3 research outputs found

    Global expression analysis of the yeast Lachancea (saccharomyces) kluyveri reveals new URC genes involved in pyrimidine catabolism

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    Pyrimidines are important nucleic acid precursors which are constantly synthesized, degraded, and rebuilt in the cell. Four degradation pathways, two of which are found in eukaryotes, have been described. One of them, the URC pathway, has been initially discovered in our laboratory in the yeast Lachancea kluyveri. Here, we present the global changes in gene expression in L. kluyveri in response to different nitrogen sources, including uracil, uridine, dihydrouracil, and ammonia. The expression pattern of the known URC genes, URC1-6, helped to identify nine putative novel URC genes with a similar expression pattern. The microarray analysis provided evidence that both the URC and PYD genes are under nitrogen catabolite repression in L. kluyveri and are induced by uracil or dihydrouracil, respectively. We determined the function of URC8, which was found to catalyze the reduction of malonate semialdehyde to 3-hydroxypropionate, the final degradation product of the pathway. The other eight genes studied were all putative permeases. Our analysis of double deletion strains showed that the L. kluyveri Fui1p protein transported uridine, just like its homolog in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but we demonstrated that is was not the only uridine transporter in L. kluyveri. We also showed that the L. kluyveri homologs of DUR3 and FUR4 do not have the same function that they have in S. cerevisiae, where they transport urea and uracil, respectively. In L. kluyveri, both of these deletion strains grew normally on uracil and urea

    A second pathway to degrade pyrimidine nucleic acid precursors in eukaryotes

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    Pyrimidine bases are the central precursors for RNA and DNA, and their intracellular pools are determined by de novo, salvage and catabolic pathways. In eukaryotes, degradation of uracil has been believed to proceed only via the reduction to dihydrouracil. Using a yeast model, Saccharomyces kluyveri, we show that during degradation, uracil is not reduced to dihydrouracil. Six loci, named URC1-6 (for uracil catabolism), are involved in the novel catabolic pathway. Four of them, URC3,5, URC6, and URC2 encode urea amidolyase, uracil phosphoribosyltransferase, and a putative transcription factor, respectively. The gene products of URC1 and URC4 are highly conserved proteins with so far unknown functions and they are present in a variety of prokaryotes and fungi. In bacteria and in some fungi, URC1 and URC4 are linked on the genome together with the gene for uracil phosphoribosyltransferase (URC6). Urc1p and Urc4p are therefore likely the core components of this novel biochemical pathway. A combination of genetic and analytical chemistry methods demonstrates that uridine monophosphate and urea are intermediates, and 3-hydroxypropionic acid, ammonia and carbon dioxide the final products of degradation. The URC pathway does not require the presence of an active respiratory chain and is therefore different from the oxidative and rut pathways described in prokaryotes, although the latter also gives 3-hydroxypropionic acid as the end product. The genes of the URC pathway are not homologous to any of the eukaryotic or prokaryotic genes involved in pyrimidine degradation described to date