbiological mediums. Dehydrogenase activity was determined by the Cassida et al. method. The deposols were poor in organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The number of bacteria ranged from 9.3 to 413.3 × 106g-1. The addition of organo-mineral materials into deposols has caused an increase of microbial biomass and dehydrogenase activity, comparing with control
Ispitivanje mikrobnog diverziteta zemljišta tretiranog nikosulfuronom
Nicosulfuron belongs to the sulfonylurea pesticides, which are widely used for weeds control. Except of benefits in plant production, long-term application of nicosulfuron may have toxic effect for living organisms, including microorganisms. The aim of this paper was to determined impact of nicosulfuron on microbial diversity of soil. Sampling of soil (0-20 and 20-40 cm) treated with nicosulfuron at village Trenica (Novi Travnik municipality, Bosnia and Herzegovina) was performed in autumn 2017. Determination of microbial diversity (total number of bacteria, ammonification bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes) was performed using standard methodology, whilst nicosulfuron-tolerant bacteria were isolated using enrichment method. Soil without nicosulfuron application was used as a control. The results showed that bacteria were most abundant microbial population. In all experiments, reduction of microbial diversity in nicosulfuron-treated soil compared to untreated was observed. This reduction was most expressed in fungal number, which is reduced from 38 to 60% compared to control. Several nicosulfuron-tolerant isolates were isolated by enrichment method. By microscopic observation and using API test kits and APIWEB database, isolates 17cs, and 22wl and 5 wl were identified as Pseudomonas fluorescens, and Bacillus subtilis, respectively. These bacterial isolates could be applied in remediation of environments polluted by nicosulfuron.Nikosulfuron pripada grupi pesticide sulfonil urea, koji imaju široku primenu u uništavanju korova. Iako je njegova primena korisna sa aspekta uspešne biljne proizvodnje, njegova višegodišnja upotreba može imati toksične efekte za živi svet, uključujući i mikroorganizme. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitivanje uticaja nikosulfurona na mikrobni diverzitet zemljišta. Uzorkovanje zemljišta (0-20 i 20-40 cm) tretiranog nikosulfuronom na području sela Trenica (Opština Novi Travnik, Bosna i Hercegovina) obavljeno je u jesen 2017. godine. Određivanje mikrobnog diverziteta (ukupnog broja bakterija, amonifikatora, gljiva I aktinomiceta) izvršeno je korišćenjem standardnih metoda, dok su bakterije tolerantne na prisustvo nikosulfurona određene metodom obogaćenja. Kontrolu je predstavljalo zemljište koje nije tretirano nikosulfuronom. Rezultati ukazuju da su bakterije bile najbrojnija populacija mikroorganizama. U svim varijantama ogleda konstatovana je redukcija mikrobnog diverziteta u zemljištu koje je tretirano nikosulfuronom u odnosu na kontrolni uzorak. Stepen redukcije bio je najveći kod gljiva, čija je brojnost redukovana za 38-60% u odnosu na kontrolu. Nekoliko izolata bakterija tolerantnih na prisustvo nikosulfurona je izolovano iz uzoraka zemljišta metodom obogaćenja. Mikroskopskim ispitivanjem I pomoću API i APIWEB metode, izolati 17cs, odnosno 22wl i 5wl, su identifikovani kao Pseudomonas fluorescens, odnosno Bacillus subtilis. Ovi bakterijski izolati bi mogli da imaju potencijalnu primenu u remedijaciji ekosistema kontaminiranih nikosulfuronom
Azotomineralnotrofni mikroorganizmi u zemljištu vinograda
Nitrogen is an element necessary for micro-organisms, plants and animals because it is a component part of or takes part in the biosynthesis of organic substances (albumins - proteins and proteids, carbohydrates - glicidi and fat substances - lipids) and macromolecules biocatalysts (ferments vitamins, fito and cytohormones). In the course of a year a vine (Vitis vinifera L) produces about 20 tons of organic substances per a hectare (root, shoot, leaves and grapes) which is, calculated as dry substance, about 8.000 kg/ha. In order to synthesize that quantity of organic substances about 4000 kg of carbon is reduced from atmospheric CO2 from the atmosphere for the production of which is used about 100 kg/ha of soil nitrogen in its mineral form. If the biomass produced by annual biochemical activity of micro-organisms is added as well, the nitrogen amounts are considerably larger. To provide nitrogen in the form of plant assimilative is, therefore of a great