34 research outputs found

    The deubiquitinating enzyme Doa4p protects cells from DNA topoisomerase I poisons

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    DNA topoisomerase I (Top1p) catalyzes changes in DNA topology via the formation of an enzyme-DNA covalent complex that is reversibly stabilized by the antitumor drug, camptothecin (CPT). During S-phase, collisions with replication forks convert these complexes into cytotoxic DNA lesions that trigger cell cycle arrest and cell death. To investigate cellular responses to CPT-induced DNA damage, a yeast genetic screen identified conditional tah mutants with enhanced sensitivity to self-poisoning DNA topoisomerase I mutant (Top1T722Ap), which mimics the action of CPT. Mutant alleles of three genes, DOA4, SLA1 and SLA2, were recovered. A nonsense mutation in DOA4 eliminated the catalytic residues of the Doa4p deubiquitinating enzyme, yet retained the rhodanase domain. At 36 degrees C, this doa4-10 mutant exhibited increased sensitivity to CPT, osmotic stress, and hydroxyurea, and a reversible petite phenotype. However, the accumulation of pre-vacuolar class E vesicles that was observed in doa4Delta cells was not detected in the doa4-10 mutant. Mutations in SLA1 or SLA2, which alter actin cytoskeleton architecture, induced a conditional synthetic lethal phenotype in combination with doa4-10 in the absence of DNA damage. Here actin cytoskeleton defects coincided with the enhanced fragility of large-budded cells. In contrast, the enhanced sensitivity of doa4-10 mutant cells to Top1T722Ap was unrelated to alterations in endocytosis and was selectively suppressed by increased dosage of the ribonucleotide reductase inhibitor Sml1p. Additional studies suggest a role for Doa4p in the Rad9p checkpoint response to Top1p poisons. These findings indicate a functional link between ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis and cellular resistance to CPT-induced DNA damage

    Molecular Mechanism of DNA Topoisomerase I-Dependent rDNA Silencing: Sir2p Recruitment at Ribosomal Genes

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    Saccharomyces cerevisiae sir2Δ or top1Δ mutants exhibit similar phenotypes involving ribosomal DNA, including (i) loss of transcriptional silencing, resulting in non-coding RNA hyperproduction from cryptic RNA polymerase II promoters; (ii) alterations in recombination; and (iii) a general increase in histone acetylation. Given the distinct enzymatic activities of Sir2 and Top1 proteins, a histone deacetylase and a DNA topoisomerase, respectively, we investigated whether genetic and/or physical interactions between the two proteins could explain the shared ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) phenotypes. We employed an approach of complementing top1Δ cells with yeast, human, truncated, and chimeric yeast/human TOP1 constructs and of assessing the extent of non-coding RNA silencing and histone H4K16 deacetylation. Our findings demonstrate that residues 115–125 within the yeast Top1p N-terminal domain are required for the complementation of the top1Δ rDNA phenotypes. In chromatin immunoprecipitation and co-immunoprecipitation experiments, we further demonstrate the physical interaction between Top1p and Sir2p. Our genetic and biochemical studies support a model whereby Top1p recruits Sir2p to the rDNA and clarifies a structural role of DNA topoisomerase I in the epigenetic regulation of rDNA, independent of its known catalytic activity

    Increased camptothecin toxicity induced in mammalian cells expressing Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA topoisomerase I

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    The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been useful in establishing the phenotypic effects of specific mutations on the enzymatic activity and camptothecin sensitivity of yeast and human DNA topoisomerase I. To determine whether these phenotypes were faithfully reiterated in higher eukaryotic cells, wild-type and mutant yeast Top1 proteins were epitope-tagged at the amino terminus and transiently overexpressed in mammalian COS cells. Camptothecin preferentially induced apoptosis in cells expressing wild-type eScTop1p yet did not appreciably increase the cytotoxic response of cells expressing a catalytically inactive (eSctop1Y727F) or a catalytically active, camptothecin-resistant eSctop1vac mutant. Using an epitope-specific antibody, immobilized precipitates of eScTop1p were active in DNA relaxation assays, whereas immunoprecipitates of eScTop1Y727Fp were not. Thus, the enzyme retained catalytic activity while tethered to a support. Interestingly, the mutant eSctop1T722A, which mimics camptothecin-induced cytotoxicity in yeast through stabilization of the covalent enzyme-DNA intermediate, induced apoptosis in COS cells in the absence of camptothecin. This correlated with increased DNA cleavage in immunoprecipitates of eScTop1T722Ap, in the absence of the drug. The observation that the phenotypic consequences of expressing wild-type and mutant yeast enzymes were reiterated in mammalian cells suggests that the mechanisms underlying cellular responses to DNA topoisomerase I-mediated DNA damage are conserved between yeast and mammalian cells

