27 research outputs found

    Joint models for noise annoyance and WTP for road noise reduction

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    Previous CV studies of the WTP for road noise reduction have used stated annoyance as an independent variable. We argue that this may be inappropriate due to potential endogeneity bias. Instead, an alternative model is proposed that treats both WTP and annoyance as endogenous variables in a simultaneous equation model as a combination of a linear regression with an ordered probit with correlated error terms and possibly common parameters. Thus, information on stated annoyance is utilised to estimate WTP without bias. Application of the model to a dataset from Copenhagen indicates a potential for improving the precision of the estimate of WTP for noise reduction with CV data.Road noise, annoyance, WTP, hurdle model, qualitative responses

    On the value of silence: A comparison of stated and revealed preferences for the external costs of traffic noise

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    During the last decades several studies have been carried out in order to measure the external costs of traffic noise. Both direct valuation methods, like contingent valuation (CV) and revealed preference studies linking noise levels to house prices, have been used. Though comparison of results from such studies are common, only few studies have carried out such a comparison based on the exact same area/respondents. We present preliminary results from an ongoing research project, which compares valuation results obtained by the CV method and hedonic pricing for residents in urban Copenhagen. The contingent valuation study is carried out by combining a standard socio-acoustic survey on noise annoyance with a CV scenario on the removal of the noise annoyance. Data from the hedonic pricing are partly obtained from survey and partly from the Danish housing register

    Du sætter pris på natur, når du går en tur

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    Skoven er dejlig - også for grundvandet

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    Incitamenter for forebyggelse af trafikuheld

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    På baggrund af en række forudsætninger vises det, at de danske vejbestyrelser i gennemsnit betaler 71% af de omkostninger, der er knyttet til trafikuheld med personskader, som sker på deres veje. For kommunerne er andelen kun 55%. Dette betegnes i denne artikel som manglende incitamenter for forebyggelse af trafikuheld. I incitamentet medtages borgernes velfærdstab i forbindelse med trafikuheld. Der gennemregnes to policy-forslag, som forbedrer forholdene, så incitamentet øges til henholdsvis 81 og 90%. Det er fundet, at antallet af alvorlige personskader på kommunevej kan forklares med en række parametre, bl.a. om kommunen er velstående. Der er ikke fundet en klar sammenhæng mellem antal personskader og incitamentet, som vi har beregnet den. En fjernelse af de skæve incitamenter skønnes imidlertid, at kunne reducere de alvorlige personskader med knap 8 - 10%. Artiklen demonstrerer en økonomisk metode til at vurdere den nuværende organisering af vejsektoren. Der er tale om en partiel analyse, hvor fokus er på fordelingen af uheldsomkostninger og de forskellige vejbestyrelsers incitament til forebyggelse af trafikuheld. Endvidere fokuseres på mulige ulemper ved decentralisering, potentielle fordele medtages ikke. En række parametervariationer viser den ganske betydelige usikkerhed i den nuværende opgørelse. &nbsp

    Regulation of air pollution from wood-burning stoves

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    En økonomisk model for bilejerskab og bilkørsel

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    Transport Demand and Environmental Regulation in the Transport Sector

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