29 research outputs found
Influence of UV-B Light Emitting Diodes on Colour Development and Accumulation of Polyphenols and Antioxidants in Apple Skin
UV light provoked stress can evoke antioxidant defence system and consequently induces the synthesis of several phytochemical compounds. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of UV-B light irradiation on surface colour and synthesis of some bioactive compounds in apples skin of cultivars ‘Elstar’ and ‘Jonagold’. Half of each apple was shaded with aluminium foil to compare irradiated and non-irradiated parts of skin. Apple fruits were exposed to constant UV-B light at 310 nm in chamber for 13 days at 8.5 °C. The UV-B light emitting diodes were positioned ca. 13 cm above the apple fruit and the average irradiance fruit received was 4.6 μW/cm2. Measurements of colour parameters (L*, a*, b*) were performed on the same spots of irradiated and non-irradiated surface of each apple fruit before and after 7, 10 and 13 days of storage constant UV-B light irradiation. All apple fruits started to develop red colour on the irradiated surface. The antioxidant potential, ascorbic acid content, total phenolic compounds, six flavonols and anthocyanin cyanidin-3-galactoside were quantitatively evaluated. Apple skins exposed to UV-B light irradiation contained significantly more total phenolic compounds and had higher antioxidant potential as compared to non-irradiated. UV light treated apple skin contained more cyanidin-3-galactoside and flavonols
Utjecaj žute svjetlosti valne duljine od 590 nm, emitirane pomoću LED svjetiljki, na skladištenje plodova jabuke, rajčice i paprike babure
The objective of this study is to investigate the eff ects of irradiation from light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on several fruits during storage. To improve storage and increase the contents of some bioactive compounds, apple, tomato and red bell pepper fruits were exposed to yellow light emitted from the diodes at 590 nm. The contents of ascorbic acid, total phenolics, total flavonoids and several pigments were investigated, along with the antioxidant potential. The colour parameters (L*, a* and b*) and firmness of the fruit were also determined. After 7 days of LED light irradiation, there was significantly higher total phenolic content and antioxidant potential in apple peel extracts. The irradiated fruit of tomato had significantly higher levels of total phenolic compounds, and the fruit of red bell pepper had significantly higher antioxidant potential. LED light had no effects on the colour parameters, although there was a tendency to accelerate colour development. Apple fruit irradiated with LED light was significantly less firm. Among twelve analysed pigments, significantly more β-carotene was detected in LED light-irradiated apple and bell pepper fruit, more α-tocopherol and γ-tocopherol in bell pepper fruit, and more lutein in apple peel and bell pepper fruit. The applied LED light slightly accelerated the ripening of the studied fruit, and affected the synthesis of some of the secondary metabolites.Svrha je ovoga rada bila ispitati utjecaj svjetlosti koje emitiraju LED svjetiljke na skladištenje nekoliko vrsta plodova. Jabuka, rajčica i paprika babura izlagane su žutoj svjetlosti valne duljine od 590 nm radi poboljšanja trajnosti plodova i povećanja udjela nekih bioaktivnih sastojaka. Određene su sljedeće vrijednosti: udjeli askorbinske kiseline, ukupnih fenola, ukupnih flavonoida i nekoliko pigmenata, te antioksidacijski potencijal plodova. Nakon sedam dana izlaganja plodova LED svjetlosti došlo je do znatnog povećanja udjela ukupnih fenola i antioksidacijskog potencijala u ekstraktima kore jabuke, povećanja udjela ukupnih fenola u plodu rajčice, te do povećanja antioksidacijskog potencijala ploda paprike babure. LED svjetlost nije utjecala na karakteristike boje, iako je donekle ubrzala razvoj boje plodova. Izlaganje jabuke LED svjetlosti uzrokovalo je mekšanje ploda. Ispitani su udjeli dvanaest pigmenata u plodovima, te je pronađeno znatno više β-karotena u jabuci i paprici baburi, više α- i γ-tokoferola u paprici, te više luteina u kori jabuke i plodu paprike babure nego u kontrolnim uzorcima. LED svjetlost je donekle ubrzala sazrijevanje plodova i utjecala je na sintezu nekih sekundarnih metabolita
