21 research outputs found

    Biophysical physiology of phosphoinositide rapid dynamics and regulation in living cells

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    Phosphoinositide membrane lipids are ubiquitous low-abundance signaling molecules. They direct many physiological processes that involve ion channels, membrane identification, fusion of membrane vesicles, and vesicular endocytosis. Pools of these lipids are continually broken down and refilled in living cells, and the rates of some of these reactions are strongly accelerated by physiological stimuli. Recent biophysical experiments described here measure and model the kinetics and regulation of these lipid signals in intact cells. Rapid on-line monitoring of phosphoinositide metabolism is made possible by optical tools and electrophysiology. The experiments reviewed here reveal that as for other cellular second messengers, the dynamic turnover and lifetimes of membrane phosphoinositides are measured in seconds, controlling and timing rapid physiological responses, and the signaling is under strong metabolic regulation. The underlying mechanisms of this metabolic regulation remain questions for the future

    A reaction-time adjusted PSI method for estimating performance in the stop-signal task.

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    A central experimental task in executive control research is the Stop-signal task, which allows measuring the ability to inhibit dominant responses. A crucial aspect of this task consists of varying the delay between the Go- and Stop-signal. Since the time necessary to administer the task can be long, a method of optimal delay choice was recently proposed: the PSI method. In a behavioral experiment, we show a variant of this method, the PSI marginal method, to be unable to deal with the Go-response slowing often observed in the Stop-signal task. We propose the PSI adjusted method, which is able to deal with this response slowing by correcting the estimation process for the current reaction time. In several sets of behavioral simulations, as well as another behavioral experiment, we document and compare the statistical properties of the PSI marginal method, our PSI adjusted method, and the traditional staircase method, both when reaction times are constant and when they are linearly increasing. The results show the PSI adjusted method's performance to be comparable to the PSI marginal method in the case of constant Go-response times, and to outperform the PSI marginal method as well as the staircase methods when there is response slowing. The PSI adjusted method thus offers the possibility of efficient estimation of Stop-signal reaction times in the face of response slowing

    Membrane-localized beta-subunits alter the PIP2 regulation of high-voltage activated Ca2+ channels

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    The β-subunits of voltage-gated Ca 2+ (Ca V) channels regulate the functional expression and several biophysical properties of high-voltage-activated Ca V channels. We find that Ca V β-subunits also determine channel regulation by the membrane phospholipid phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP 2). When Ca V1.3, -2.1, or -2.2 channels are cotransfected with the β3-subunit, a cytosolic protein, they can be inhibited by activating a voltage-sensitive lipid phosphatase to deplete PIP 2. When these channels are coexpressed with a β2a-subunit, a palmitoylated peripheral membrane protein, the inhibition is much smaller. PIP 2 sensitivity could be increased by disabling the two palmitoylation sites in the β2a-subunit. To further test effects of membrane targeting of Ca V β-subunits on PIP 2 regulation, the N terminus of Lyn was ligated onto the cytosolic β3-subunit to confer lipidation. This chimera, like the Ca V β2a-subunit, displayed plasma membrane localization, slowed the inactivation of Ca V2.2 channels, and increased the current density. In addition, the Lyn-β3 subunit significantly decreased Ca Vchannel inhibition by PIP 2 depletion. Evidently lipidation and membrane anchoring of Ca V β-subunits compete with the PIP 2 regulation of high-voltage-activated Ca V channels. Compared with expression with Ca V β3-subunits alone, inhibition of Ca V2.2 channels by PIP 2 depletion could be significantly attenuated when β2a was coexpressed with β3. Our data suggest that the Ca V currents in neurons would be regulated by membrane PIP 2 to a degree that depends on their endogenous β-subunit combinations.

    Toward objective monitoring of Parkinson's disease motor symptoms using a wearable device: wearability and performance evaluation of PDMonitor®

