402 research outputs found

    Combinatorial identities for binary necklaces from exact ray-splitting trace formulae

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    Based on an exact trace formula for a one-dimensional ray-splitting system, we derive novel combinatorial identities for cyclic binary sequences (P\'olya necklaces).Comment: 15 page

    Exact trace formulae for a class of one-dimensional ray-splitting systems

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    Based on quantum graph theory we establish that the ray-splitting trace formula proposed by Couchman {\it et al.} (Phys. Rev. A {\bf 46}, 6193 (1992)) is exact for a class of one-dimensional ray-splitting systems. Important applications in combinatorics are suggested.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Diagnostic criterion for crystallized beams

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    Small ion crystals in a Paul trap are stable even in the absence of laser cooling. Based on this theoretically and experimentally well-established fact we propose the following diagnostic criterion for establishing the presence of a crystallized beam: Absence of heating following the shut-down of all cooling devices. The validity of the criterion is checked with the help of detailed numerical simulations.Comment: REVTeX, 11 pages, 4 figures; submitted to PR

    One-dimensional quantum chaos: Explicitly solvable cases

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    We present quantum graphs with remarkably regular spectral characteristics. We call them {\it regular quantum graphs}. Although regular quantum graphs are strongly chaotic in the classical limit, their quantum spectra are explicitly solvable in terms of periodic orbits. We present analytical solutions for the spectrum of regular quantum graphs in the form of explicit and exact periodic orbit expansions for each individual energy level.Comment: 9 pages and 4 figure

    Reflection Symmetric Ballistic Microstructures: Quantum Transport Properties

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    We show that reflection symmetry has a strong influence on quantum transport properties. Using a random S-matrix theory approach, we derive the weak-localization correction, the magnitude of the conductance fluctuations, and the distribution of the conductance for three classes of reflection symmetry relevant for experimental ballistic microstructures. The S-matrix ensembles used fall within the general classification scheme introduced by Dyson, but because the conductance couples blocks of the S-matrix of different parity, the resulting conductance properties are highly non-trivial.Comment: 4 pages, includes 3 postscript figs, uses revte

    Mesoscopic Transport Through Ballistic Cavities: A Random S-Matrix Theory Approach

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    We deduce the effects of quantum interference on the conductance of chaotic cavities by using a statistical ansatz for the S matrix. Assuming that the circular ensembles describe the S matrix of a chaotic cavity, we find that the conductance fluctuation and weak-localization magnitudes are universal: they are independent of the size and shape of the cavity if the number of incoming modes, N, is large. The limit of small N is more relevant experimentally; here we calculate the full distribution of the conductance and find striking differences as N changes or a magnetic field is applied.Comment: 4 pages revtex 3.0 (2-column) plus 2 postscript figures (appended), hub.pam.94.

    Goos-Haenchen induced vector eigenmodes in a dome cavity

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    We demonstrate numerically calculated electromagnetic eigenmodes of a 3D dome cavity resonator that owe their shape and character entirely to the Goos-Haenchen effect. The V-shaped modes, which have purely TE or TM polarization, are well described by a 2D billiard map with the Goos-Haenchen shift included. A phase space plot of this augmented billiard map reveals a saddle-node bifurcation; the stable periodic orbit that is created in the bifurcation corresponds to the numerically calculated eigenmode, dictating the angle of its "V". A transition from a fundamental Gaussian to a TM V mode has been observed as the cavity is lengthened to become nearly hemispherical.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum Fractal Fluctuations

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    We numerically analyse quantum survival probability fluctuations in an open, classically chaotic system. In a quasi-classical regime, and in the presence of classical mixed phase space, such fluctuations are believed to exhibit a fractal pattern, on the grounds of semiclassical arguments. In contrast, we work in a classical regime of complete chaoticity, and in a deep quantum regime of strong localization. We provide evidence that fluctuations are still fractal, due to the slow, purely quantum algebraic decay in time produced by dynamical localization. Such findings considerably enlarge the scope of the existing theory.Comment: revtex, 4 pages, 5 figure

    Correlations and pair emission in the escape dynamics of ions from one-dimensional traps

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    We explore the non-equilibrium escape dynamics of long-range interacting ions in one-dimensional traps. The phase space of the few ion setup and its impact on the escape properties are studied. As a main result we show that an instantaneous reduction of the trap's potential depth leads to the synchronized emission of a sequence of ion pairs if the initial configurations are close to the crystalline ionic configuration. The corresponding time-intervals of the consecutive pair emission as well as the number of emitted pairs can be tuned by changing the final trap depth. Correlations between the escape times and kinetic energies of the ions are observed and analyzed.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure