66 research outputs found
Global Challenge: The (Im)possibilities of Transcultural Imagology
Drawing upon transcultural theories (Welsch), praxeological cultural analysis (De Certeau, Reckwitz) and actor network theory (Latour), this paper examines theoretical and methodological possibilities for creating a transcultural imagology. Its main objective is to conceive a transcultural comparative semantics appropriate for interpretative analysis of textual, visual, mental and embodied images. In this manner, transcultural imagology might meet the challenge of global cultural hybridity: to recognize complex strategies of image production and dissemination through the rhizomatic structure of global cultural networks, as well as the silent and invisible tactics of their productive consumption
Faust Vrančić (1551 – 1617) and intellectual culture of his age
Faust Vrančić (1551. – 1617.) jedan je od najsvestranijih hrvatskih humanista-polihistora koji je svojom znanstvenom, intelektualnom i diplomatsko-političkom aktivnošću na prijelazu iz 16. u 17. stoljeće ostavio neizbrisiv trag ne samo u hrvatskoj, nego i u europskoj znanosti i kulturi. U maniri tipičnoga kasnohumanističkog erudita Vrančić je asimilirao, kombinirao, ali i kreativno modificirao elemente raznovrsnih intelektualnih tradicija koje su oblikovale složenu strukturu renesansne episteme, od aristotelizma i skolastike do renesansnoga humanizma i reformnoga katolicizma. Slijedom toga, u radu će se na primjeru Vrančićevih djela tehničke, jezikoslovne, filozofske, hagiografske i povijesne tematike nastojati osvijetliti složena konfiguracija kasnohumanističke intelektualne kulture na razmeđu Sredozemlja i Srednje Europe čijim je Vrančić bio ne samo iznimno kompetentnim dionikom, nego ju je i uvelike obogatio svojim inovativnim i imaginativnim intelektualnim zamislima i rješenjima.Faust Vrančić (1551 – 1617) is one of the most versatile Croatian humanists and polymaths whose scientifc, literary and political activities deeply marked both Croatian and European intellectual culture and at the turn of the 16th century. In the manner typical for late humanist scholar, Vrančić assimilated, combined and creatively modifed features of various intellectual traditions which fashioned the complex structure of the Renaissance episteme, from Aristotelism and Scholastics to Renaissance Humanism and Reformational Catholicism. By examining technical, linguistic, philosophical, hagiographical and historical works by Faust Vrančić, the complex confguration of late Humanist intellectual culture between Meditteranean and Central Europe has been highlighted. As a consequence, it can be stated that Vrančić was not only its highly competent participant but also one of its most creative and imaginative creators
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