importance for a successful wine growing production. Plants use nitrogen through the root system but only in it's mineral form dissolved in water forming NH4 and NO3. These nitrogen forms reach the soil mainly in three ways, these being: biochemical activity of soil micro-organisms amonification, nitrification (nitrite and nitrate) and the addition in the form of nitrogen mineral fertilizers. There is the fourth way as well - soil microflore in nitrogen fixation process, with the micro-organisms able to create ferment nitrogenase. Since there is no nitrogen in minerals and rocks i.e. in the mineral part of the soil, the supply of plant nitrogen assimilative for the plants nutrition is very important, because the total contents of pedosphere contains 99% of its organic form the one not usable for the plants nutrition. Unlike plants, the soil micro-organisms can use nitrogen from the organic forms as well, these being fresh organic residues and humus. These micro-organisms are called azotoheterotrofni. However together with plants, the mineral nitrogen form in the soil i.e. adsorption complex (1%), is used by the soil microorganisms (azolomineralnotrofni) too. The organisms using NH4OH are called ammonium. NO2 nitrite and NO3 nitrate. It is important to point out that the available quantities of the mineral nitrogen forms are used as food both to plants and these groups of micro-organisms. When these assimilative lack, there is a competitive relation between the plants and micro-organisms in the soil considering the great presence of the micro-organisms in kg of soil, they have the advantage thus leaving the plants in shortage of these assimilative.Azot je neophodan makroelemenat za sva živa bića na Zemlji: mikroorganizme biljke i životinje, jer ulazi u sastav veoma značajne grupe organskih materija tj. Belančevina-proteina i složenih belančevina proteida. Cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitivanje uticaja đubriva 'Rosasoil' na zastupljenost azotomineralnotrofnih mikroorganizama koji koriste mineralni oblik azota, u zemljištu dvogodišnjeg vinograda. 'Rosasoil' je atestirano đubrivo uveženo iz Nemačke a korišćen je u četiri varijante, i to: 500, 1.000, 2.000 i 3.000 kg/ha. Kontrola je bila parcela koja nije đubrena ni ovim niti bilo kojim organskim ili mineralnim đubrivom. Uzorci su uzimani sa tri dubine mikrobiološkog profila, i to: 0-30, 30-60 i 60-90 cm. Zastupljenost pomenutih mikroorganizama određivana je na skrobno-amonijačnom agaru. Istraživanja su pokazala da azotomineralnotrofne mikroorganizme čine 90% bakterije, 7% aktinomicete i 3% gljive od ukupne asocijacije tj. zajednice ovih mikroorganizama, što je veoma pozitivno za obezbeđivanje mineralnih oblika azota. Takođe je utvrđeno da je za 45% manji opšti prosek zastupljenosti azotomineralnotrofnih mikroorganizama kod varijanti sa đubrenjem u odnosu na kontrolu. Najveća zastupljenost ovih mikroorganizama zabeležena je u uzorcima od 0-30, zatim 30-60, a na kraju od 60-90 cm. U prolećnim i jesenjim uzorcima najveća zastupljenost azotomineralnotrofnih mikroorganizama bila je kod kontrole, a u letnjim je ova zastupljenost za 59% veća kod varijanti sa đubrenjem u odnosu na kontrolu
Dinamika brojnosti algi u ritskoj crnici u različitim ekosistemima
The aim of this research was to examine the dynamics of algae number in humogley in three different ecosystems (wood, meadows and arable land). The soil was sampled during four weather seasons throughout the year 2000 and samples were taken from three different depths: 0-1, 1-20 and 20-40cm. Number of algae depend on ecosystem type, soil depth and whether season. Among all the examined sites the highest number of algae was found in wood locality, afterwards in meadow site and arable land has shown to have the lowest number of algae. All the examined ecosystems have highest number of algae is in surface layers (0-1 cm) which decreases with depth, and is less present in arable soils comparing to non-arable soils.U radu je određena brojnost algi u tri različita ekosistema na ritskoj crnici (livada, šuma i njiva) u području makiškog rita, u toku 2000. godine. Uzorci su uzimani iz tri dubine zemljišnog profila: 0-1, 1-20 i 20-40 cm. Brojnost algi zavisi od tipa ekosistema, dubine zemljišnog profila i godišnjeg doba, kao i interakcije ovih faktora. U ekosistemima u kojima zemljište nije obrađivano konstatovana je statistički značajna razlika u odnosu na obrađeno zemljište. Najveća brojnost algi konstatovana je u šumskom ekosistemu a najmanja u oranici. Ukupan broj algi je najveći u površinskom sloju i sa dubinom zemljišnog profila opada. Opadanje brojnosti po dubini je veće u neobrađenim u odnosu na obrađeni ekosistem
