11 research outputs found

    Simvastatin pre-treatment improves survival and mitochondrial function in a 3-day fluid-resuscitated rat model of sepsis

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    Statins may offer protective effects in sepsis through anti-inflammatory, mitochondrial protection and other actions. We thus evaluated the effects of simvastatin on survival, organ and mitochondrial function, tissue and plasma ubiquinone levels and liver transcriptomics in a 3-day rat model of sepsis. Comparisons of rat plasma simvastatin and ubiquinone levels were made against levels sampled in blood from patients with acute lung injury (ALI) enrolled into a trial of statin therapy. Animals received simvastatin by gavage either pre- or post-induction of faecal peritonitis. Control septic animals received vehicle alone. Seventy-two-hour survival was significantly greater in statin pre-treated animals (43.7%) compared with their statin post-treated (12.5%) and control septic (25%) counterparts (P<0.05). Sepsis-induced biochemical derangements in liver and kidney improved with statin therapy, particularly when given pre-insult. Both simvastatin pre- and post-treatment prevented the fall in mitochondrial oxygen consumption in muscle fibres taken from septic animals at 24 h. This beneficial effect was paralleled by recovery of genes related to fatty acid metabolism. Simvastatin pre-treatment resulted in a significant decrease in myocardial ubiquinone. Patients with ALI had a marked variation in plasma simvastatin acid levels; however, their ubiquinone/low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol ratio did not differ regardless of whether they were receiving statin or placebo. In summary, despite protective effects seen with statin treatment given both pre- and post-insult, survival benefit was only seen with pre-treatment, reflecting experiences in patient studies

    In the rheumatoid pannus, anti-filaggrin autoantibodies are produced by local plasma cells and constitute a higher proportion of IgG than in synovial fluid and serum

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    IgG anti-filaggrin autoantibodies (AFA) are the most specific serological markers of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). They include the so-called ‘anti-keratin antibodies’ (AKA) and anti-perinuclear factor (APF), and recognize human epidermal filaggrin and other (pro)filaggrin-related proteins of various epithelial tissues. In this study we demonstrate that AFA are produced in rheumatoid synovial joints. In 31 RA patients, AFA levels were assayed at equal IgG concentrations in paired synovial fluids (SF) and sera. AFA titre-like values determined by indirect immunofluorescence and immunoblotting and AFA concentrations determined by ELISA were non-significantly different in serum and SF, clearly indicating that AFA are not concentrated in SF. In contrast, we demonstrated that AFA are enriched in RA synovial membranes, since the ELISA-determined AFA in low ionic-strength extracts of synovial tissue from four RA patients represented a 7·5-fold higher proportion of total IgG than in paired sera. When small synovial tissue explants from RA patients were cultured for a period of 5 weeks, the profile of IgG and AFA released in the culture supernatants was first consistent with passive diffusion of the tissue-infiltrating IgG (including AFA) over the first day of culture, then with a de novo synthesis of IgG and AFA. Therefore, AFA-secreting plasma cells are present in the synovial tissue of RA patients and AFA can represent a significant proportion of the IgG secreted within the rheumatoid pannus

    Intravenous Immunoglobulin with Enhanced Polyspecificity Improves Survival in Experimental Sepsis and Aseptic Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndromes.

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    International audienceSepsis is a major cause for death worldwide. Numerous interventional trials with agents neutralizing single pro-inflammatory mediators have failed to improve survival in sepsis and aseptic systemic inflammatory response syndromes. This failure could well be explained by the widespread gene expression dysregulation known as "genomic storm" in these patients. A multifunctional polyspecific therapeutic agent might be needed to thwart the effects of this "storm". Licensed pooled intravenous immunoglobulin preparations seemed to be a promising candidate but they have also failed in their present form to prevent sepsis-related death. We report here the protective effect of a single dose of intravenous immunoglobulin preparations with additionally enhanced polyspecificity in three models of sepsis and aseptic systemic inflammation. The modification of the pooled immunoglobulin G molecules by exposure to ferrous ions resulted in their newly acquired ability to bind some pro-inflammatory molecules, complement components and endogenous "danger" signals. The improved survival in endotoxemia was associated with serum levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, diminished complement consumption and normalization of the coagulation time. We suggest that intravenous immunoglobulin preparations with additionally enhanced polyspecificity have a clinical potential in sepsis and related systemic inflammatory syndromes