    Mechanisms regulating cellular responses to DNA topoisomerase I-targeted agents

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    none2noneBenedetti P; Bjornsti MA.Benedetti, Pietro; Bjornsti, M. A

    Mutation of Gly\u3csup\u3e721\u3c/sup\u3e alters DNA topoisomerase I active site architecture and sensitivity to camptothecin

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    DNA topoisomerase I (Top1p) catalyzes the relaxation of supercoiled DNA via a concerted mechanism of DNA strand cleavage and religation. Top1p is the cellular target of the anticancer drug camptothecin (CPT), which reversibly stabilizes a covalent enzyme-DNA intermediate. Top1p clamps around duplex DNA, wherein the core and C-terminal domains are connected by extended α-helices (linker domain), which position the active site Tyr of the C-terminal domain within the catalytic pocket. The physical connection of the linker with the Top1p clamp as well as linker flexibility affect enzyme sensitivity to CPT. Crystallographic data reveal that a conserved Gly residue (located at the juncture between the linker and C-terminal domains) is at one end of a short α-helix, which extends to the active site Tyr covalently linked to the DNA. In the presence of drug, the linker is rigid and this α-helix extends to include Gly and the preceding Leu. We report that mutation of this conserved Gly in yeast Top1p alters enzyme sensitivity to CPT. Mutating Gly to Asp, Glu, Asn, Gln, Leu, or Ala enhanced enzyme CPT sensitivity, with the acidic residues inducing the greatest increase in drug sensitivity in vivo and in vitro. By contrast, Val or Phe substituents rendered the enzyme CPT-resistant. Mutation-induced alterations in enzyme architecture preceding the active site Tyr suggest these structural transitions modulate enzyme sensitivity to CPT, while enhancing the rate of DNA cleavage. We postulate that this conserved Gly residue provides a flexible hinge within the Top1p catalytic pocket to facilitate linker dynamics and the structural alterations that accompany drug binding of the covalent enzyme-DNA intermediate. © 2008 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc

    Induction of Topoisomerase I Cleavage Complexes by the Vinyl Chloride Adduct 1, N 6 -Ethenoadenine

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    International audienceWe used purified mammalian topoisomerases I (top1) and oligonucleotides to study top1-mediated cleavage and religation in the presence of a potent carcinogenic adduct, 1,N6-ethenoadenosine (epsilonA) incorporated immediately downstream of a unique top1 cleavage site. We found tha epsilonA markedly enhanced top1 cleavage complexes when it was incorporated at the +1 position of the top1 cleavage. This enhancement was due to a reduction of the religation step of the top1 reaction. In addition, epsilonA reduced the top1-mediated cleavage and decreased binding of the enzyme to DNA. We also studied the effects of the epsilonA adduct on top1 trapping by camptothecin (CPT), a well known top1 inhibitor. CPT was inactive when epsilonA was present at the +1 position. Alkylation of the top1 cleavage complex by 7-chloromethyl-10,11-methylenedioxycamptothecin (7-ClMe-MDO-CPT) was also blocked by the epsilonA adduct. Altogether, these results demonstrate that the epsilonA carcinogenic adduct can efficiently trap human top1 and mimic CPT effects. Normal hydrogen bonding of the base pairs immediately downstream from the top1 cleavage site is probably essential for efficient DNA religation and binding of camptothecins in the top1 cleavage complex

    Substitutions of Asn-726 in the Active Site of Yeast DNA Topoisomerase I Define Novel Mechanisms of Stabilizing the Covalent Enzyme-DNA Intermediate