Uticaj proizvoda komposta na klijanje semena povrća
The aim of this work is determination of influence of different compost leachates and teas types on vegetables seed germination. Composts used for leachate and tea production were produced of municipal waste (MSW) and waste from tobacco industry (TW). Results achieved with MSW products were comparable to control. Compost products derived from TW showed significant phytotoxicity, which can be correlated with their chemical composition. Leachates from MSW compost lead to the lower germination index in comparison to MSW compost teas, which indicates the possibilites their application.Cilj ovog rada je određivanje uticaja različitih kompostnih čajeva i ekstrakata na klijanje semena povrća. Kompost korišćen za dobijanje ekstrakata i čajeva potiče od komunalnog otpada (MSW) i otpada iz duvanske industrije (TW). Rezultati postignuti sa komposnim produktima MSW su uporedivi sa kontrolom. Kompostni produkti dobijeni od TW pokazuju značajnu fitotoksičnost koja se može dovesti u vezu sa njihovim hemijskim sastavom. Ekstrakti od MSW komposta doveli su do nižeg germinacionog indeksa u poređenju sa čajevima, što ukazuje na mogućnosti njihove primene
Rast Pseudomonas CY u prisustvu benzena
The objective of this research is investigation of Pseudomonas CY growth, isolated from kerosene, in the presence of benzene. Thanks to their high enzymatic activity, microorganisms can use different compounds as a sole sources of carbon and energy, or they can use them in cometabolic processes. Their growth was observed by spectrophotometry measuring optical density on 500nm, while Pseudomonas count was determined on TSA. The growth was observed during specific time period (i.e. in following order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 24h). There were used three concentrations of benzene. The results have shown that Pseudomonas population depended on benzene concentration and time. In the presence of benzene the bacterial growth was low, but after 24 hours the Pseudomonas count increased. These results indicate the possibility for Pseudomonas CY growth in the presence of benzene, but also the extension of adaptation phase comparing to normal growth curve. Therefore, the results show that using Pseudomonas population is a very feasible way for decreasing contamination level of soils and waters caused by certain organic compounds.Cilj ovog rada je ispitivanje rasta Pseudomonas CY, izolovanog iz kerozina, u prisustvu različitih koncentracija benzena. Mikroorganizmi zahvaljujući svojoj velikoj enzimskoj aktivnosti mogu koristiti različita organska jedinjenja kao jedinstvene izvore ugljenika i energije ili ih koristiti u toku procesa kometabolizma. Rast je praćen metodom spektrofotometrije merenjem optičke gustine na 560 nm a brojnost Pseudomonas bakterija je određena na TSA. Rast je praćen od nultog vremena do 24 sata (l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 i 24 h). U radu su korišćene tri koncentracije benzena. Rezultati pokazuju da je brojnost Pseudomonas populacije zavisila od koncentracije benzena ali i vremena. Rast bakterijskih populacija u prisustvu benzena je slabiji, ali nakon 24 sata brojnost se povećava. Ovi rezultati ukazuju da Pseudomonas CY može da raste u prisustvu benzena ali da je faza adaptacije produžena u odnosu na normalnu krivu rasta. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na mogućnost korišćenja Pseudomonas populacije za smanjenje stepena kontaminacije zemljišta i voda nekim organskim jedinjenjima
Biopriming: multiple effects on soybean germination metrics
Biopriming is a pre-sowing seed inoculation technique based on beneficial microorganisms. The aim of the study was to estimate biopriming potential of microbial consortium on soybean seeds. Obtained results showed a stimulative effect of biopriming resulting in 8% higher germination percentage. Inoculated seeds were characterised as more vigorous according to vigor I, vigor II and electrical conductivity results. Accelerated aging test decreased germination percentage of both treatments to approximately 66±2%. Inoculated seeds were marked as more vigorous according to vigor I index. Biopriming of soybean seeds resulted in an increase of germination parameters that suggest stimulative effects on seed quality
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