Relevance and Standardization of In Vitro Antioxidant Assays: ABTS, DPPH, and Folin–Ciocalteu
Trolox, gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, catechin, epigallocatechin gallate, and ascorbic acid are antioxidants used as standards for reaction with chromogenic radicals, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH⋅) and 2,2′-azino-bis-3-ethylbenzotiazolin-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS⋅+), and Folin–Ciocalteu (FC) reagent. The number of exchanged electrons has been analyzed as function of method and solvent. A majority of compounds exchange more electrons in FC assay than in ABTS and DPPH assays. In reaction with chromogenic radicals, the largest number of electrons was exchanged in buffer (pH 7.4) and the lowest reactivity was in methanol (DPPH) and water (ABTS). At physiological pH, the number of exchanged electrons of polyphenols exceeded the number of OH groups, pointing to the important contribution of partially oxidized antioxidants, formed in the course of reaction, to the antioxidant potential. For Trolox, small impact on the number of exchanged electrons was observed, confirming that it is more suitable as a standard compound than the other antioxidants
Kemija z biokemijo
Kemija z biokemijo je učbenik za študente visokošolskega strokovnega študija kmetijstva. V učbeniku so tudi laboratorijske vaje
Accumulation of agmatine, spermidine, and spermine in sprouts and microgreens of alfalfa, fenugreek, lentil, and daikon radish
Sprouts and microgreens are a rich source of various bioactive compounds. Seeds of lentil, fenugreek, alfalfa, and daikon radish seeds were germinated and the contents of the polyamines agmatine (AGM), putrescine (PUT), cadaverine (CAD), spermidine (SPD), and spermine (SPM) in ungerminated seeds, sprouts, and microgreens were determined. In general, sprouting led to the accumulation of the total polyamine content. The highest levels of AGM (5392 mg/kg) were found in alfalfa microgreens, PUT (1079 mg/kg) and CAD (3563 mg/kg) in fenugreek sprouts, SPD (579 mg/kg) in lentil microgreens, and SPM (922 mg/kg) in fenugreek microgreens. A large increase in CAD content was observed in all three legume sprouts. Conversely, the nutritionally beneficial polyamines AGM, SPD, and SPM were accumulated in microgreens, while their contents of CAD were significantly lower. In contrast, daikon radish sprouts exhibited a nutritionally better profile of polyamines than the microgreens. Freezing and thawing of legume sprouts resulted in significant degradation of CAD, PUT, and AGM by endogenous diamine oxidases. The enzymatic potential of fenugreek sprouts can be used to degrade exogenous PUT, CAD, and tyramine at pH values above 5
Germinated buckwheat
The aim was to investigate the effects of the cold dehulling of buckwheat seeds on their germination, total phenolic content (TPC), antioxidant activity (AA) and phenolics composition. Cold dehulling had no negative effects on germination rate and resulted in faster rootlet growth compared to hulled seeds. Although the dehulling of the seeds significantly decreased TPC and AA, the germination of dehulled seeds resulted in 1.8-fold and 1.9-fold higher TPC and AA compared to hulled seeds. Liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry identified several phenolic compounds in free and bound forms. Rutin was the major compound in hulled seeds (98 µg/g dry weight), orientin and vitexin in 96-h germinated dehulled seeds (2205, 1869 µg/g dry weight, respectively). During germination, the increases in the major phenolic compounds were around two orders of magnitude, which were greater than the increases for TPC and AA. As well as orientin and vitexin, high levels of other phenolic compounds were detected for dehulled germinated seeds (e.g., isoorientin, rutin1402, 967 µg/g dry weight, respectively). These data show that dehulled germinated seeds of buckwheat have great potential for use in functional foods as a dietary source of phenolic compounds with health benefits