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by a variety of motor and non-motor symptoms. As disease progresses, fluctuations in the response to levodopa treatment may develop, along with emergence of freezing of gait (FoG) and levodopa induced dyskinesia (LiD). The optimal management of the motor symptoms and their complications, depends, principally, on the consistent detection of their course, leading to improved treatment decisions. During the last few years, wearable devices have started to be used in the clinical practice for monitoring patients' PD-related motor symptoms, during their daily activities. This work describes the results of 2 multi-site clinical studies (PDNST001 and PDNST002) designed to validate the performance and the wearability of a new wearable monitoring device, the PDMonitor®, in the detection of PD-related motor symptoms. For the studies, 65 patients with Parkinson's disease and 28 healthy individuals (controls) were recruited. Specifically, during the Phase I of the first study, participants used the monitoring device for 2–6 h in a clinic while neurologists assessed the exhibited parkinsonian symptoms every half hour using the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) Part III, as well as the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) for dyskinesia severity assessment. The goal of Phase I was data gathering. On the other hand, during the Phase II of the first study, as well as during the second study (PDNST002), day-to-day variability was evaluated, with patients in the former and with control subjects in the latter. In both cases, the device was used for a number of days, with the subjects being unsupervised and free to perform any kind of daily activities. The monitoring device produced estimations of the severity of the majority of PD-related motor symptoms and their fluctuations. Statistical analysis demonstrated that the accuracy in the detection of symptoms and the correlation between their severity and the expert evaluations were high. As a result, the studies confirmed the effectiveness of the system as a continuous telemonitoring solution, easy to be used to facilitate decision-making for the treatment of patients with Parkinson's disease

    Maturing Autophagosomes are Transported Towards the Cell Periphery

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    Autophagosome maturation comprises fusion with lysosomes and acidification. It is a critical step in the degradation of cytosolic protein aggregates that characterize many neurodegenerative diseases. In order to better understand this process, we studied intracellular trafficking of autophagosomes and aggregates of α-synuclein, which characterize Parkinson's disease and other synucleinopathies. The autophagosomal marker LC3 and the aggregation prone A53T mutant of α-synuclein were tagged by fluorescent proteins and expressed in HEK293T cells and primary astrocytes. The subcellular distribution and movement of these vesicle populations were analyzed by (time-lapse) microscopy. Fusion with lysosomes was assayed using the lysosomal marker LAMP1; vesicles with neutral and acidic luminal pH were discriminated using the RFP-GFP 'tandem-fluorescence' tag. With respect to vesicle pH, we observed that neutral autophagosomes, marked by LC3 or synuclein, were located more frequently in the cell center, and acidic autophagosomes were observed more frequently in the cell periphery. Acidic autophagosomes were transported towards the cell periphery more often, indicating that acidification occurs in the cell center before transport to the periphery. With respect to autolysosomal fusion, we found that lysosomes preferentially moved towards the cell center, whereas autolysosomes moved towards the cell periphery, suggesting a cycle where lysosomes are generated in the periphery and fuse to autophagosomes in the cell center. Unexpectedly, many acidic autophagosomes were negative for LAMP1, indicating that acidification does not require fusion to lysosomes. Moreover, we found both neutral and acidic vesicles positive for LAMP1, consistent with delayed acidification of the autolysosome lumen. Individual steps of aggregate clearance thus occur in dedicated cellular regions. During aggregate clearance, autophagosomes and autolysosomes form in the center and are transported towards the periphery during maturation. In this process, luminal pH could regulate the direction of vesicle transport. (1) Transport and location of autophagosomes depend on luminal pH: Acidic autophagosomes are preferentially transported to the cell periphery, causing more acidic autophagosomes in the cell periphery and more neutral autophagosomes at the microtubule organizing center (MTOC). (2) Autolysosomes are transported to the cell periphery and lysosomes to the MTOC, suggesting spatial segregation of lysosome reformation and autolysosome fusion. (3) Synuclein aggregates are preferentially located at the MTOC and synuclein-containing vesicles in the cell periphery, consistent with transport of aggregates to the MTOC for autophagy

    Localization of NL3 in the mouse retina.

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    <p>To ascertain the distribution of NL3 at retinal synapses, co-immunolabelings with excitatory (B) and inhibitory (A, C, D, F) postsynaptic markers were carried out. NL3 essentially did not associate with the excitatory postsynaptic protein PSD-95 (B, E); it colocalized extensively with the ubiquitous GABA<sub>A</sub>γ2 receptor marker (A, E) and equally well with GABA<sub>A</sub>α1, α2 and α3 receptor subsets, suggesting its association with diverse retinal GABA<sub>A</sub> receptor subtypes (C-F). NL3 was also frequently observed together with glycine receptors (GlyR, labeled with a pan-GlyR antibody) (C, E). Plots in E represent true colocalization estimates after subtraction of random associations (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0181011#sec002" target="_blank">Methods</a>). N = 3 animals and at least 4 image sections analyzed per staining. Plots represent mean ± SEM. OPL, outer plexiform layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; IPL, inner plexiform layer; GCL, ganglion cell layer.</p