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    International audienceEukaryotic DNA topoisomerase I (Top1p) catalyzes changes in DNA topology and is the cellular target of camptothecin. Recent reports of enzyme structure highlight the importance of conserved amino acids N-terminal to the active site tyrosine and the involvement of Asn-726 in mediating Top1p sensitivity to camptothecin. To investigate the contribution of this residue to enzyme catalysis, we evaluated the effect of substituting His, Asp, or Ser for Asn-726 on yeast Top1p. Top1N726S and Top1N726D mutant proteins were resistant to camptothecin, although the Ser mutant was distinguished by a lack of detectable changes in activity. Thus, a basic residue immediately N-terminal to the active site tyrosine is required for camptothecin cytotoxicity. However, replacing Asn-726 with Asp or His interfered with distinct aspects of the catalytic cycle, resulting in cell lethality. In contrast to camptothecin, which inhibits enzyme-catalyzed religation of DNA, the His substituent enhanced the rate of DNA scission, whereas the Asp mutation diminished the enzyme binding of DNA. Yet, these effects on enzyme catalysis were not mutually exclusive as the His mutant was hypersensitive to camptothecin. These results suggest distinct mechanisms of poisoning DNA topoisomerase I may be explored in the development of antitumor agents capable of targeting different aspects of the Top1p catalytic cycle

    DNA topoisomerase I domain interactions impact enzyme activity and sensitivity to camptothecin

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    During processes such as DNA replication and transcription, DNA topoisomerase I (Top1) catalyzes the relaxation of DNA supercoils. The nuclear enzyme is also the cellular target of camptothecin (CPT) chemotherapeutics. Top1 contains four domains: the highly conserved core and C-terminal domains involved in catalysis, a coiled-coil linker domain of variable length, and a poorly conserved N-terminal domain. Yeast and human Top1 share a common reaction mechanism and domain structure. However, the human Top1 is ∼100-fold more sensitive to CPT. Moreover, substitutions of a conserved Gly717 residue, which alter intrinsic enzyme sensitivity to CPT, induce distinct phenotypes in yeast. To address the structural basis for these differences, reciprocal swaps of yeast and human Top1 domains were engineered in chimeric enzymes. Here we report that intrinsic Top1 sensitivity to CPT is dictated by the composition of the conserved core and C-terminal domains. However, independent of CPT, biochemically similar chimeric enzymes produced strikingly distinct phenotypes in yeast. Expression of a human Top1 chimera containing the yeast linker domain proved toxic, even in the context of a catalytically inactive Y723F enzyme. Lethality was suppressed either by splicing the yeast N-terminal domain into the chimera, deleting the human N-terminal residues, or in enzymes reconstituted by polypeptide complementation. These data demonstrate a functional interaction between the N-terminal and linker domains, which, when mispaired between yeast and human enzymes, induces cell lethality. Because toxicity was independent of enzyme catalysis, the inappropriate coordination of N-terminal and linker domains may induce aberrant Top1-protein interactions to impair cell growth

    Alterations in linker flexibility suppress DNA topoisomerase I mutant-induced cell lethality

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    Eukaryotic DNA topoisomerase I (Top1p) catalyzes changes in DNA topology via the formation of a covalent enzyme-DNA intermediate, which is reversibly stabilized by the anticancer agent camptothecin (CPT). Crystallographic studies of the 70-kDa C terminus of human Top1p bound to duplex DNA describe a monomeric protein clamp circumscribing the DNA helix. The structures, which lack the N-terminal domain, comprise the conserved clamp, an extended linker domain, and the conserved C-terminal active site Tyr domain. CPT bound to the covalent Top1p-DNA complex limits linker flexibility, allowing structural determination of this domain. We previously reported that mutation of Ala(653) to Pro in the linker increases the rate of enzyme-catalyzed DNA religation, thereby rendering Top1A653Pp resistant to CPT (Fiorani, P., Bruselles, A., Falconi, M., Chillemi, G., Desideri, A., and Benedetti P. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 43268-43275). Molecular dynamics studies suggested mutation-induced increases in linker flexibility alter Top1p catalyzed DNA religation. To address the functional consequences of linker flexibility on enzyme catalysis and drug sensitivity, we investigated the interactions of the A653P linker mutation with a self-poisoning T718A mutation within the active site of Top1p. The A653P mutation suppressed the lethal phenotype of Top1T718Ap in yeast, yet did not restore enzyme sensitivity to CPT. However, the specific activity of the double mutant was decreased in vivo and in vitro, consistent with a decrease in DNA binding. These findings support a model where changes in the flexibility or orientation of the linker alter the geometry of the active site and thereby the kinetics of DNA cleavage/religation catalyzed by Top1p